Daylight Saving Act 2006
Daylight Saving Regulations 2006
Western Australia
Daylight Saving Regulations 2006
2.Terms used in these regulations1
3.Operation of regulations3
4.Construction of references to time — prescribed energy agreements4
Compilation table5
Defined terms
Western Australia
Daylight Saving Act 2006
Daylight Saving Regulations 2006
These regulations are the Daylight Saving Regulations 2006.
2.Terms used in these regulations
In these regulations —
Alinta entity means —
(a)AlintaAGL Pty Ltd ABN 38 102 848 055; or
(b)Alinta Energy Pty Ltd ABN 16 108 664 151; or
(c)Alinta Network Holdings Pty Ltd ABN 63 104 788 123; or
(d)Alinta Asset Management Pty Ltd ABN 52 104 352 650; or
(e)Alinta Asset Management (2) Pty Ltd ABN 82 073 613 733; or
(f)Alinta Electricity Trading Pty Ltd ABN 36 102 848 046; or
(g)any subsidiary, for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth, of a body referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f);
daylight saving period means any period during which summer time is declared by the Act to be in advance of standard time;
electricity retailer means —
(a)the Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation established by the Electricity Corporations Act 2005 section 4(1)(a); or
(b)the Regional Power Corporation established by the Electricity Corporations Act 2005 section 4(1)(d); or
(c)Landfill Gas & Power Pty Ltd ACN 89 053 919 430; or
(d)Perth Energy Pty Ltd ACN 087 386 445; or
(e)WA Power Exchange Pty Ltd ACN 094 981 478;
electricity service means a service ancillary to, or otherwise related to, the supply of electricity including, without limitation —
(a)a metering service; and
(b)an information technology or telecommunication service; and
(c)a supervisory control and data acquisition service;
prescribed energy agreement means a contract or agreement, whether made orally or in writing, or a deed or other instrument of any kind —
(a)for or relating to —
(i)the supply of electricity; or
(ii)the provision of an electricity service,
by an electricity retailer and under which the amount of any fee or charge payable in respect of the supply or service is determined by reference to the time at which, or the period of time during which, the electricity is supplied or the service is provided, as the case requires; or
(b)for or relating to —
(i)the supply of electricity; or
(ii)the provision of an electricity service,
by or to the Electricity Networks Corporation established by the Electricity Corporations Act 2005 section 4(1)(b); or
(c)for or relating to —
(i)the sale, supply, transportation, storage or disposal of gas, electricity or any other form of energy; or
(ii)access to, or the operation or maintenance of, any pipeline, network or other infrastructure used for or in relation to the production, transportation or storage of gas, electricity or any other form of energy,
and to which an Alinta entity is a party or in respect of which an Alinta entity exercises rights or performs duties on behalf of a party; or
(d)for or relating to the provision of a gas transportation service or a related service utilising —
(i)the privatised DBNGP system as defined in the Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 section 3; or
(ii)the Goldfields Gas Pipeline (being the Pipeline as defined in the agreement ratified under the Goldfields Gas Pipeline Agreement Act 1994 section 3); or
(e)to which 2 or more of paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) apply.
[Regulation 2 amended: Gazette 27 Dec 2013 p. 6471.]
These regulations have effect —
(a)throughout the State; and
(b)during each daylight saving period.
4.Construction of references to time — prescribed energy agreements
It is declared that a reference in a prescribed energy agreement to any time or period of time is to be construed, with respect to each daylight saving period, as a reference to —
(a)standard time instead of summer time; or
(b)that period of time as determined by reference to standard time instead of summer time,
unless the agreement otherwise provides or the parties to the agreement otherwise agree.
1This is a compilation of the Daylight Saving Regulations 2006 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table.
Citation |
Gazettal |
Commencement |
Daylight Saving Regulations 2006 |
1 Dec 2006 p. 5343-8 |
1 Dec 2006 |
Electricity Corporations (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2013 r. 3 |
27 Dec 2013 p. 6469-79 |
1 Jan 2014 (see r. 2(c) and Gazette 27 Dec 2013 p. 6465) |
[This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.]
Defined termProvision(s)
Alinta entity2
daylight saving period2
electricity retailer2
electricity service2
prescribed energy agreement2