Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Amendment Act 2013
1.Short title2
3.Act amended2
4.Section 8 amended2
5.Sections 11A and 11B inserted2
11A.Holding meetings remotely2
11B.Resolution without a meeting2
6.Section 12A inserted2
12A.Remuneration and allowances2
7.Section 13 amended2
8.Section 20 amended2
Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Amendment Act 2013
An Act to amend the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966.
[Assented to 19 August 2013]
The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:
This is the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Amendment Act 2013.
This Act comes into operation as follows —
(a)sections 1 and 2 — on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent;
(b)the rest of the Act — on the day after that day.
This Act amends the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966.
Delete section 8(1) and insert:
(1)Three members of the Trust constitute a quorum.
(2A)For a quorum —
(a)one member must be the chairman, or the vice chairman, of the Trust; and
(b)one member must be appointed under section 7(3)(b); and
(c)one member must be appointed under section 7(3)(c).
5.Sections 11A and 11B inserted
After section 10 insert:
The presence of a person at a meeting of the Trust need not be by attendance in person but may be by that person and each other person at the meeting being simultaneously in contact by telephone or other means of instantaneous communication.
11B.Resolution without a meeting
A resolution in writing signed by each member or assented to by each member by letter, facsimile transmission, email or other written means has effect as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Trust.
After section 12 insert:
12A.Remuneration and allowances
The Minister, on the recommendation of the Public Sector Commissioner, may determine from time to time the remuneration and allowances (if any) to be paid to —
(a)a member;
(b)a deputy of a member appointed under section 9(2);
(c)a person who serves on a committee referred to in section 12(1).
In section 13(2o):
(a)in paragraph (a) delete “subsection (3A);” and insert:
subsection (3A); and
(b)after paragraph (b) insert:
(ca)remuneration and allowances determined by the Minister under section 12A; and
(1)In section 20(1a)(t) delete “$50” and insert:
(2)In section 20(2) delete “$50” and insert: