Agricultural Produce Commission Act 1988
Agricultural Produce (Egg Production Industry) Regulations 2006
Western Australia
Agricultural Produce (Egg Production Industry) Regulations 2006
3.Terms used in these regulations1
4.Egg producers to pay charges2
5.Information to be furnished2
6.Prescribed statistical information2
7.Publication of section 14 notices3
Compilation table4
Defined terms
Western Australia
Agricultural Produce Commission Act 1988
Agricultural Produce (Egg Production Industry) Regulations 2006
These regulations are the Agricultural Produce (Egg Production Industry) Regulations 2006.
These regulations come into operation on 1 April 2006.
3.Terms used in these regulations
In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears —
charge means a charge imposed on a producer under the Act section 14;
chicken means a domestic chicken kept for the commercial production of eggs;
duck means a domestic duck kept for the commercial production of eggs;
Egg Producers’ Committee means the producers’ committee established under the Act section 11 for the egg production industry;
eggs means the eggs of chickens or ducks;
producer means a person whose business is, or involves, egg production;
quarter means the period of 3 months ending on 31 December, 31 March, 30 June or 30 September in any year;
sale includes barter or exchange.
4.Egg producers to pay charges
(1)A producer who sells eggs produced in the business of the producer must pay a charge to the Commission within 14 days after the end of each quarter in which the producer sold the eggs.
Penalty: a fine of $2 000.
(2)The unpaid amount of the charge is a debt due to the State and is recoverable from the producer in a court of competent jurisdiction.
A producer who sells eggs produced in the business of the producer must, not later than 14 days after the end of each quarter in which eggs were sold, furnish to the Commission a return in the form approved by the Commission showing all of the sales in that quarter.
Penalty: a fine of $2 000.
6.Prescribed statistical information
(1)In subregulation (2) —
specified means specified by the Commission in a notice served on a producer.
(2)For the purposes of the Act section 13 the following information is prescribed statistical information —
(a)the quantity of eggs produced in the business of the producer in a specified period;
(b)the number of chickens or ducks owned by the producer in a specified period;
(c)the names of the wholesale or retail outlets that sold eggs produced in the business of the producer to consumers in a specified period.
7.Publication of section 14 notices
The Commission must cause each section 14 notice to be published in a newspaper circulating generally in the State.
1This is a compilation of the Agricultural Produce (Egg Production Industry) Regulations 2006. The following table contains information about those regulations.
Citation |
Gazettal |
Commencement |
Agricultural Produce (Egg Production Industry) Regulations 2006 |
31 Mar 2006 p. 1154‑5 |
1 Apr 2006 (see r. 2) |
[This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.]
Defined termProvision(s)
Egg Producers’ Committee3