Railway (Coogee-Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 1973
Western Australia
Railway (Coogee-Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 1973
1.Short title1
4.Discontinuance of railway and incidental matters1
Compilation table4
Western Australia
Railway (Coogee‑Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 1973
An Act to authorize the Discontinuance of portion of the Coogee‑Kwinana Railway and for incidental purposes.
Be it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: —
This Act may be cited as the Railway (Coogee‑Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 1973.
This Act shall come into operation on a date to be proclaimed.
In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears —
“scheduled railway” means the portion of the Coogee‑Kwinana Railway described in the Schedule to this Act.
4.Discontinuance of railway and incidental matters
On and from the date of the coming into operation of this Act the scheduled railway shall cease to be operated, and on and from that date —
(a)the material comprising the scheduled railway or any portion of that material may be —
(i)used in the construction or maintenance of any Government railway as defined by section 2 of the Government Railways Act 1904;
(ii)used in the construction of any railway authorized to be constructed under any other Act, whether before or after the coming into operation of this Act; or
(iii)sold, disposed of, or otherwise dealt with; and
(b)the costs of the scheduled railway as charged to the Government Railways Capital Account may be omitted from the accounts prepared under Part IV of the Government Railways Act 1904.
[S. 3.]
Commencing at a point 16 miles 70 chains from Perth on the Coogee-Kwinana Railway and thence proceeding in a south by west direction for a distance of 16 chains or thereabouts, thence in a south by east direction for a distance of 51 chains or thereabouts, thence in a southern direction for a distance of 62 chains 50 links or thereabouts, thence in a south by east direction for a distance of 95 chains or thereabouts, thence in a south‑south east direction for a distance of 39 chains or thereabouts and terminating at a point 21 miles 15 chains from Perth on the Coogee‑Kwinana Railway a total length of 4 miles 25 chains being part of the line authorized by the Coogee‑Kwinana Railway Act 1952 No. 24. Being more particularly described and delineated as shown in red on CE. Plan 65797.
1.This is a compilation of the Railway (Coogee‑Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 1973 and includes all amendments effected by the other Acts referred to in the following Table.
Short title |
Number and year |
Assent |
Commencement |
Railway (Coogee‑Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 1973 |
24 of 1973 |
6 Jun 1973 |
14 Sep 1973 (see Gazette 31 Aug 1973 p. 3279) |
This Act was repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act 2006 s. 3(1) (No. 37 of 2006) as at 4 Jul 2006 (see s. 2) |