Industrial Relations Act 1979
Industrial Relations Commission (Railways Classification Board [Elections]) Regulations 1985
Reprint 1: The regulations as at 5 November 2004
Guide for using this reprint
What the reprint includes
Endnotes, Compilation table, and Table of provisions that have not come into operation
1.Details about the original regulations and legislation that has amended its text are shown in the Compilation table in endnote 1, at the back of the reprint. The table also shows any previous reprint.
2.Transitional, savings, or other provisions identified in the Compilation table may be important. The table may refer to another endnote setting out the text of these provisions in full.
3.A table of provisions that have not come into operation, to be found in endnote 1a if it is needed, lists any provisions of the regulations being reprinted that have not come into operation and any amendments that have not come into operation. The full text is set out in another endnote that is referred to in the table.
Notes amongst text (italicised and within square brackets)
1.If the reprint includes a regulation that was inserted, or has been amended, since the regulations being reprinted were made, editorial notes at the foot of the regulation give some history of how the regulation came to be as it is. If the regulation replaced an earlier regulation, no history of the earlier regulation is given (the full history of the regulations is in the Compilation table).
Notes of this kind may also be at the foot of Schedules or headings.
2.The other kind of editorial note shows something has been —
•removed (because it was repealed or deleted from the law); or
•omitted under the Reprints Act 1984 s. 7(4) (because, although still technically part of the text, it no longer has any effect).
The text of anything removed or omitted can be found in an earlier reprint (if there is one) or one of the written laws identified in the Compilation table.
Reprint numbering and date
1.The reprint number (in the footer of each page of the document) shows how many times the regulations have been reprinted. For example, numbering a reprint as “Reprint 3” would mean that the reprint was the 3rd reprint since the regulations were published. Reprint numbering was implemented as from 1 January 2003.
2.The information in the reprint is current on the date shown as the date as at which the regulations are reprinted. That date is not the date when the reprint was published by the State Law Publisher and it is probably not the date when the most recent amendment had effect.
Reprinted under the Reprints Act 1984 as |
at 5 November 2004 |
Industrial Relations Commission (Railways Classification Board [Elections]) Regulations 1985
Part 1 — Preliminary
3.Chief Electoral Officer to have regard to prescribed periods2
4.Prescribed periods (section 80N)2
5.Notification of request under section 80N(3)2
6.Election following notification of request2
7.Notice inviting nominations2
8.Form and details of nomination3
9.If no person nominated4
10.If only one person nominated4
11.Union to give electoral roll to Chief Electoral Officer4
12.Form and contents of electoral roll5
13.Electoral roll open for inspection5
14.Conduct of election5
15.Address of Chief Electoral Officer5
16.Notice required when more than one nomination5
17.Ballot papers to be sent6
18.Form and content of ballot papers6
19.If ballot paper not received7
21.Ballot box and late votes8
23.Counting and validity of votes9
24.If voting for more than one office10
26.Declaration of result12
27.Secrecy and safe custody of ballot papers12
28.Power to appoint other persons as are necessary12
Compilation table13
Reprinted under the Reprints Act 1984 as |
at 5 November 2004 |
Industrial Relations Act 1979
Industrial Relations Commission (Railways Classification Board [Elections]) Regulations 1985
These regulations may be cited as the Industrial Relations Commission (Railways Classification Board [Elections]) Regulations 1985 1.
(1)In theses regulations unless the contrary intention appears —
“election” means an election conducted under these regulations;
“office” means office of member under section 80N(2)(c) of the Act;
“Railways Commission” means the Western Australian Government Railways Commission;
“regulation” means a regulation of these regulations;
“subregulation” means a subregulation of the regulations;
“Weekly Notice” means the publication entitled “Weekly Notice” published by the Railways Commission.
(2)In these regulations, other than in regulation 6 and 7, the terms “Chief Electoral Officer” includes the officer appointed by the Chief Electoral Officer pursuant to section 80N(4) of the Act.
In carrying out any function under these regulations or fixing any date or period for the purposes of that regulation the Chief Electoral Officer shall have regard to the prescribed periods referred to in regulation 4.
The prescribed period for the purposes of section 80N(4) is 80 days, and for the purposes of section 80N(5)(a) is 90 days.
Where pursuant to section 80N(3) of the Act the Union receives a written request to submit the name of a person willing to act in an office the Union shall forthwith in writing notify the Chief Electoral Officer of the request.
Where pursuant to regulation 5 the Chief Electoral Officer receives notification from the
(1)The Chief Electoral Officer shall as soon as possible after the receipt by him of the notification referred to in regulation 5 cause a notice to be published in the “Weekly Notice” setting out —
(a)the title of the office for which an election is to be held;
(b)the place where application forms for nomination are available;
(c)the place for lodging nominations; and
(d)the times and dates of the commencement and close of the period for lodging nominations for the election,
and inviting nominations of persons as candidates in the election.
(2)Where the request of the Minister made pursuant to section 80N(3) of the Act specifies that nominations are required for the office of member and the office of deputy member separate elections shall be held simultaneously for each office.
(3)The date to be specified in any notice published pursuant to subregulation (1) as the last day for the lodging of nominations shall be a date that is not later than 21 days after the first publication of the notice of the election in the “Weekly Notice”.
(1)A nomination of a person as a candidate for election for appointment to an office —
(a)shall be in writing;
(b)shall contain a statement signed by the candidate that he is willing to accept and act in the office to which he is elected;
(c)shall be signed by 2 members of the
(d)where nominations are called for the office of member and the office of deputy member nominations for each office shall be made separately.
(2)Where the Chief Electoral Officer receives a nomination that does not conform to subregulation (1) he shall notify the candidate of that fact as soon as possible.
(3)A person whose nomination does not conform to subregulation (1) is not eligible to be a candidate in an election.
(4)A person who is nominated as a candidate in an election may, at any time before the day fixed as the date for the close of nomination, by notice in writing addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer, withdraw his consent to his nomination as a candidate in the election and where he does so he is deemed not to have nominated in the election.
Where at the close of nominations no person has been nominated as a candidate for election for appointment to an office the Chief Electoral Officer shall notify the Union of that fact and the
Where at the close of nominations only one candidate is nominated to be elected for appointment to an office the Chief Electoral Officer shall notify the Union of that fact and the
The Union shall, not later than 7 days after the day fixed as the date for the close of nominations, furnish the Chief Electoral Officer with an electoral roll for the purposes of the election being held.
The electoral roll to be furnished pursuant to regulation 11 —
(a)shall contain the full names of the persons who on the day 14 days before the day fixed as the date for close of nominations, were members of the
(b)shall be listed in accordance with the place of employment of the officers with the Railways Commission and in alphabetical order of surnames, or last names and, where the surnames or last names are identical, also in alphabetical order of the christian
(c)shall be numbered consecutively.
The electoral roll for an election shall be open for inspection during reasonable hours while an election is in progress by any member of the
(1)The laws, for the time being in force that apply to the conduct of an election for the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of the State apply with such modifications as are necessary to and in relation to an election.
(2)An election shall be by secret postal ballot.
The Chief Electoral Officer shall use a private box at a post office or such other address as he thinks fit for the purposes of conducting the election.
(1)Where more than one person has been nominated for election for appointment to an office the Chief Electoral Officer shall, at the close of nominations, publish a notice of that fact in a daily newspaper.
(2)The notice referred to in subregulation (1) —
(a)shall set out the title of the office for which the election is being held;
(b)shall set out the names of the candidates in the election; and
(c)shall state the date and hours thereof for the close of the poll.
As soon as possible after the publication of the notice referred to in regulation 16 the Chief Electoral Officer shall forward by pre‑paid post or by some other means to every person whose name is on the electoral roll for the election at his address shown on the roll, a sealed envelope containing the following items —
(a)ballot paper bearing the initials of the Chief Electoral Officer or a facsimile of those initials;
(b)an envelope marked with the words “Ballot Paper”; and
(c)an envelope addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer —
(i)on which is printed the number printed in the electoral roll against the name of the elector to whom the envelope is posted; and
(ii)which makes provision on the reverse thereof for the full name of the voter and his signature.
(1)Every ballot paper issued for the purposes of an election shall be of the same colour and size.
(2)Notwithstanding subregulation (1) where an election is being held for 2 offices simultaneously the Chief Electoral Officer may determine that both ballot papers issued in respect of the election may be printed on a single sheet.
If on written application made before the close of the poll the Chief Electoral Officer is satisfied by a person who is entitled to vote that —
(a)a ballot paper has not been received by that person; or
(b)a ballot paper has been received by that person but the ballot paper has been spoilt, lost, damaged or destroyed,
the Chief Electoral Officer shall forward to the applicant a fresh ballot paper together with the other items referred to in regulation 17.
(1)Voting at an election shall be by preferential ballot.
(2)An elector who wishes to record his vote —
(a)where only 2 persons are candidates in an election —
(i)shall mark his ballot paper by writing the numeral “1” opposite the name of the candidate for whom he votes; and
(ii)may mark his ballot paper by writing the numeral “2” opposite the name of the other candidate on the ballot paper;
(b)where more than 2 persons are candidates in an election, shall mark his ballot paper —
(i)by writing the numeral “1” opposite the name of the candidate for whom he votes; and
(ii)by writing the numerals “2”, “3” and so on (as the case requires) opposite the names of the other candidates on the ballot paper,
so as to indicate the order of his preference, and after having marked his ballot paper in the manner prescribed in paragraph (a) or (b), as the case requires, of this subregulation the elector shall —
(c)enclose the ballot paper alone in the envelope marked “Ballot Paper” and seal the envelope;
(d)write his name in block letters and sign his name on the envelope addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer;
(e)enclose the envelope marked “Ballot Paper” in the envelope marked with the address of the Chief Electoral Officer; and
(f)forward the envelope addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer to the address of the Chief Electoral Officer on the envelope so as to reach that address not later than the day, and the hour thereof, fixed in the notice published pursuant to regulation 16.
(1)The Chief Electoral Officer shall place and keep in a locked and sealed ballot box all envelopes purporting to contain ballot papers received by him up to the close of the poll.
(2)An envelope containing a ballot paper received after the close of the poll shall not be admitted to the count.
(1)A candidate may by notice in writing given to the Chief Electoral Officer at any time before the close of the poll appoint a person, other than himself, as a scrutineer.
(2)The Chief Electoral Officer shall give to every person appointed to be scrutineer reasonable notice of the place at which the count of the ballot papers will be undertaken and the date and hour thereof so as to enable the scrutineer to be present during the count.
(3)A person who is appointed as scrutineer under subregulation (1) may —
(a)be present while the Chief Electoral Officer carries out his functions under regulations 23 and 24; and
(b)direct the attention of the Chief Electoral Officer to any irregularity concerning the issue of ballot papers, the admission of any envelope to scrutiny and the admission or rejection of a ballot paper to the count.
(1)As soon as practicable after the poll has closed and not before, in the presence of such of the scrutineers as may attend —
(a)each envelope addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer shall be checked against the electoral roll;
(b)each counterfoil shall be checked against the electoral roll;
(c)each envelope addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer shall be checked to ensure that it contains the full name and signature of the voter;
(d)the name of each voter who has forwarded an envelope addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer and ballot paper shall be marked on the electoral roll;
(e)if the envelope addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer is in order, the ballot paper envelope enclosed therein shall be placed unopened into a sealed ballot box;
(f)if the envelope addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer has been found not to be in order the envelope containing the ballot paper shall be marked “Not in Order”; and
(g)the ballot box containing the unopened ballot paper envelopes shall be opened and the ballot papers removed from the envelopes.
(2)For the purposes of the count each ballot paper shall be sorted according to the candidate receiving the first preference on the ballot paper but where a ballot paper —
(a)does not bear the initials of the Chief Electoral Officer or a facsimile thereof;
(b)has upon it a mark or any writing by means of which the elector can be identified; or
(c)is not marked in accordance with such of the requirements set out in regulation 21 as apply to the election being conducted,
the ballot paper shall be rejected as informal.
(3)A person who is appointed as scrutineer for an election may make submissions on the rejection of a ballot paper from, or the admission of a ballot paper to, the count to the Chief Electoral Officer.
(4)The Chief Electoral Officer shall consider any submissions made to him under subregulation (3) before rejecting a ballot paper from, or admitting a ballot paper to the count.
(5)Where the Chief Electoral Officer rejects a ballot paper from the count or admits a ballot paper to the count after submissions have been made to him under subregulation (3) the Chief Electoral Officer shall endorse on the ballot paper the word “REJECTED” or the word “ADMITTED” as the case requires and initial such endorsement.
(1)Where —
(a)an election is held for only one office; or
(b)an election is held for the offices of member and deputy member simultaneously and a person is not candidate for both offices,
the successful candidate shall be ascertained in accordance with the laws for the time being in force regulating the elections for the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of the State.
(2)Where —
(a)an election is held for the offices of member and deputy member simultaneously; and
(b)a person is a candidate for both offices,
the count for the office of member shall be completed before the count for the office of deputy member is commenced otherwise the count for both offices may proceed simultaneously.
(3)Where —
(a)an election is held for the offices of member and deputy member simultaneously;
(b)a person is a candidate for the office of member and the office of deputy member; and
(c)a person who is a candidate for the offices of member and deputy member is the successful candidate for the office of member,
the ballot papers shall be re‑arranged again under the names of the respective candidates in accordance with the first preferences indicated thereon, except that each ballot paper on which a first preference for the candidate elected as member is indicated shall be placed in the parcel of the candidate next in order of the voter’s preference and if a candidate then has an absolute majority of votes, the successful candidate shall be ascertained in accordance with the laws for the time being in force relating to elections for the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of the State as modified by this subregulation.
The Chief Electoral Officer may, at any time before the declaration of the poll, if he thinks fit, on his own motion or on the written request of a candidate or a scrutineer for a candidate in an election, order a recount of the votes cast in the election.
(1)The Chief Electoral Officer shall declare the result of an election as soon as practicable and shall, immediately thereafter forward to the
(2)The Union upon receiving the names of the successful candidate in an election shall forthwith submit the name to the Minister for the appointment of that person to the office to be filled in accordance with the request made by the Minister pursuant to section 80N(3) of the Act.
The Chief Electoral Officer shall take such steps as are necessary for the purpose of ensuring the secrecy of the ballot, the safe custody of ballot papers and for the prevention of any irregularity in the conduct of the election.
(1)The Chief Electoral Officer may appoint such persons as are necessary to conduct an election.
(2)The persons employed in the conduct of an election shall be paid one half of such amounts as are prescribed in relation to the conduct of State Parliamentary elections for duties performed by a returning officer at those elections and at the rate so prescribed for the count and scrutiny of votes.
[Regulation 28 amended in Gazette 29 Nov 1985 p. 4496.]
1This reprint is a compilation as at 5 November 2004 of the Industrial Relations Commission (Railways Classification Board [Elections]) Regulations 1985 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table. The table also contains information about any reprint.
Citation |
Gazettal |
Commencement |
Industrial Relations Commission (Railways Classification Board [Elections]) Regulations 1985 |
28 Feb 1985 p. 767‑71 |
1 Mar 1985 |
Industrial Relations Commission (Railways Classification Board [Elections]) Amendment Regulations 1985 |
29 Nov 1985 p. 4496 |
29 Nov 1985 |
Reprint 1: The Industrial Relations Commission (Railways Classification Board [Elections]) Regulations 1985 as at 5 Nov 2004 (includes amendments listed above) |
By Authority: JOHN A. STRIJK, Government Printer