Retail Trading Hours Act 1987
Retail Trading Hours (Filling Station Zones) Regulations 1988
Western Australia
Retail Trading Hours (Filling Station Zones) Regulations 1988
3.Filling station zones1
4.Notice of intention to cease selling fuel or requisites1
Compilation table17
Western Australia
Retail Trading Hours Act 1987
Retail Trading Hours (Filling Station Zones) Regulations 1988
These regulations may be cited as the Retail Trading Hours (Filling Station Zones) Regulations 1988.
These regulations shall come into operation on the day on which the Retail Trading Hours Act 1987 comes into operation.
(1)These portions of the State described in the Schedule are prescribed as zones for the purpose of section 14.
(2)The zones described in the Schedule may be referred to in any order made by the Minister under section 14 by the respective number, names or both assigned to them in the Schedule.
4.Notice of intention to cease selling fuel or requisites
Where an operator of a filling station specified in an order under section 14 (8) intends to cease selling any form of fuel or any requisite referred to in the order the operator shall, at least 14 days before so ceasing, give to the Permanent Head notice of that intention and of the day on which it is to take effect.
Penalty: $1 000.
Zone No. 1 — City of Perth Zone
All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the right bank of the Swan River with the southern boundary of late Swan Location 90 and extending westerly along that boundary and onwards to the prolongation southerly of the western side of Winthrop Avenue; thence northerly to and along that side to the northeastern corner of Location 9075 (Class A Reserve 33244); thence northerly to the prolongation southwesterly of the centre line of Thomas Street; thence northeasterly to and along that centre line to the prolongation northwesterly of the southwestern side of Kings Park Road; thence northwesterly along that prolongation to the prolongation southwesterly of the centre line of Thomas Street; thence northeasterly to and along that centre line and generally northeasterly to and along the centre line of Loftus Street to the centre line of Newcastle Street; thence southeasterly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of the PerthArmadale Railway; thence generally northeasterly and easterly along that centre line to the right bank of the Swan River; thence generally southerly along that bank to the southwestern side of the Perth Causeway; thence southeasterly along that side about 80 metres; thence south about 362 metres to the prolongation southeasterly of the southwestern side of Barrack Square; thence northwesterly to and along that side and onwards to the right bank of the Swan River and thence generally southwesterly along that bank to the starting point.
Zone No. 2 — Mount Lawley Zone
All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the centre line of Wanneroo Road with the prolongation westerly of the southern boundary of Swan Location H and extending easterly to and along that boundary to a line joining the southeastern corner of Perthshire Location 104 and the intersection of the northeastern boundary of Swan Location T with the southern side of Walter Road; thence southeasterly along that line to the southern side of Victoria Road; thence easterly along that side to the western side of Malaga Road; thence southerly along that side to the northern side of Widgee Road; thence easterly along that side to the prolongation northerly of the western boundary of Lot 8 of Locations M and M1, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 574; thence southerly to and along that boundary and to and along the western side of Road Number 6271 and onwards to the southern boundary of Location 1180; thence westerly along that boundary to the prolongation northerly of the western side of Wicks Street; thence southerly to and along that side and the western boundaries of Lots 350, 351, 352 and 353 of Location P, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 4504, and onwards to the southern side of Walter Road; thence easterly along that side and onwards to the prolongation northerly of the western side of Rugby Street; thence southerly to and along that side and onwards to the southern side of Broadway; thence generally westerly along that side and onwards to the western side of Grey Street; thence southerly along that side and onwards to the southern side of Collier Road; thence westerly along that side to the northern corner of late Lot 29 of Location S, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 2759; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along boundaries of that late lot and onwards to the southeastern side of Duffy Street; thence southwesterly along that side to the western corner of Location 7819; thence southeasterly along southwestern boundaries of that location and Locations 7855, 8583 and 7821 and onwards to the northwestern boundary of Location 8584; thence southwesterly along that boundary and the northwestern boundary of Location 7825 to the prolongation northwesterly of the southwestern boundary of Location 7948 (Reserve 29153); thence southeasterly to and along that boundary to the northwestern side of Wicks Street; thence southwesterly along that side to the southwestern side of Vincent Street; thence southeasterly along that side to the northwestern side of Railway Parade; thence southeasterly to the intersection of the northwestern side of Guildford Road with the prolongation northwesterly of the southwestern side of Pearson Street; thence southeasterly to and along that side to the northern corner of Lot 600 of Location S, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 3471; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along boundaries of that lot and southeasterly along southwestern boundaries of Lots 601, 602 and 9 and onwards to and along southwestern boundaries of Lots 643 and 663 and onwards to the western corner of Lot 668; thence southeasterly along southwestern boundaries of that lot and Lot 680 and onwards to and along southwestern boundaries of Lots 685 and 7 to the northwestern side of Hardy Road; thence southwesterly along that side to the southwestern side of Moojebing Street; thence southeasterly along that side and onwards to the right bank of the Swan River; thence generally southwesterly along that bank to the centre line of the Perth‑Armadale Railway; thence westerly and southwesterly along that centre line to the prolongation southeasterly of the centre line of Newcastle Street; thence northwesterly to and along that centre line to the prolongation southerly of the centre line of Charles Street and thence generally northerly to and along that centre line and the centre line of Wanneroo Road to the starting point.
Zone No. 3 — Midland Zone
All that portion of land bounded by lines starting from the intersection of an arc of radius 24 kilometres from the General Post Office, Perth, with the prolongation northerly of the eastern boundary of Swan Location 5199 and extending southerly to and along that boundary and onwards to the southern boundary of Location H; thence easterly along that boundary to a line joining the southeastern corner of Perthshire Location 104 and the intersection of the northeastern boundary of Swan Location T with the southern side of Walter Road; thence southeasterly along that line to the southern side of Victoria Road; thence easterly along that side to the western side of Malaga Road; thence southerly along that side to the northern side of the western section of Widgee Road; thence easterly along that side, the northern side of Sewell Court and the northern side of a central section of Widgee Road to the prolongation northerly of the western boundary of Lot 8 of Locations M and M1, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 574; thence southerly to and along that boundary and onwards to and along the western side of Road Number 6271 and again onwards to the southern boundary of Location 1180; thence westerly along that boundary to the northeastern corner of Lot 358 of Location 01, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 9862; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that lot and onwards to the northeastern corner of Lot 361; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that lot and Lot 363 and onwards to and along the western side of Wicks Street and again onwards to a southern side of Walter Road; thence easterly along that side to the prolongation northerly of the western side of Rugby Street; thence southerly to and along that side and onwards to a southern side of Broadway; thence generally westerly along sides of Broadway and onwards to a western side of Grey Street; then southerly along that side and onwards to a southern side of Collier Road; thence westerly along that side to the northern corner of late Lot 29 of Location S, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 2759; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along boundaries of that late lot and onwards to the southeastern side of Duffy Street; thence southwesterly along that side to the western corner of Location 7819; thence southeasterly along southwestern boundaries of that location and Locations 7855, 8583 and 7821 and onwards to the northwestern boundary of Location 8584; thence southwesterly along that boundary and the northwestern boundary of Location 7825 to the northern corner of Lot 67 of Location 7825, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 13489; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of that lot and the northeastern boundary of Lot 66 to the western corner of Location 7948; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of that location to the northwestern side of Wicks Street; thence southwesterly along that side to the southwestern side of Vincent Street; thence southeasterly along that side to the northwestern side of Railway Parade; thence southeasterly to the intersection of the northwestern side of Guildford Road with the prolongation northwesterly of the southwestern side of Pearson Street; thence southeasterly to and along that side to the northern corner of Lot 11 of Location S, as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram 61801; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along boundaries of that lot and southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot 9, as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram 42134 and onwards to the western corner of Lot 643, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 5024; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundaries of that lot and Lot 663 and onwards to and southeasterly along the southwestern boundaries of Lot 668 and Lot 680 and again onwards to the western corner of Lot 685; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundaries of that lot and Lot 7, as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram 31155 to the northwestern side of Hardy Road; thence southwesterly along that side to the southwestern side of Moojebing Street; thence southeasterly along that side and onwards to the right bank of the Swan River; thence generally northeasterly upwards along that bank to the prolongation northwesterly of the northeastern boundary of Location 28; thence southeasterly to and along that boundary to the southern corner of Location 6246; thence northeasterly and northwesterly along boundaries of that location to the southeastern boundary of Location 773; thence northeasterly along that boundary and onwards to a northeastern side of Kalamunda Road; thence southeasterly along that side to a southeastern side of Road Number 17020 thence northeasterly, 20.14 metres along that side; thence 317 degrees 30 minutes, 64.21 metres; thence 315 degrees 32 minutes, 45.75 metres; thence northwesterly to and along a northeastern side of Road Number 17020 and onwards to a northwestern side of Vale Road; thence southwesterly along that side to a northeastern boundary of the Midland JunctionWelshpool railway and road diversion; thence northwesterly along that boundary and onwards to a northeastern side of Adelaide Street; thence generally southeasterly along sides of that street and onwards to a southwestern boundary of Lot 9 of Helena Location 20a, as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram 4347; thence generally southeasterly along boundaries of that lot to a northwestern side of Ridgehill Road; thence generally northeastern sides of that road to the left bank of the Helena River; thence generally southeasterly upwards along that bank and the left bank of the Darkan River to an arc of radius 40 kilometres from the General Post Office, Perth; thence generally northerly along that arc to the northern boundary of Swan Location 2507; thence westerly along that boundary and the northern boundaries of Locations 2508, 1788 and 4541 (Reserve 29269) to the southeastern corner of Lot 181 of Location 1317, as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram 12841; thence westerly along the southern boundary of that lot and onwards to the centre line of Bunning Road; thence generally southerly, generally southwesterly and again generally southerly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Cook Street; thence easterly along that centre line to the prolongation northerly of the centre line of Packer Street; thence southerly to and southern centre line and onwards to the centre line of Kingswood Street; thence westerly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Chidlow Street; thence southerly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Keane East Street; thence generally southwesterly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of McVicar Place; thence generally southwesterly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Keane West Street; thence northwesterly, westerly and generally southwesterly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Riley Road; thence generally westerly along that centre line to the prolongation southeasterly of the centre line of Byfield Road; thence northwesterly to and generally northwesterly, northerly and generally northeasterly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Richardson Road; thence generally westerly along that centre line to the prolongation southerly of the centre line of Roland Road; thence northerly to and generally northerly, generally northeasterly, generally northwesterly again generally northeasterly and again generally northwesterly along that centre line to the prolongation easterly of the southern boundary of Location 1317; thence westerly to and along that boundary to an arc of radius 24 kilometres from the General Post Office, Perth and thence generally northwesterly along that arc to the starting point.
Lands and Surveys Public Plans —
Mundaring SE 1:25 000, Mundaring NE 1:25 000
Swan 1:10 000 3.1, 3.2, 4.3
Swan 1:2 000 22.03 23.02 22.04 23.03
Chidlow 1:2 000 37.35, 37.36
Perth 1:10 000 7.5, 7.7, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8
Perth 1:2 000 14.36 14.37 14.38 14.39 14.40 15.34 15.35 15.36 16.34 17.28 17.29 17.30 17.31 17.32 17.33 17.34 18.28 19.27 19.28 20.26 21.26 21.27 21.28 22.27 22.28 23.26 23.27 24.26 24.27 24.28 24.40 25.27 25.28 33.34 34.33 34.34
M50‑4 M117‑4
M66‑4 M133‑4
Zone No. 4 — Southern Zone
All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the left bank of the Swan River with the northeastern boundary of Swan Location 28 and extending southeasterly along that boundary to the northwestern side of the Midland Junction-Welshpool Railway and Road Diversion; thence generally southwesterly along sides of that railway and road diversion to the northwestern side of Newburn Road; thence generally southwesterly along sides of that road to the northern corner of Location 8491; thence southwesterly along boundaries of that location and onwards to and along the southeastern boundary of Location 33 to the northeastern boundary of Location 34; thence southeasterly along that boundary to the northwestern side of Kurnall Road; thence generally southwesterly along sides of that road to the prolongation southeasterly of the centre line of Dowd Street; thence northwesterly to and along that centre line and onwards to the prolongation northeasterly of the centre line of Pilbara Street; thence southwesterly to and along that centre line to the prolongation southeasterly of the centre line of Somersby Street; thence northwesterly to and along that centre line and onwards to the northwestern side of Division Street; thence southwesterly along that side to the prolongation southeasterly of the centre line of the northwestern section of Orrong Road; thence northwesterly to and along that centre line to the centre line of Kew Street; thence southwesterly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Welshpool Road; thence westerly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Albany Highway; thence generally southeasterly along that centre line to the prolongation northeasterly of the centre line of Boundary Road; thence southwesterly to and along that centre line to the prolongation northwesterly of the centre line of Taree Street; thence southeasterly to and along that centre line to the prolongation northeasterly of the centre line of Reen Street; thence southwesterly to and generally southwesterly and westerly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Hill View Terrace; thence southerly along that centre line to the prolongation northeasterly of the centre line of Marquis Street; thence southwesterly to and along that centre line and onwards to the southwestern side of McKay Street; thence southeasterly along that side and onwards to and along the southwestern side of Boundary Street to the southeastern boundary of Canning Location 65; thence southwesterly along that boundary and the southeastern boundary of Location 57 and onwards to the right bank of the Canning River and thence generally southwesterly and generally northerly along that bank and generally northerly and generally northeasterly along the left bank of the Swan River to the starting point.
Zone No. 5 — Canning Zone
All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the left bank of the Helena River with the northwestern side of Ridgehill Road and extending generally southwesterly along sides of that road to the northeastern side of a closed road passing along the northeastern boundaries of Swan Locations 1763 and 1295; thence northwesterly along that side and generally northwesterly along sides of Adelaide Street to the prolongation northwesterly of a northeastern side of the Midland Junction‑Welshpool Railway and Road Diversion, as shown on Land Titles Office Plans 7481 and 7493; thence southeasterly to and along that side to the northwestern side of Vale Road; thence northeasterly along that side to the prolongation northerly of an eastern side of the Midland Junction‑Welshpool Railway and Road Diversion aforesaid; thence southerly to and southerly, generally southeasterly and southwesterly along boundaries of that railway and road diversion to the northeastern side of Kalamunda Road; thence northwesterly along that side to the prolongation northeasterly of the southeastern boundary of Location 773; thence southwesterly to and along that boundary to the northern corner of Location 6246; thence southeasterly and southwesterly along boundaries of that location to the northeastern boundary of Location 28; thence southeasterly along that boundary to the northwestern side of the Midland Junction‑Welshpool Railway and Road Diversion; thence generally southwesterly along sides of that railway and road diversion to the northwestern side of Newburn Road; thence generally southwesterly along sides of that road to the northern corner of Location 8491; thence southwesterly along boundaries of that location and onwards to and along the southeastern boundary of Location 33 to the northeastern boundary of Location 34; thence southeasterly along that boundary to the northwestern side of Kurnall Road; thence generally southwesterly along sides of that road to the prolongation southeasterly of the centre line of Dowd Street; thence northwesterly to and along that centre line and onwards to the prolongation northeasterly of the centre line of Pilbara Street; thence southwesterly to and along that centre line to the prolongation southeasterly of the centre line of Somersby Street; thence northwesterly to and along that centre line and onwards to the northwestern side of Division Street; thence southwesterly along that side to the prolongation southeasterly of the centre line of the northwestern section of Orrong Road; thence northwesterly to and along that centre line to the centre line of Kew Street; thence southwesterly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Welshpool Road; thence westerly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Albany Highway; thence generally southeasterly along that centre line to the prolongation northeasterly of the centre line of Boundary Road; thence southwesterly to and along that centre line to the prolongation northwesterly of the centre line of Taree Street; thence southeasterly to and along that centre line to the prolongation northeasterly of the centre line of Reen Street; thence southwesterly to and generally southwesterly and westerly along that centre line and onwards to the centre line of Hill View Terrace; thence southerly along that centre line to the prolongation northeasterly of the centre line of Marquis Street; thence southwesterly to and along that centre line and onwards to the southwestern side of McKay Street; thence southeasterly along that side and onwards to and along the southwestern side of Boundary Street to the southeastern boundary of Canning Location 65; thence southwesterly along that boundary and the southeastern boundary of Location 57 and onwards to the right bank of the Canning River; thence generally southeasterly along that bank to the centre line of the Riverton Bridge thence southwesterly along that centre line to the left bank of the Canning River; thence generally northerly, generally northwesterly and generally southwesterly along that bank and generally southerly along the right bank of Bull Creek to intersect with the northern boundary of Location 2145 (Reserve 29130); thence easterly along that boundary and the southern side of Bull Creek Road and onwards to and along the southern side of Keith Road to the prolongation northerly of the eastern side of Karel Avenue; thence southerly to and along that side and onwards to and along the western side of The Escarpment to the northeastern corner of Location 28; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that location and onwards to the northern side of South Street; thence generally easterly along sides of that street to the northwestern side of Beasley Road; thence southwesterly along that side to the prolongation northwesterly of the northeastern side of Clifton Road; thence southeasterly to and along that side and onwards to an eastern side of Johnston Road; thence generally southerly along sides of that road and onwards to a northeastern side of Acourt Road; thence generally southeasterly along sides of that road and onwards to the centre line of Warton Road; thence generally southwesterly along that centre line and onwards to the northeastern boundary of Jandakot Agricultural Area Lot 41; thence southeasterly and southerly along boundaries of that lot and southerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 42 and onwards to the northeastern corner of Lot 43; thence southerly along the eastern boundaries of that lot and Lot 44 and onwards to and along the eastern boundaries of Lots 426 (Reserve 31653) and 414 (Reserve 33002) and onwards to the northeastern corner of Lot 23; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that lot to a northeastern side of Wolfe Road; thence generally southeasterly along sides of that road and onwards to the northeastern side of Road Number 8969; thence southeasterly along that side to the prolongation northerly of the eastern boundary of Lot 104; thence southerly to and southerly and generally southwesterly along boundaries of that lot and onwards to and along the eastern boundary of Lot 691 to the northernmost northeastern corner of Lot 690; thence generally southwesterly along boundaries of that lot to the southeastern corner of Lot 688; thence generally westerly along southern boundaries of that lot to the northeastern boundary of Lot 687; thence southeasterly along that boundary to the northern side of Anketell Road; thence southerly to and along the western boundaries of Lots 17 to 6 inclusive of Peel Estate Lot 696 and onwards to the northeastern corner of Lot 50 of Peel Estate Lot 108; thence southerly along eastern boundaries of that lot and Lot 54 of Lot 108 to the northern side of Orton Road; thence southeasterly to the northwestern corner of Lot 703; thence southerly and generally southeasterly along western boundaries of that lot to the northwestern corner of Lot 444; thence easterly and northeasterly along boundaries of that lot to the westernmost northwestern corner of Lot 714; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of that lot and onwards to the northwestern corner of Lot 440; thence northeasterly and southerly along northwestern and eastern boundaries of that lot to the northwestern corner of Lot 1242; thence southerly, easterly, northerly and again easterly along boundaries of that lot and onwards to the eastern side of King Road; thence southerly along that side to the northern side of Boundary Road; thence easterly along that side and onwards to the eastern side of Hopkinson Road; thence northerly along that side to the northwestern corner of Serpentine Agricultural Area Lot 34; thence easterly along the northern boundary of that lot and onwards to and along the northern boundary of Lot 32 and onwards to the northwestern corner of Lot 20; thence easterly along the northern boundary of that lot and onwards to the eastern side of South Western Highway; thence generally southerly along that side to the southwestern corner of Cockburn Sound Location 448; thence easterly along the southern boundary of that location and easterly and northerly along southern and eastern boundaries of Location 422 to the southwestern corner of Location 1051; thence easterly along the southern boundary of that location and the northern boundary of Reserve 7125 and onwards to intersect with an arc of radius 40 kilometres from the General Post Office, Perth; thence generally northeasterly along that arc to the left bank of the Darkan River and thence generally northwesterly along that bank and the left bank of the Helena River to the starting point.
Zone No. 6 — Fremantle Zone
All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the right bank of Bull Creek with the northern boundary of Canning Location 2145 (Reserve 29130) and extending easterly along that boundary and the southern side of Bull Creek Road and onwards to and along the southern side of Keith Road to the prolongation northerly of the eastern side of Karel Avenue; thence southerly to and along that side and onwards to and along the western side of The Escarpment to the northeastern corner of Location 28; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that location and onwards to the northern side of South Street; thence generally easterly along sides of that street to the northwestern side of Beasley Road; thence southwesterly along that side to the prolongation northwesterly of the northeastern side of Clifton Road; thence southeasterly to and along that side and onwards to an eastern side of Johnston Road; thence generally southerly along sides of that road and onwards to a northeastern side of Acourt Road; thence generally southeasterly along sides of that road and onwards to the centre line of Warton Road; thence generally southwesterly along that centre line and onwards to the northeastern boundary of Jandakot Agricultural Area Lot 41; thence southeasterly and southerly along boundaries of that lot and southerly along the eastern boundary of Lot 42, and onwards to the northeastern corner of Lot 43; thence southerly along the eastern boundaries of that lot and Lot 44 and onwards to and along the eastern boundaries of Lots 426 (Reserve 31653) and 414 (Reserve 33002) and onwards to the northeastern corner of Lot 23; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that lot to a northeastern side of Wolfe Road; thence generally southeasterly along sides of that road and onwards to the northeastern side of Road Number 8969; thence southeasterly along that side to the prolongation northerly of the eastern boundary of Lot 104; thence southerly to and southerly and generally southwesterly along boundaries of that lot and onwards to and along the eastern boundary of Lot 691 to the northernmost northeastern corner of Lot 690; thence generally southwesterly along boundaries of that lot to the southeastern corner of Lot 688; thence generally westerly along southern boundaries of that lot to the northeastern boundary of Lot 687; thence southeasterly along that boundary to the northern side of Anketell Road; thence southerly to and along the western boundaries of Lots 17 to 6 inclusive of Peel Estate Lot 696 and onwards to the northeastern corner of Lot 50 of Peel Estate Lot 108, thence southerly along eastern boundaries of that lot and Lot 54 of Lot 108 to the northern side of Orton Road; thence southeasterly to the northwestern corner of Lot 703; thence southerly and generally southeasterly along western boundaries of that lot and southerly along the western boundaries of lots 444, 443, 442 and the northern severance of Lot 27, and onwards to a southern side of Banksia Road; thence generally southwesterly along southeastern sides of that road and onwards to a southwestern side of Road Number 313; thence generally southeasterly along sides of that road and onwards to a southeastern side of the Serpentine River Diversion Drain Reserve; thence generally southwesterly along sides of that drain reserve to intersect with an arc of radius 48 kilometres from the General Post Office Perth; thence generally westerly along that arc to the Low Water Mark of the Indian Ocean; thence generally northerly along that mark to the bank of Fremantle Harbour; thence generally northeasterly along that bank and the left bank of the Swan River to the left bank of the Canning River; thence generally southeasterly along that bank to the left bank of Bull Creek; thence generally southeasterly along that bank to the right bank of Bull Creek and thence generally northwesterly along that bank to the starting point.
Zone No. 7 — Claremont Zone
All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the low water mark of the Indian Ocean with the prolongation northwesterly of the southwestern boundary of Swan Location 1911 and extending southeasterly to and southeasterly, southerly, easterly and northerly along boundaries of that location to the southwestern corner of Perthshire Location Ak; thence easterly and northerly along boundaries of that location and onwards to the centre line of Underwood Avenue; thence generally easterly along that centre line to the prolongation southerly of an eastern boundary of Location 691, a western side of Brookdale Street; thence northerly to and along that side to the southern side of Alderbury Street; thence easterly along that side to the western side of Selby Street; thence southerly along that side and onwards to the northern boundary of Swan Location 3240 (Reserve 2290); thence easterly and southerly along boundaries of that location to the prolongation westerly of the southern side of Lonnie Street; thence easterly to and along that side and onwards to the northwestern side of Railway Road; thence generally southwesterly along that side to the prolongation westerly of the southern side of Aberdare Road; thence easterly to and along that side to the northeastern corner of Location 728; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that location to its southeastern corner; thence southerly to the intersection of the northern side of Monash Avenue with the prolongation northerly of the centre line of Hampden Road; thence generally southerly to and along that centre line and onwards to and along the centre line of Broadway and onwards to the right bank of the Swan River; thence generally southwesterly along that bank and the right bank of Fremantle Harbour to the Low Water Mark of the Indian Ocean and thence generally northerly along that mark to the starting point.
Zone No. 8 — Wembley Zone
All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at the intersection of the low water mark of the Indian Ocean with the prolongation northwesterly of the southwestern boundary of Swan Location 1911 and extending southeasterly to and southeasterly, southerly, easterly and northerly along boundaries of that location to the southwestern corner of Perthshire Location Ak; thence easterly and northerly along boundaries of that location and onwards to the centre line of Underwood Avenue; thence generally easterly along that centre line to the prolongation southerly of an eastern boundary of Location 691, a western side of Brookdale Street; thence northerly to and along that side to the southern side of Alderbury Street; thence easterly along that side to the western side of Selby Street; thence southerly along that side and onwards to the northern boundary of Swan Location 3240 (Reserve 2290); thence easterly and southerly along boundaries of that location to the prolongation westerly of the southern side of Lonnie Street; thence easterly to and along that side and onwards to the northwestern side of Railway Road; thence generally southwesterly along that side to the prolongation westerly of the southern side of Aberdare Road; thence easterly to and along that side to the northeastern corner of Location 728; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that location to its southeastern corner; thence southerly to the intersection of the northern side of Monash Avenue with the prolongation northerly of the centre line of Hampden Road; thence generally southerly to and along that centre line and onwards to and along the centre line of Broadway and onwards to the right bank of the Swan River; thence generally northerly along that bank to its intersection with the southern boundary of late Location 90; thence westerly along that boundary and onwards to the prolongation southerly of the western side of Winthrop Avenue; thence northerly to and along that side to the northeastern corner of Location 9075 (Class A Reserve 33244); thence northerly to the prolongation southwesterly of the centre line of Thomas Street; thence northeasterly to and along that centre line of the prolongation northwesterly of the southwestern side of Kings Park Road; thence northwesterly along that prolongation to the prolongation southwesterly of the centre line of Thomas Street; thence northeasterly to and along that centre line and generally northeasterly to and along the centre line of Loftus Street to the centre line of Newcastle Street; thence southeasterly along that centre line to the prolongation southerly of the centre line of Charles Street; thence generally northerly to and along that centre line and the centre line of Wanneroo Road to the prolongation westerly of the southern boundary of Location H; thence easterly to and along that boundary to the prolongation southerly of the eastern boundary of Location 5199; thence northerly to and along that boundary and onwards to intersect with an arc of radius 24 kilometres from the General Post Office, Perth; thence generally westerly along that arc to the low water mark of the Indian Ocean and thence generally southerly along that low water mark to the starting point.
Zone No. 9 — Northam District
All that portion of land comprised within a circle having a radius of 8 kilometres from the Northam Post Office.
Zone No. 10 — Bunbury District
All that portion of land comprised within an arc having a radius of 8 kilometres from the Bunbury Post Office.
Zone No. 11 — Kalgoorlie‑Boulder District
All that portion of land comprised within a circle having a radius of 8 kilometres from the Kalgoorlie Post Office.
Zone No. 12 — Collie District
All that portion of land comprised within a circle having a radius of 8 kilometres from the Collie Post Office.
Zone No. 13 — Geraldton District
All that portion of land comprised within an arc having a radius of 8 kilometres from the Geraldton Post Office.
Zone No. 15 — Esperance District
All that portion of land comprised within an arc having a radius of 8 kilometres from the Esperance Post Office
Zone No. 16 — Albany District
All that portion of land comprised within the boundaries of the Municipality of the Town of Albany.
[Schedule amended by Gazette 28 February 1992 p.993.]
1.This is a compilation of the Retail Trading Hours (Filling Station Zones) Regulations 1988 and includes the amendments referred to in the following Table.
Citation |
Gazettal |
Commencement |
Retail Trading Hours (Filling Station Zones) Regulations 1988 |
12 Aug 1988 p. 2761‑6 |
1 Sep 1988 |
Retail Trading Hours (Filling Station Zones) Regulations 1988 |
28 Feb 1992 p. 993 |
28 Feb 1992 |
These regulations were repealed by the Retail Trading Hours Regulations 1988 r. 6 as at 11 May 2007 ( see Gazette 11 May 2007 p. 2031) |