Bills of exchange (non-payment) (1832) (Imp)


Bills of exchange (non-payment) (1832) (Imp)


1.Bills of exchange expressed to be paid in any place other than the residence of the drawee, if not accepted on presentment, may be protested in that place, unless amount paid to the holder1


Compilation table3


Bills of exchange (non‑payment) (1832) (Imp)

An Act for regulating the protesting for Non‑payment of Bills of Exchange drawn payable at a Place not being the Place of the Residence of the Drawee or Drawees of the same.


Whereas doubts having arisen as to the place in which it is requisite to protest for non‑payment bills of exchange, which on the presentment for acceptance to the drawee or drawees shall not have been accepted, such bills of exchange being made payable at a place other than the place mentioned therein to be the residence of the drawee or drawees thereof, and it is expedient to remove such doubts:

Be it therefore enacted by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same,

1.Bills of exchange expressed to be paid in any place other than the residence of the drawee, if not accepted on presentment, may be protested in that place, unless amount paid to the holder

[T]hat from and after the passing of this Act all bills of exchange wherein the drawer or drawers thereof shall have expressed that such bills of exchange are to be payable in any place other than the place by him or them therein mentioned to be the residence of the drawee or drawees thereof, and which shall not on the presentment for acceptance thereof be accepted, shall or may be, without further presentment to the drawee or drawees, protested for non‑payment in the place in which such bills of exchange shall have been by the drawer or drawers expressed to be payable, unless the amount owing upon such bills of exchange have been paid to the holder or holders thereof on the day on which such bills of exchange would have become payable had the same been duly accepted.



1This is a compilation of the Bills of exchange (non‑payment) (1832) (Imp). The following table contains information about that Act and any previous reprints.

Compilation table

Short title

Number and year



Bills of exchange (non‑payment) (1832) (Imp) 2

1832 (2 & 3 Will. IV c. 98)

9 Aug 1832

11 Apr 1836 (adopted by Imperial Acts Adopting Act 1836)

Reprinted as at 26 Oct 1999

2Adopted in WA by Imperial Acts Adopting Act 1836 (preamble, item 10).

(6 Will. IV No. 4) [Assent 11 April 1836]

Affected by the Bills of Exchange Act 1909 (Cwlth).