Gas Standards Act 1972

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999


Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999


Part 1 — Preliminary



3.Terms used1

4.Gasfitting work, defined1

5.Work etc. in nature of gasfitting prescribed (Act s. 13A(2))1

6.Capacity prescribed (Act s. 13A(2))1

Part 2 — Administration

7.Particulars for register prescribed (Act s. 13A(4))1

8.Gas fitter must give notice of change of address1

9.Inquiries etc., matters prescribed for (Act s. 13A)1

Part 3 — Permits and authorisations

11.Applications for permits and authorisations (Act s. 13A(6))1

12.Issue of permits and authorisation1

13A.Replacing lost etc. permits and authorisations1

13.Grades of permit or authorisation1

14.Restrictions etc. on permits or authorisations1

15.Effect of permits1

15A.Renewal of permits1

16.Effect of authorisations1

Part 3A — Supervision of gasfitting

Division 1 — Authority to supervise gasfitting work

16A.Certificate of competency and permit holders supervising Class G, E or P gasfitting work1

16B.Certificate of competency and permit holders supervising Class I gasfitting work1

16C.Authorisation holders supervising gasfitting work1

Division 2 — Duties of person supervising gasfitting work

16D.Duties of person supervising supervised gas fitter1

Part 4 — Performance of gasfitting

17.Terms used1

18.Gas fitters, duties of as to gasfitting work1

20.Installing etc. appliances etc., gas fitters’ duties as to1

21.Commissioning appliances, gas fitters’ duties as to1

22.Type B appliances, permanent connection of1

22A.Type B appliances, inspection and certification of1

23.Servicing gas installations, gas fitters’ duties as to1

24.Inaccessible fitting lines, gas fitters’ duties as to1

25.Fitting lines to be clean1

26.Pressure testing gas installations1

28.Completion of gasfitting work, gas fitters’ duties on1

29.Defective gasfitting work, notice of defects to gas fitter1

30.Notice of defects, gas fitter’s duties as to1

31.Appeal against notice of defects1

Part 4A — Appeals under section 13N(1)(b) of the Act

31A.Terms used1

31B.Technical review panel, convening of etc.1

31C.Procedure for appeals1

Part 5 — Requirements for consumers’ gas installations

32.Consumer’s gas installations, requirements for prescribed (Act s. 13)1

32A.Gas installations outside consumer’s land, plan required for1

33.Terms used in codes and standards1

Part 6 — Miscellaneous

34.Records about gas fitters, employers to keep1

35.Gas suppliers’ duties after gasfitting work on installation that only has Type A gas appliance1

35A.Gas suppliers’ duties after gasfitting work on installation that includes Type B appliance1

35B.Gas suppliers’ duties as to Type B appliance in existing gas installation1

36.Consumers’ duties as to gas installations1

37.Service apparatus not to be installed etc. without owner’s authority1

38.Misleading statements etc. by gas fitters etc.1

39.Improper use of marks signifying Director’s approval1

40.Operators of appliances etc., duties of1

41.Boats left unattended, duties of master etc.1

42.Duty to report certain incidents1

42A.Gas fitters to report unsafe gas installations1

42B.Type A gas appliances prescribed (Act s. 4)1

Part 7 — Saving and repeal

43.Savings for repealed regulations1


Schedule 2 — Forms

Schedule 3 — Witness fees and allowances

1.Daily allowance1


3.Expert evidence1

Schedule 4 — Fees for permits and authorisations

Schedule 5 — Classes of gasfitting work

Schedule 6 — Certain requirements as to consumers’ gas installations

Division 1 — Interpretation

101.Terms used1

Division 3 — LPG cylinders and tanks

301.Location of cylinders, tanks and regulators1

302.Housings for cylinders1

303.Pressure relief valve outlets, position of1

304.Appliances not to be connected to gas supply for mobile engines1

Division 4 — Fitting lines and fittings

401.Fitting lines and fittings1

402.PVC or PE fitting lines1

405.Pressure holding capability of consumer’s gas installations1

406.Protection from excessive pressure1

Division 5 — Appliances generally

501.Appliances to be approved1

502.Appliances not to be connected to wrong type of gas1

503.Avoidance of hazards1

504.Certain appliances not to be installed in certain rooms1

505.Safety devices required for certain appliances1


507.Hoods or canopies1

508.Electrical apparatus in appliances1

Division 6 — Additional requirements for particular appliances

601.Cooking appliances, fryers etc.1

602.Water heaters1

603.Space heating appliances1

604A.Flueless gas space heaters in schools and child care centres1

604.Swimming pool heaters1

Division 7 — Caravans

701.Application of this Division1

703.Location of appliances1



Division 8 — Marine craft

801.Application of this Division1

802.Cylinders and their valves to be accessible1

803.Cylinders and their compartments1

804.Appliances etc. not be installed in some places1

805.Fitting lines, location of1

806.Appliances, location of1




810.Water or room heaters1

811.Cooking appliances1


Schedule 7 — Standards containing requirements for consumers’ gas installations


Compilation table1

Other notes1

Defined terms


Gas Standards Act 1972

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999

Part 1 Preliminary


These regulations may be cited as the Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999.


These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are published in the Gazette.

3.Terms used

(1)In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears —

apparatus means any measuring device, pressure raising device, regulator, valve, instrument, or other device used to measure, control, or regulate gas supply to any appliance or gas fitting;

appliance means an appliance that consumes gas for any purpose;

approved means approved by the Director;

AS followed by a designation consisting of a number, refers to the text, as from time to time amended and for the time being in force, of the document so designated, published by Standards Australia;

AS/NZS followed by a designation consisting of a number, refers to the text, as from time to time amended and for the time being in force, of the document so designated, jointly published by Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand;

authorisation means an authorisation issued under regulation 12 or continued in force under regulation 43;

caravan means a structure designed or adapted to be towed or transported from one place to another and intended for human habitation or use as a workplace and includes the following —

(a)a self‑propelled recreational vehicle or mobile home;

(b)an associated annex or similar structure whether permanently or temporarily attached to or adjoining the main part of the structure;

certificate of competency means a certificate of competency continued in force under regulation 43;

Class, in relation to gasfitting work, means a class of gasfitting work referred to in regulation 13(2) and set out in Schedule 5;

fitting means a device used —

(a)to join pipes or flues; or

(b)to change the direction or diameter of a pipe or flue; or

(c)to provide a branch in a pipe or flue; or

(d)to terminate a pipe or flue;

fitting line means —

(a)if gas is supplied through a cylinder, any pipe, fitting, or any part of a pipe or fitting, beyond the cylinder; or

(b)if gas is supplied from a reticulated system, any pipe or fitting, or any part of a pipe or fitting, beyond the point of supply that is used or intended to be used to convey gas;

flue means the duct, conduit or passage through which products of combustion are or are intended to be conveyed to a flue terminal;

flue gas means the products of combustion produced by an appliance that is designed to discharge products of combustion through a flue;

flue terminal means the point at which flue gas discharges from the flue;

gas fitter means —

(a)a registered gas fitter; or

(b)a supervised gas fitter;

gas supplier means —

(a)an undertaker; or

(b)a pipeline licensee; or

(c)an operator of a reticulated gas supply system; or

(d)a person who supplies gas through a pressurized container;

LPG means a mixture of hydrocarbons in liquid or vapour form, consisting mainly of butane, butene, propane, or propene, or any mixture of those substances;

master meter means a meter used to measure the amount of gas supplied to the point at which delivery of the gas is made to the consumer;

maximum hourly input rate, in relation to an appliance, is the energy usage of the appliance in one hour when it is operating at its maximum level of gas consumption under normal operating conditions;

meter means a device used to measure the amount of gas passing through the device;

mobile engine means a gas‑fuelled engine that —

(a)is mounted in or on any vehicle, craft or portable appliance; and

(b)is supplied by fuel from a cylinder or tank mounted on or in the vehicle, craft or portable appliance;

natural gas means a hydrocarbon gas, in liquefied or vapour form, consisting mainly of methane;

notice of completion means a notice of completion under regulation 28(3);

permit means a permit issued under regulation 12 or continued in force under regulation 43;

pressure raising device, in relation to a consumer’s gas installation, means —

(a)a fan, blower or other device to enable the pressure of the gas in the installation, or any part of it, to be raised; or

(b)any device that may reduce the pressure at the inlet to the master meter;

registered gas fitter means —

(a)in relation to doing gasfitting work — a person who is registered as the holder of a certificate of competency, a permit or an authorisation to do the work; or

(b)in relation to supervising gasfitting work — a person who is authorised under Part 3A Division 1 to supervise the work;

regulator means a device that automatically controls the pressure or volume of gas available beyond the point at which the device is installed;

servicing, in relation to a consumer’s gas installation, means —

(a)maintenance involving the adjustment and cleaning of any appliance or apparatus in the installation in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer; or

(b)repair involving the exchange of components but not requiring modification of the installation;

supervised gas fitter, in relation to gasfitting work, means —

(a)a person who does the work in a prescribed capacity under regulation 6; or

(b)a person who does the work under a permit that authorises the person to do the work, but only with supervision;

Note for this definition:

A person who is a supervised gas fitter in relation to particular gasfitting work may be a person who supervises gas fitters in relation to other gasfitting work.

Type B appliance means an appliance that has a maximum hourly input rate exceeding 10 MJ but is neither a Type A gas appliance nor a mobile engine;

valve means a device for controlling or shutting off the flow of gas.

(2)In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears, the numerical values prescribed are subject to tolerances according to normal trade practice.

(3)Unless the contrary intention appears a reference in these regulations to the volume of a room or space is to be read as a reference to the volume that may be enclosed and includes the volume of any adjoining room or space that is not able to be separated by a door or other means of enclosure.

[Regulation 3 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7275; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1575; 30 Nov 2007 p. 5934; 26 Nov 2010 p. 5929; 8 Jan 2015 p. 99‑100; SL 2020/196 r. 31; SL 2021/86 r. 35; SL 2023/147 r. 4.]

4.Gasfitting work, defined

A reference in these regulations to gasfitting work is to be read as a reference to an operation, work or process in connection with the installation, removal, demolition, replacement, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a gas installation except —

(a)the replacement of LPG cylinders, compressed natural gas cylinders or liquefied natural gas cylinders; or

(b)any operation, work or process in relation to a mobile engine that does not involve or affect any fitting line or apparatus; or

(c)an adjustment of the air‑fuel ratio of a mobile engine that does not involve the disconnection or dismantling of any fitting line or apparatus; or

(d)an operation, work or process carried out in connection with a reticulated supply system for the gas supplier.

[Regulation 4 amended: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1575.]

5.Work etc. in nature of gasfitting prescribed (Act s. 13A(2))

For the purposes of section 13A(2) of the Act, doing or supervising any gasfitting work is of the nature of gasfitting.

6.Capacity prescribed (Act s. 13A(2))

For the purposes of section 13A(2) of the Act, a person does gasfitting work in a prescribed capacity if the person —

(a)does not hold a certificate of competency, a permit or an authorisation that authorises the person to do the work; and

(b)does the work under the supervision of a registered gas fitter who is authorised under Part 3A Division 1 to supervise the work.

[Regulation 6 inserted: SL 2023/147 r. 5.]

Part 2 Administration

7.Particulars for register prescribed (Act s. 13A(4))

For the purposes of section 13A(4) of the Act, the register must contain the following particulars for each registered person —

(a)the name and residential address of the person;

(b)the identifying number and the grade or kind of the certificate of competency, permit or authorisation, as the case may be;

(c)the date on which the certificate, permit, or authorisation was issued and, if applicable, the date on which it will expire.

8.Gas fitter must give notice of change of address

A registered gas fitter must, within 14 days of a change to the address of the registered gas fitter provided to the Director, give the Director written notice of the new address.

[Regulation 8 inserted: SL 2022/121 r. 10.]

9.Inquiries etc., matters prescribed for (Act s. 13A)

(1)For the purposes of section 13A(3)(e) of the Act, the Director is authorised to delegate his or her power to deal with a matter summarily under section 13A(11) of the Act to a person or body of persons appointed by the Director, and the exercise of that power by that person or persons is authorised.

(2)For the purposes of section 13A(12)(c) of the Act, a summons requiring the attendance of a holder as defined in section 13A(12) of the Act must be in the form of Form 1 in Schedule 2.

(3)For the purposes of section 13A(12)(c) of the Act, a summons requiring the attendance of a person to give evidence or produce documents at proceedings must be in the form of Form 2 in Schedule 2.

(4)A person who attends at proceedings under section 13A of the Act is entitled to receive a fee or allowance in accordance with Schedule 3.

[Regulation 9 amended: Gazette 30 Dec 2004 p. 6988‑9.]

[10.Deleted: Gazette 30 Dec 2004 p. 6989.]

Part 3 Permits and authorisations

11.Applications for permits and authorisations (Act s. 13A(6))

For the purposes of section 13A(6) of the Act, a person may apply for a permit or an authorisation to carry out gasfitting work by sending to the Director an application in an approved form, accompanied by —

(a)if the application is for a permit — the relevant application and issuance fees set out in Schedule 4; and

(b)if the application is for an authorisation — the relevant application fee set out in Schedule 4.

[Regulation 11 amended: Gazette 22 Dec 2017 p. 5987; SL 2020/196 r. 32; SL 2023/147 r. 6.]

12.Issue of permits and authorisation

(1)The Director may issue a permit or an authorisation to an applicant to carry out the gasfitting work specified in the permit or authorisation if the Director is satisfied that the applicant —

(a)has adequate theoretical and practical knowledge and adequate skills, to carry out the gasfitting work; and

(b)has an adequate knowledge of the Act and these regulations; and

(c)is otherwise a fit and proper person to carry out the gasfitting work.

(2)If the applicant has not applied for a particular permit or a particular authorisation, or has applied for a permit or an authorisation that the Director thinks is not appropriate having regard to the qualifications and experience of the applicant and the nature of the gasfitting work, the Director may issue a permit or an authorisation that the Director thinks is appropriate in the circumstances.

(3)A permit or an authorisation has effect only for the period specified in the permit or the authorisation.

[Regulation 12 amended: SL 2023/147 r. 7.]

13A.Replacing lost etc. permits and authorisations

(1)If the Director is satisfied that a permit or an authorisation has been lost, defaced, mutilated or destroyed the Director may, on application in writing to the Director and payment of the appropriate fee set out in Schedule 4, issue to the holder a replacement permit or authorisation.

(2)The Director may decline to issue a replacement permit or authorisation that has been defaced or mutilated until the defaced or mutilated permit or authorisation is returned to the Director.

(3)A replacement for a permit or authorisation issued under this regulation is to be regarded for the purposes of these regulations as if it were the original permit or authorisation for which it is a replacement.

[Regulation 13A inserted: Gazette 26 Nov 2010 p. 5929-30.]

13.Grades of permit or authorisation

(1)A permit or an authorisation issued under regulation 12 is to be of a grade designated by reference to the class or classes of gasfitting work referred to in subregulation (2) that the permit or authorisation authorises the holder to do.

(2)For the purposes of these regulations gasfitting work is to be regarded as of one of the classes set out in Schedule 5.

[Regulation 13 amended: SL 2023/147 r. 8.]

14.Restrictions etc. on permits or authorisations

The Director may endorse on any permit or authorisation any restriction, limitation, condition or extension as to the authority conferred in the permit or authorisation.

15.Effect of permits

(1)A permit authorises the holder to do the gasfitting work specified in the permit.


(4)A permit continues to have effect on and from the day on which it was issued or renewed for the period, not exceeding 5 years, specified in the permit.

[Regulation 15 amended: Gazette 26 Nov 2010 p. 5930; 22 Dec 2017 p. 5987; 2 Oct 2018 p. 3784; SL 2023/147 r. 9.]

15A.Renewal of permits

(1)The Director may renew a permit on an application made not earlier than 90 days before, and not later than 30 days after, the date of the expiry of the permit.

(2)An application is made under subregulation (1) by submitting to the Director, together with the appropriate fee set out in Schedule 4, the form, duly completed, made available by the Director.

(3)If, at least 12 months before the date of the expiry of the permit, the Director gives to the holder written notice that the holder is required to complete successfully a course specified in the notice relating to the safe performance of gasfitting work, the Director may refuse to renew the permit if the holder fails to comply with that requirement before that date.

(4)Subject to subregulation (5), if a permit is renewed under subregulation (1), the renewal has effect from the time when, but for the renewal, the permit would have expired.

(5)Where a permit is renewed under subregulation (1) on an application made within 30 days after the permit expires, the renewal —

(a)has effect only for the balance of the period specified in the permit remaining after the registration is renewed; and

(b)does not affect the illegality of anything done after the registration expired and before the renewal took effect.

(6)In subregulation (5), the reference to the period specified in the permit includes that part of the period in effect immediately before the Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2017 regulation 6 came into operation.

[Regulation 15A inserted: Gazette 22 Dec 2017 p. 5988.]

16.Effect of authorisations

(1)An authorisation authorises the holder to do the specified gasfitting work for the specified employer.


(3)In this regulation —

employer, in relation to the holder of an authorisation, includes a person who has engaged the holder under a contract for services;

specified means specified in the authorisation.

[Section 16 amended: SL 2023/147 r. 10.]

Part 3A — Supervision of gasfitting

[Heading inserted: SL 2023/147 r. 11.]

Division 1 — Authority to supervise gasfitting work

[Heading inserted: SL 2023/147 r. 11]

16A.Certificate of competency and permit holders supervising Class G, E or P gasfitting work

(1)In this regulation —

relevant gasfitting work means Class G, E or P gasfitting work;

supervisee means a person who —

(a)holds a certificate of competency or permit that authorises the person to do gasfitting work of any class with or without supervision; and

(b)is doing gasfitting work in a class of relevant gasfitting work for the purpose of gaining adequate knowledge and skill to be eligible for a permit to do gasfitting work of that class without supervision.

(2)A certificate of competency or permit authorises the holder to supervise relevant gasfitting work if —

(a)the relevant gasfitting work is work that the certificate or permit authorises the holder to do; and

(b)the certificate or permit does not have a restriction, limitation or condition endorsed on it that would require the holder, if the holder were to do the relevant gasfitting work themselves, to be supervised while doing the work; and

(c)the holder’s supervision of the relevant gasfitting work does not conflict with any restriction, limitation or condition endorsed on the certificate or permit; and

(d)the person doing the relevant gasfitting work is a supervisee.

[Regulation 16A inserted: SL 2023/147 r. 11.]

16B.Certificate of competency and permit holders supervising Class I gasfitting work

A certificate of competency or permit authorises the holder to supervise Class I gasfitting work if —

(a)the gasfitting work is work that the certificate or permit authorises the holder to do; and

(b)the certificate or permit does not have a restriction, limitation or condition endorsed on it that would require the holder, if the holder were to do the gasfitting work themselves, to be supervised while doing the work; and

(c)the holder’s supervision of the gasfitting work does not conflict with any restriction, limitation or condition endorsed on the certificate or permit.

[Regulation 16B inserted: SL 2023/147 r. 11.]

16C.Authorisation holders supervising gasfitting work

(1)In this regulation —

employer, in relation to the holder of an authorisation, includes a person who has engaged the holder under a contract for services.

(2)An authorisation authorises the holder to supervise gasfitting work if —

(a)the gasfitting work is being done for the employer specified in the authorisation; and

(b)the gasfitting work is work that the authorisation authorises the holder to do; and

(c)the authorisation does not have a restriction, limitation or condition endorsed on it that would require the holder, if the holder were to do the gasfitting work themselves, to be supervised while doing the work; and

(d)the holder’s supervision of the gasfitting work does not conflict with any restriction, limitation or condition endorsed on the authorisation.

[Regulation 16C inserted: SL 2023/147 r. 11.]

Division 2 — Duties of person supervising gasfitting work

[Heading inserted: SL 2023/147 r. 11]

16D.Duties of person supervising supervised gas fitter

A registered gas fitter supervising gasfitting work must ensure that —

(a)the person doing the gasfitting work complies with these regulations; and

(b)the gasfitting work is work that the registered gas fitter is authorised to supervise under Division 1.

[Regulation 16D inserted: SL 2023/147 r. 11.]

Part 4 Performance of gasfitting

17.Terms used

In this Part —

commission, in relation to a gas installation, means connect the installation so that it is available for use;

notice of defects means a notice of defects under regulation 29.

18.Gas fitters, duties of as to gasfitting work

(1)A gas fitter who does gasfitting work on a gas installation must ensure that the work is done in a safe manner.

(2)The gas fitter must ensure that —

(a)every part of the gas installation on which the work was done or that is affected by the work —

(i)complies with the requirements referred to in regulation 32; and

(ii)is safe to use;


(b)the work is completed to a trade finish.

(3)Subregulation (2) does not require the gas fitter to make an assessment about —

(a)whether the design of an appliance complies with the requirements referred to in regulation 32; or

(b)the efficacy of the design of an appliance.

[Regulation 18 inserted: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7275‑6.]

[19.Deleted: SL 2023/147 r. 12.]

20.Installing etc. appliances etc., gas fitters’ duties as to

(1)When a gas fitter installs in a gas installation an appliance or apparatus, part of an appliance or apparatus or a part of the installation the gas fitter must install the appliance, apparatus or part —

(a)in a suitable place; and

(b)in accordance with any instructions or recommendations of the manufacturer or designer relating to the installation of that appliance, apparatus or part.

(2)A gas fitter must not install a used appliance, whether or not it has been repaired or reconditioned, in a consumer’s gas installation unless the gas fitter has checked the appliance and ascertained that it operates safely.

(3)When a gas fitter installs a used appliance the gas fitter must endorse on the notice of completion a note to the effect that the gas fitter ascertained that it was operating safely.

(4)A gas fitter must not install an appliance that has been modified in any way unless the modification has been specifically approved for the individual appliance by the Director or an inspector.

(4a)A gas fitter must not modify in any way an appliance that has been installed unless the modification has been specifically approved for the individual appliance by the Director or an inspector.

(5)A gas fitter must not install in a consumer’s gas installation an appliance that uses, in addition to the gas supplied from a reticulated system, any gas that is under pressure unless —

(a)the gas supplier has approved the installation of the appliance; and

(b)the appliance is fitted with a device approved by the gas supplier to prevent the entry into the reticulated supply system of the gas; and

(c)the gas fitter has notified the consumer of the consumer’s obligation under regulation 36(4) to permit the gas supplier to inspect and test the appliance.

(6)A gas fitter must not install a pressure raising device in a consumer’s gas installation unless —

(a)the gas supplier has approved the installation; and

(b)any safety device required by the gas supplier is fitted to the satisfaction of the gas supplier; and

(c)the gas fitter has notified the consumer of the consumer’s obligation under regulation 36(5) to permit the gas supplier to inspect and test the pressure raising device and any safety device required under paragraph (b).

[Regulation 20 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7276.]

21.Commissioning appliances, gas fitters’ duties as to

When a gas fitter commissions an appliance the gas fitter must —

(a)adjust it for safe and correct operation; and

(b)if the consumer is present, demonstrate to the consumer the correct method of operating the appliance; and

(c)attach to the appliance in a conspicuous position all instructions issued by the manufacturer as to the correct method of operating the appliance.

22.Type B appliances, permanent connection of

(1)A gas fitter must not leave a Type B appliance permanently connected in a consumer’s gas installation unless an inspector has issued a certificate of compliance for the appliance under regulation 22A.

(2)For the purposes of subregulation (1), an appliance is not to be regarded as permanently connected if it is connected for a period approved in writing by an inspector pending inspection of the appliance by that inspector.

(3)For the purposes of subregulation (2), an inspector may approve a period of no more than —

(a)28 days; or

(b)if in a particular case a longer period is required and the inspector gives written notice to the Director of the approval — 90 days.

(4)The Director may, in a particular case, extend a period approved under subregulation (3)(a) or (b).

[Regulation 22 inserted: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7276‑7.]

22A.Type B appliances, inspection and certification of

(1)An inspector may issue a certificate of compliance for a Type B appliance if the inspector has inspected the appliance and ascertained, so far as is practicable, that it complies with the requirements referred to in regulation 32.

(2)The certificate of compliance is issued by —

(a)giving the certificate in an approved form to the Director; and

(b)giving copies of the certificate to the relevant persons under subregulation (4) or (5); and

(c)attaching an approved badge or label to the appliance in a conspicuous position.

(3)The appliance may be inspected —

(a)at the place where the appliance is installed and commissioned; or

(b)if the Director so approves, at any other place.

(4)If the inspection is carried out at the place where the appliance is installed and commissioned, a copy of the certificate of compliance is to be given to each of the following persons —

(a)the gas fitter who commissioned the appliance;

(b)the consumer for whom the appliance was installed and commissioned;

(c)the gas supplier.

(5)If the inspection is carried out at any other place under subregulation (3)(b), 3 copies of the certificate of compliance are to be given to the manufacturer.

(6)When the manufacturer of the appliance receives 3 copies of a certificate of compliance under subregulation (5) and the appliance is subsequently installed and commissioned in a consumer’s gas installation, the manufacturer must give a copy of the certificate to each of the following persons —

(a)the gas fitter who commissioned the appliance;

(b)the consumer for whom the appliance was installed and commissioned;

(c)the gas supplier.

[Regulation 22A inserted: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7277.]

23.Servicing gas installations, gas fitters’ duties as to

(1)When a gas fitter services a consumer’s gas installation the gas fitter must record the service information.

(2)The service information must be —

(a)clearly and legibly displayed in permanent form on a badge or label attached to the consumer’s gas installation; or

(b)recorded in accordance with an approval under subregulation (3).

(3)The Director may, in a particular case or class of case, approve in writing another means of recording service information for a consumer’s gas installation.

(4)In this regulation —

service information, in relation to the servicing of a consumer’s gas installation, means —

(a)the date that the servicing took place; and

(b)the identification number endorsed on the certificate of competency, permit or authorisation held by the registered gas fitter who did or supervised the servicing.

24.Inaccessible fitting lines, gas fitters’ duties as to

If a fitting line is in a location where it will not be readily accessible when in use, the gas fitter must ensure that before the fitting line becomes inaccessible —

(a)all joints are welded or brazed; and

(b)the line is pressure tested in accordance with these regulations.

25.Fitting lines to be clean

(1)A gas fitter must ensure that a fitting line is thoroughly clean inside before it is installed.

(2)At the end of each day’s work on a consumer’s gas installation the gas fitter must ensure that —

(a)any open end of any fitting line is temporarily sealed against the entry of foreign matter; and

(b)such other precautions are taken as are necessary to prevent the entry of foreign matter into the fitting line.

26.Pressure testing gas installations

(1)If a gas fitter installs or does any work on a consumer’s gas installation, the gas fitter must ensure that, before the installation is commissioned —

(a)the requirements of these regulations as to pressure testing are satisfied and the system is made gas‑tight; and

(b)if the gas supply is available for connection, the system is purged of all air or other gas except the gas on which the system is to operate.

(2)The gas fitter must not use a medium except one of the following for pressure testing or for locating a leak in a consumer’s gas installation —


(b)carbon dioxide;


(d)the gas proposed to be used in the consumer’s gas installation;

(e)such other medium as is approved in writing by the Director or an authority recognized by the Director as a competent authority for that purpose.

(3)If the use of water is approved under subregulation (2)(e), the person testing the consumer’s gas installation must ensure that the water is thoroughly removed from the installation before it is commissioned.

[27.Deleted: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1576.]

28.Completion of gasfitting work, gas fitters’ duties on

(1)This regulation applies to a registered gas fitter who does or supervises particular gasfitting work or a particular part of gasfitting work to be done on the whole or part of a gas installation except —

(a)servicing a consumer’s gas installation; or

(b)gasfitting work to rectify a defect specified in a notice of defects.

(2)When the particular gasfitting work is completed the registered gas fitter must attach an approved badge or label in an approved place relative to the part of the gas installation on which the work was done or that is affected by the work.

(3)The registered gas fitter must give a notice of completion of the gasfitting work in accordance with this regulation.

(3a)The notice of completion must be given within 48 hours of the completion of the gasfitting work to each of the following —

(a)if the work was done on a mobile gas installation, or the gas supplier cannot be identified — the Director;

(b)if the gas supplier can be identified and the work was not done on a mobile gas installation — the gas supplier;

(c)the person for whom the gasfitting work was done,

or as the Director otherwise approves in a particular case or class of case.

(4)In the notice of completion, the registered gas fitter must certify that he or she has complied with the requirements in regulation 18(2).

(5)The notice of completion is to be in an approved form.

(6)The Director may, in a particular case or class of case, exempt a registered gas fitter from subregulation (2) or (3).

[Regulation 28 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7278.]

29.Defective gasfitting work, notice of defects to gas fitter

(1)If gasfitting work does not comply with these regulations, an inspector may give a notice of defects to the registered gas fitter who did or supervised the work.

(2)The notice of defects is to be in an approved form.

30.Notice of defects, gas fitter’s duties as to

(1)Unless the registered gas fitter appeals under regulation 31 against a notice of defects, the registered gas fitter must within 7 days —

(a)ensure that the gasfitting work is made to comply with these regulations; and

(b)give a notice of rectification to the inspector that the work has been made to so comply.

(2)The notice of rectification is to be in an approved form.

31.Appeal against notice of defects

(1)A registered gas fitter may, within 48 hours of receiving a notice of defects, appeal in writing to the Director against the notice.

(2)On an appeal under subregulation (1), the Director may confirm, vary or cancel the notice of defects and the Director’s decision is final.

(3)The person must comply with the final decision within 7 days.

Part 4A — Appeals under section 13N(1)(b) of the Act

[Heading inserted: Gazette 30 Nov 2007 p. 5934.]

31A.Terms used

In this Part —

appeal means an appeal under section 13N(1)(b) of the Act;

appellant means a person aggrieved who commences an appeal;

technical review panel means a panel mentioned in section 13N(1)(b) of the Act.

[Regulation 31A inserted: Gazette 30 Nov 2007 p. 5934.]

31B.Technical review panel, convening of etc.

(1)If an appeal is made under section 13N(1)(b) of the Act, the chief executive officer must convene a technical review panel.

(2)The technical review panel is to consist of 3 professional engineers who are competent to deal with the matter the subject of the appeal appointed by the chief executive officer from individuals nominated by the President of the Western Australian Division of The Institution of Engineers Australia.

(3)The chief executive officer must appoint one of the members of the technical review panel to be the chairperson.

(4)The chief executive officer may —

(a)direct that the members of the technical review panel are to be paid remuneration; and

(b)determine the amount of any such payments on the recommendation of the Public Sector Commissioner.

(5)The chief executive officer must provide the technical review panel with such support services as it may reasonably require.

[Regulation 31B inserted: Gazette 30 Nov 2007 p. 5934‑5; amended: Gazette 11 Feb 2011 p. 506‑7.]

31C.Procedure for appeals

(1)An appeal must be commenced by the appellant giving the chief executive officer a notice of appeal.

(2)The notice of appeal must —

(a)be in writing; and

(b)set out the grounds of appeal; and

(c)set out any representations that the appellant wishes to make in support of the appeal.

(3)The notice of appeal must be given to the chief executive officer within 30 days after the day on which the appellant received written notice of the Director’s determination under section 13M(4) of the Act.

(4)The chief executive officer must give the technical review panel the notice of appeal as soon as practicable after the technical review panel is convened.

(5)Subject to subregulation (6), the technical review panel may determine its own procedure.

(6)The technical review panel must give the Director —

(a)a copy of the notice of appeal; and

(b)a reasonable opportunity to make submissions in relation to the appeal.

(7)The technical review panel must complete the review by making a decision under section 13N(3) of the Act within the period specified by the chief executive officer in writing.

(8)The technical review panel must give the appellant and the Director written notice of its decision made under section 13N(3) of the Act.

[Regulation 31C inserted: Gazette 30 Nov 2007 p. 5935.]

Part 5 Requirements for consumers’ gas installations

32.Consumer’s gas installations, requirements for prescribed (Act s. 13)

(1)For the purposes of section 13 of the Act and subject to regulation 32A and subregulation (4), the requirements that a consumer’s gas installation is required to meet are set out in —

(a)Schedule 6; and

(b)a code or standard set out in Schedule 7 relating to that installation.

(2)To the extent that Schedule 6 modifies, replaces or is inconsistent with the code or standard, Schedule 6 prevails.

(3)The Director may, in relation to a consumer’s gas installation or type of consumer’s gas installation —

(a)vary a requirement prescribed under subregulation (1); or

(b)specify that a requirement prescribed under subregulation (1) does not apply; or

(c)specify a requirement in addition to the requirements prescribed under subregulation (1).

(4)If, on inspection for the purposes of the Act or these regulations, a consumer’s gas installation does not meet the requirements of this regulation because of an amendment to Schedule 7 or to a code or standard set out in Schedule 7, but would have met the requirements of this regulation at some time in the 6 months prior to the day of inspection, the installation is, for the purposes for which the inspection was undertaken, to be taken to have met the requirements of this regulation.

(5)In subregulation (4), the reference to an amendment to Schedule 7 includes a reference to any amendments to these regulations consequential upon the amendment.

[Regulation 32 amended: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1576; 26 Nov 2010 p. 5930-1.]

32A.Gas installations outside consumer’s land, plan required for

(1)If a part of a consumer’s gas installation is to be located on land that is not owned by that consumer, a written plan detailing the proposed construction, operation and maintenance of that part of the installation is to be submitted to the Director for approval before work on that part of the installation commences.

(2)The Director may approve a plan or, if the Director considers that a plan submitted to the Director for approval is inadequate, the Director may direct that the plan be amended before it is implemented.

(3)If the Director directs that a plan be amended, the plan is to be amended and resubmitted for approval before work on that part of the installation commences.

(4)The part of the consumer’s gas installation that is subject to a plan must be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the plan approved by the Director.

[Regulation 32A inserted: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1576.]

33.Terms used in codes and standards

(1)If a term is defined both in these regulations and in a code or standard specified in regulation 32(1)(b) the definition in these regulations prevails.

(2)A reference in a code or standard to an “Authority” is to be read as a reference to —

(a)the Director; or

(b)if the Director so approves, an inspector.

(3)In AS/NZS 5601 —

(a)a reference to a “consumer billing meter” is to be read as a reference to a master meter; and

(b)a reference to a “sub‑meter” is to be read as a reference to a meter used to measure the amount of gas supplied to a point beyond the master meter.

[Regulation 33 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7278; 31 Jan 2003 p. 280; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1576; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

Part 6 Miscellaneous

34.Records about gas fitters, employers to keep

(1)An employer must keep a record in relation to each gas fitter employed to do gasfitting work.

(2)A record must contain —

(a)the name and address of the gas fitter; and

(b)the identifying number and grade of the gas fitter’s certificate of competency, permit or authorisation and any restrictions, limitations, conditions or restrictions on the certificate, permit or authorisation.

(3)The employer must keep a record for at least 2 years after the gas fitter stops being an employee.

(4)The employer must make a record available for inspection by an inspector during normal office hours.

35.Gas suppliers’ duties after gasfitting work on installation that only has Type A gas appliance

(1)Except as provided in this regulation, if gasfitting work is done on a consumer’s gas installation that only includes a Type A gas appliance and that is not supplied with gas, a gas supplier must not supply gas to the installation unless the gas supplier has received a notice of completion of the work.

(2)Subregulation (1) does not apply to gasfitting work done on a consumer’s gas installation associated with a caravan, marine craft or mobile engine.

(3)The Director may, in a particular case or class of case, exempt a gas supplier from subregulation (1).

[Regulation 35 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7278; 30 Nov 2007 p. 5936.]

35A.Gas suppliers’ duties after gasfitting work on installation that includes Type B appliance

(1)If gasfitting work is done on a consumer’s gas installation that includes a Type B appliance and that is not supplied with gas, a gas supplier must not supply gas to the installation unless the gas supplier —

(a)has received the notice or all notices of completion of the work; and

(b)is satisfied that each appliance in the gas installation complies with clause 501 of Schedule 6.

(2)To avoid doubt, the gas supplier is not prevented by this regulation from imposing other requirements consistent with the Act and these regulations before it supplies gas.

[Regulation 35A inserted: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7278‑9.]

35B.Gas suppliers’ duties as to Type B appliance in existing gas installation

(1)If —

(a)a Type B appliance is installed in a gas installation that is supplied with gas; or

(b)a Type B appliance, that is installed in a gas installation that is supplied with gas, is modified after a certificate of compliance in relation to the appliance has been issued under regulation 22A,

a person must not cause gas to be supplied to the appliance unless the person is satisfied that the gas supplier has given permission, under subregulation (2), to the gas fitter who is going to conduct the testing and commissioning (or re‑commissioning) of the appliance.

(2)The gas supplier may only give permission for gas to be supplied to the appliance if the gas supplier —

(a)has received the notice or all notices of completion of the work to install or modify the appliance; and

(b)if subregulation (1)(a) applies — is satisfied that each appliance in the gas installation complies with clause 501 of Schedule 6; and

(c)if subregulation (1)(b) applies — has received a copy of the approval of the modification under regulation 20.

(3)To avoid doubt, the gas supplier is not prevented by this regulation from imposing other requirements consistent with the Act and these regulations before it permits the supply of gas.

[Regulation 35B inserted: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7279.]

36.Consumers’ duties as to gas installations

(1)The consumer for whom a Type B appliance is installed must ensure that the appliance is not used until an inspector has issued a certificate of compliance in relation to the appliance under regulation 22A.

(1aa)The consumer for whom a Type B appliance is modified must ensure that the appliance is made available for testing and commissioning by a gas fitter before the consumer uses the appliance for production purposes.

(1a)The consumer for whom a Type B appliance is modified, after a certificate of compliance in relation to the appliance has been issued under regulation 22A, must ensure that the appliance is not used until an inspector has issued another certificate of compliance in relation to the appliance under that regulation.

(2)If a consumer’s gas installation includes a pressure raising device or an over‑pressure protection device in accordance with clause 406 of Schedule 6, the consumer must ensure that the gas installation is serviced by a registered gas fitter —

(a)within 2 years after the device or fitting line regulator is installed; and

(b)thereafter within 2 years after it was last serviced in accordance with this subregulation.

(3)If a consumer’s gas installation is a mobile engine that uses LPG or natural gas as fuel, the consumer must ensure that the apparatus in the installation is maintained and serviced by a registered gas fitter in accordance with —

(a)in the case of a vehicle mobile engine that uses LPG, AS/NZS 1425; or

(b)in the case of a vehicle mobile engine that uses compressed natural gas, AS 2739; or

(c)in the case of a marine mobile engine that uses LPG, AS 4732; or

(d)in the case of a forklift mobile engine that uses compressed natural gas or LPG, AS 4983.

(4A)If a consumer’s gas installation includes a Type B appliance, the consumer must ensure that the appliance is maintained and serviced by a registered gas fitter in accordance with AS 3814.

(4B)Subregulation (4A) does not apply to a gas installation to which subregulation (3) applies.

(4)If a consumer’s gas installation includes an appliance referred to in regulation 20(5), the consumer must permit the gas supplier to inspect and test the appliance, and the device fitted to it under regulation 20(5)(b), at such times, and as often as, the gas supplier reasonably requests.

(5)If a consumer’s gas installation includes a pressure raising device the consumer must permit the gas supplier to inspect and test the pressure raising device, and any safety device required under regulation 20(6)(b), at such times, and as often as, the gas supplier reasonably requests.

(6)A consumer required by subregulation (2), (3) or (4A) to ensure that the consumer’s gas installation is serviced must make and maintain a record of —

(a)the date on which each service was carried out; and

(b)the registered gas fitter by whom each service was carried out.

(7)A consumer must make a record under subregulation (6) available for inspection by an inspector upon reasonable request.

(8)A record is not required by subregulation (6) to be kept of a service carried out more than 2 years previously.

[Regulation 36 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7279‑80; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1576‑7; 26 Nov 2010 p. 5931.]

37.Service apparatus not to be installed etc. without owner’s authority

(1)A person, whether or not the holder of a certificate of competency, a permit, or an authorisation, must not install, remove, demolish, replace, alter, maintain, repair, or otherwise interfere with any service apparatus unless the person is authorised in that behalf by the person having the property in that service apparatus.

(2)In subregulation (1) —

service apparatus means any apparatus, works or system, any part of it or any equipment or plant used in conjunction with it that is, is capable of being, or is intended to be used for conveying, measuring, or controlling gas supplied from any distribution works to the position on any premises at which delivery of gas is, is capable of being, or is intended to be, made to a consumer.

38.Misleading statements etc. by gas fitters etc.

(1)A person who is not the holder of a certificate of competency, a permit or an authorisation to do gasfitting work or a particular class of gasfitting work must not advertise or otherwise represent that the person is the holder of that certificate of competency, permit or authorisation.

(2)A gas fitter must not state or otherwise represent to an inspector or any other person that an appliance, apparatus, fitting, design or other thing that is required by these regulations —

(a)to be approved by any person or body; or

(b)to be of a type that is approved by any person or body,

is in fact so approved unless the gas fitter has made reasonable inquiry into the matter and believes that statement or representation to be true.

(3)A gas fitter must not state or otherwise represent that a gas installation complies with the requirements referred to in regulation 32 or is safe to use unless the gas fitter believes on reasonable grounds that statement or representation to be true.

39.Improper use of marks signifying Director’s approval

A person must not mark, stamp or label a gas appliance in a manner that implies or states that the gas appliance is approved, or is of a class or type that is approved, by the Director under section 13D of the Act, or by a body or authority the approval of which the Director has adopted under section 13F of the Act, unless the gas appliance is so approved, or is of a class or type that is so approved.

40.Operators of appliances etc., duties of

A person who operates any appliance, apparatus, or other part of a consumer’s gas installation must take such precautions as are reasonable having regard to any instructions or recommendations of the manufacturer.

41.Boats left unattended, duties of master etc.

Before a petrol‑powered marine craft is left unattended for a period exceeding 24 hours, the person who is in charge of the craft must ensure that gas supply to an appliance installed in the marine craft is shut off if the appliance is designed to have a continuously burning flame.

42.Duty to report certain incidents

(1)If an incident that causes or is likely to cause injury to a person or damage to property occurs, a person who is aware of the incident must immediately report it —

(a)to the relevant gas supplier and the Director; or

(b)to the Director, if —

(i)the gas installation is a mobile engine or is on or in a caravan or marine craft; or

(ii)the relevant gas supplier is not identifiable.

(2)Subregulation (1) does not apply —

(a)to a person who believes, on reasonable grounds, that the incident has already been, or is likely to have already been, reported in accordance with subregulation (1); or

(b)to a supervised gas fitter who becomes aware of the incident while doing gasfitting work and who reports the incident to a registered gas fitter who is —

(i)supervising the gasfitting work; and

(ii)authorised under Part 3A Division 1 to supervise the gasfitting work.

(3)In this regulation —

incident means an incident that involves the sudden discharge of gas or that otherwise relates to gas.

[Regulation 42 amended: SL 2023/147 r. 13.]

42A.Gas fitters to report unsafe gas installations

(1)If a gas fitter, in the course of work as a gas fitter, becomes aware of a defect that the gas fitter considers renders the gas installation, or a part of it, unsafe to use, the gas fitter must immediately notify the following of the existence and nature of the defect —

(a)the consumer for whom the gasfitting work was done;

(b)the gas supplier or (if the gas installation is a mobile engine, is on or in a caravan or marine craft or the relevant gas supplier is not identifiable) the Director.

(2)Subregulation (1) does not apply —

(a)to a gas fitter who believes, on reasonable grounds, that the defect has already been notified in accordance with subregulation (1); or

(b)to a supervised gas fitter who notifies the defect to a registered gas fitter who is —

(i)supervising the gasfitting work being done by the supervised gas fitter; and

(ii)authorised under Part 3A Division 1 to supervise the gasfitting work.

[Regulation 42A inserted: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7280; amended: SL 2023/147 r. 14.]

42B.Type A gas appliances prescribed (Act s. 4)

(1)In this regulation —

commercial means designed and manufactured for commercial use, whether or not so used;

domestic means designed and manufactured for domestic use, whether or not so used.

(2)For the purposes of the definition of Type A gas appliance in section 4 of the Act, gas appliances of the class or type specified in the Table to this regulation are prescribed.

Type A gas appliance

1.Domestic cooking appliances

2.Domestic space heating appliances having a maximum hourly input rate of 150 MJ

3.Domestic refrigerators

4.Domestic outdoor barbecue grillers

5.Water heaters

6.Swimming pool heaters

7.Commercial catering equipment — boiling tables, open and closed top

8.Catalytic spaceheaters having a maximum hourly input rate of 20 MJ

9.Domestic decorative gas log fires having a maximum hourly input rate of 72 MJ

10.Incinerating toilets

11.Cooking, lighting or heating appliances that use LPG and are designed for outdoor use

12.Commercial catering equipment — salamanders and grillers

13.Commercial catering equipment — solid griller plates, griddles

14.Commercial catering equipment — barbecue grillers

15.Commercial catering equipment — ovens

16.Commercial catering equipment — boiling water units

17.Commercial catering equipment — stock pots

18.Commercial catering equipment — atmospheric steamers

19.Commercial catering equipment — fryers

20.Commercial catering equipment — food warmers, Bain‑Marie

21.Commercial catering equipment — convection ovens

22.Laundry dryers

23.Overhead heaters

24.Industrial mobile air heaters

25.Indirect fired air heaters

26.Air conditioning units

27.Small gas engine driven appliances to which AS/NZS 5263.1.11 applies

(3)Unless otherwise specified, a reference to an appliance in the Table to subregulation (2) is a reference to an appliance having a maximum hourly input rate of 1 000 MJ.

[Regulation 42B inserted: Gazette 30 Nov 2007 p. 5936‑7; amended: Gazette 25 Nov 2010 p. 5931; SL 2023/147 r. 15.]

Part 7 Saving and repeal

43.Savings for repealed regulations

(1)A certificate of competency, permit or authorisation that was in force under the repealed regulations continues in force according to its tenor as if regulations 13, 14 and 15 of the repealed regulations had not been repealed.

(2)In subregulation (1) —

repealed regulations means the regulations repealed by regulation 44.


The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumers’ Gas Installations Regulations) 1999 are repealed.

[Schedule 1 deleted: Gazette 30 Nov 2007 p. 5937.]


Schedule 2 Forms

[r. 9(2) and 9(3)]

[Heading inserted: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1577.]

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999, reg. 9(2)

Summons to attend before the Director


Form 1



Person summonsed




Phone No. (h):(w):



Proceedings are being held before the Director under the Gas Standards Act 1972 section 13A(12) in relation to you as the current or former holder of a certificate of competency, permit or authorisation.

You are required to attend the proceedings.









Reason for proceedings

The proceedings are being held because:





Person issuing summons




[Form 1 inserted: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1577; amended: SL 2022/121 r. 11(1).]


Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999, reg. 9(3)

Summons to give evidence at proceedings


Form 2



Person summonsed




Phone No. (h):(w):



Proceedings are being held before the Director under the Gas Standards Act 1972 section 13A(12) in relation to the current or former holder of a certificate of competency, permit or authorisation.

You are required to attend the proceedings to give evidence and to produce the documents listed below.









Reason for proceedings

The person who is the subject of the proceedings is:



The proceedings are being held because:







Documents to be produced (if any)







Person issuing summons




[Form 2 inserted: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1578; amended: SL 2022/121 r. 11(2).]


Schedule 3Witness fees and allowances

[r. 9(4)]

1.Daily allowance

(1)A person carrying on a profession or business as a principal is entitled to a daily allowance not exceeding $97.00.

(2)A person other than that referred to in subclause (1) is entitled to a daily allowance not exceeding $78.00.

(3)In fixing an allowance under subclause (2), the Director may have regard to the amount of salary or wages (if any) actually lost by the witness.


A witness residing at a distance from the place of hearing is entitled to reasonable travelling expenses actually paid, and a reasonable amount for maintenance or sustenance.

3.Expert evidence

(1)A party is entitled to such amount as has been reasonably and properly incurred and paid to a witness for qualifying to give expert evidence.

(2)An expert witness is entitled to a reasonable fee for the witness’ attendance even if it exceeds the daily allowance under clause 1.

(3)An allowance is not to be made to an expert witness for the witness’ attendance to assist or advise counsel or the solicitor for a party during a hearing.


Schedule 4  Fees for permits and authorisations

[r. 11, 13A and 15A]

[Heading inserted: SL 2024/96 r. 29.]


Column 1


Column 2

Fee ($)


Application for permit (r. 11(a))



Issue or renewal of permit (for each year) (r. 11(a) and 15A(2))



Application for authorisation (r. 11(b))



Replacement permit or authorisation (r. 13A(1))


[Schedule 4 inserted: SL 2024/96 r. 29.]

Schedule 5Classes of gasfitting work

[r. 13(2)]



Class G

All gasfitting work except gasfitting work classed as Class I, E or P.

Class I

Gasfitting work —

(a)on a consumer’s gas installation associated with a Type B appliance; or

(b)on piping that has an operating pressure of more than 200 kPa, not being gasfitting work referred to in paragraph (a) or classified as Class E or P.

Class E

Gasfitting work associated with a mobile engine.

Class P

Gasfitting work on a gas installation associated with the storage and dispensing of gas for the refuelling of a motor vehicle as defined in the Road Traffic (Administration) Act 2008 section 4.

[Schedule 5 amended: Gazette 8 Jan 2015 p. 100.]


Schedule 6Certain requirements as to consumers’ gas installations

[r. 32(1)(a)]

Division 1Interpretation

101.Terms used

In this Schedule, unless the contrary intention appears —

approved means approved by —

(a)the Director; or

(b)a person recognized by the Director as a competent authority for that purpose;

bedroom means any room used or intended to be used as sleeping quarters;

flame safeguard system means a system designed to detect flame failure and shut off the flow of gas when flame failure is detected;

prescribed pressure means —

(a)0.75 kPa, in relation to a gas installation that uses or is to use tempered LPG (i.e. a mixture of LPG and air having a gross heating value of more than 23.5 MJ/m3 but not more than 27.3 MJ/m3);

(b)1.25 kPa, in relation to a gas installation that uses or is to use natural gas or simulated natural gas (i.e. a mixture of LPG and air having a gross heating value of more than 40 MJ/m3 but not more than 51 MJ/m3);

(c)2.75 kPa, in relation to a gas installation that uses or is to use LPG.

[Division 2: r.  201 deleted: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1578;.
r. 202-208 deleted: Gazette 2 Oct 2018 p. 3784.]

Division 3LPG cylinders and tanks

301.Location of cylinders, tanks and regulators

(1)The location of cylinders, tanks and regulators must comply with any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 1596.

(2)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 301 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 280; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1578; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

302.Housings for cylinders

(1)Equipment other than a cylinder and its essential fittings must not be stored, placed, or allowed to remain, within a housing specifically provided for a cylinder.

(2)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 302 amended: Gazette 31 Jan 2003 p. 280; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

303.Pressure relief valve outlets, position of

(1)The discharge point of the cylinder or tank safety valve must be positioned so that any gas discharged through the valve would be directed away from any building, structure, caravan, towing vehicle, marine craft or gas installation.

(2)A pressure relief valve outlet must not be located in any building, structure, caravan, or marine craft (except as permitted by clause 301) unless it is located within a housing specifically provided for that purpose.

(3)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 303 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

304.Appliances not to be connected to gas supply for mobile engines

An appliance other than a mobile engine must not be connected to a storage container that provides the supply of gas to a mobile engine.

Division 4Fitting lines and fittings

401.Fitting lines and fittings

(1)A fitting line or fitting on a consumer’s gas installation that is to operate at a pressure of 200 kPa or less must comply with AS/NZS 5601.

(2)A fitting line or fitting on a consumer’s gas installation that is to operate at a pressure exceeding 200 kPa must comply with the following standards —

(a)AS 4041 — for above ground steel piping;

(b)AS 4645.2 — for below ground steel piping, operating at a pressure not exceeding 1050 kPa;

(c)AS 2885 — for below ground steel piping, operating at a pressure of or exceeding 1050 kPa;

(d)AS 4645.3 — for below ground plastic piping.

[Clause 401 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579; 26 Nov 2010 p. 5932; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

402.PVC or PE fitting lines

(1)A PVC or PE fitting line may only be used in such a position as to be readily accessible for the purposes of any repairs and maintenance that become necessary.

(2)This clause applies in addition to the Table on consumer piping and materials and duty limits in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 402 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

[403.Deleted: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281.]

[404.Deleted: Gazette 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579.]

405.Pressure holding capability of consumer’s gas installations

A consumer’s gas installation must not leak when subjected to an approved test.

406.Protection from excessive pressure

(1)If the inlet pressure to a fitting line regulator exceeds 7 kPa, an over‑pressure protection device must be incorporated in the regulator or installed in the fitting line before the regulator to prevent the pressure at the outlet of the regulator at any time exceeding the maximum pressure for which any fitting line or gas fitting supplied through the regulator has been found upon test to be suitable.

(2)In subclause (1) —

fitting line regulator means a regulator installed in a fitting line, other than a regulator that controls the gas pressure to one appliance only, whether or not it is an integral part of the appliance.

[Clause 406 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579.]

Division 5Appliances generally

501.Appliances to be approved

(1)A Type A gas appliance must not be installed in a consumer’s gas installation unless —

(a)it is the same as an appliance that is currently approved for such installation by the Director; or

(b)it is individually approved for such installation by an inspector,

and is marked with a badge or label to this effect.

(2)A Type B appliance must not be installed in a consumer’s gas installation unless —

(a)it is the same as an appliance that is currently approved for such installation by the Director; or

(b)it is individually approved in writing for such installation by an inspector.

(3)Before a Type B appliance is installed by a gas fitter, the gas fitter must either —

(a)obtain a copy of the appropriate approval by the Director under paragraph (2)(a) and satisfy himself or herself that the appliance is covered by that approval; or

(b)determine that the appliance has been individually approved for installation under paragraph (2)(b), by obtaining a copy of the approval.

[Clause 501 amended: Gazette 30 Nov 2007 p. 5937.]

502.Appliances not to be connected to wrong type of gas

(1)An appliance installed in a consumer’s gas installation must not be connected to a cylinder or reticulated supply system from which the gas supplied or to be supplied is not of a type approved for use by that appliance.

(2)An appliance installed in a consumer’s gas installation must not be modified after manufacture for the purpose of enabling it to use gas of a different type unless it is modified —

(a)in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions using a conversion kit specifically approved for that purpose; or

(b)with the written approval of an inspector.

503.Avoidance of hazards

(1)An appliance, cylinder, flue, fitting line or other apparatus must not, by its construction, use or positioning, constitute a hazard.

(2)Nothing in this Schedule limits the generality of subclause (1).

[Clause 501 inserted: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7280.]

504.Certain appliances not to be installed in certain rooms

(1)There must not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom, toilet, shower room, shower cubicle or sauna —

(a)any appliance that is not fitted with a flue; or

(b)the outlet plug of any bayonet fitting for a portable appliance.

(2)The outlet plug of a bayonet fitting can be installed in a room to which subclause (1) does not apply only if —

(a)the room is used as a kitchen; or

(b)the room has a volume of more than 30 m3, and 2 permanent ventilation openings —

(i)one of which is situated near the top of the room and the other near the bottom of the room; and

(ii)that are separated by a distance of not less than 1.5 m measured vertically; and

(iii)each of which has an aggregate open area of not less than 25 000 mm2;


(c)the installation is approved in each case by an inspector.

(3)An appliance must not be installed or connected for use in a sauna unless the approval of an inspector has been given to such installation or use of that particular appliance.

(4)In this clause —

bathroom means a bathroom in a private residence and does not include an ablution area serving a factory or a camping area, or any other ablution area serving a communal purpose;

bayonet fitting means a bayonet‑style outlet plug and a mating socket such that gas is not able to pass from the outlet plug until the plug is inserted in, and locked into, the mating socket.

505.Safety devices required for certain appliances

An appliance that is supplied or to be supplied from a reticulated supply system and is designed to use air, oxygen, or any other gas under pressure together with the gas from the supply system must be fitted with such safety devices, if any, as the gas supplier is satisfied will prevent the entry into the supply system of air, oxygen, or such other gas, as the case may be.


[(1), (2)deleted]

(3)In the case of a natural draught flue, the flue must be fitted with a flue cowl (i.e. a fitting placed at a flue terminal to ensure the proper discharge of flue gas) of an approved type unless the flue terminal is permitted by these regulations to be between the ceiling and the roof of a building.


(8)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 506 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

507.Hoods or canopies

(1)If the use of a hood or canopy to discharge flue products to the outside atmosphere has been approved as part of an appliance approval, the hood or canopy —

(a)must have an opening that is not less than 4 times the area encompassed by the outer perimeter of the flue; and

(b)must be positioned vertically above the centre of the appliance exhaust outlet opening; and

(c)must be positioned so that the lowest part is not more than 200 mm from the appliance exhaust outlet opening.

(2)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 507 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

508.Electrical apparatus in appliances

(1)An appliance that is installed in a consumer’s gas installation and incorporates electrical apparatus must comply with AS/NZS 3100 and AS/NZS 60335‑2‑102.

(2)An appliance installed in a consumer’s gas installation and connected to a supply of electricity must be provided with a means of isolation from the electricity supply that —

(a)does not need tools to effect the isolation; and

(b)is located adjacent to the appliance and in a readily accessible position.

[Clause 508 amended: Gazette 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1579.]

Division 6Additional requirements for particular appliances

601.Cooking appliances, fryers etc.

(1)A cooking appliance installed in a consumer’s gas installation must not be so located that any combustible material would be likely to be affected by heat from a burner of the appliance.

(2)A fryer installed in a consumer’s gas installation must not be located —

(a)within 500 mm of a barbecue griller, unless a baffle plate extending at least 500 mm above the hob of the fryer is provided between the fryer and the barbecue griller; or

(b)within 200 mm of a smooth plate, a griller other than a barbecue griller, or any other appliance that operates so as to expose any open flame or other source of ignition, unless a baffle plate extending to at least 200 mm above the hob of the fryer is provided between the fryer and the other appliance.

(3)A cooking appliance installed in a consumer’s gas installation not being a mobile installation must be so installed that any cooking surface or oven rack of the appliance is at all times maintained in a horizontal plane.

(4)The oven of a cooking appliance installed in a consumer’s gas installation must be fitted with an approved flame safeguard system.

(5)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 601 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1580; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

602.Water heaters

(1)Unless otherwise approved, if a gas water heater that does not have a storage facility for heated water is fixed to a wall in which there is any combustible material, the heater must be mounted on —

(a)suitable fire resistant material that extends at least 150 mm beyond the projection onto the wall of the heater; or

(b)spacers such that there is an air space of not less than 25 mm between the case of the heater and any combustible material.

(2)The water outlet of a gas sink heater must not be fitted with any device that restricts the flow of water unless the appliance as manufactured and approved is fitted with such a device.

(3)A gas water heater that is mounted externally to any building or other structure must be so located that the heater —

(a)is sufficiently clear of trees, shrubs, and other combustible material so as not to constitute a fire hazard; and

(b)has sufficient clearance for the necessary plumbing connections.

(4)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 602 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1580; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

603.Space heating appliances

(1)A gas space heating appliance that is not fitted with a flue must not be installed in a private dwelling unless the appliance is fitted with an approved oxygen depletion sensing system.

(2)If the room or space in which there is installed —

(a)an appliance referred to in subclause (1); or

(b)a bayonet point enabling the connection of such an appliance,

is ventilated to another room or space, that other room or space and any further room or space to which it is in turn ventilated is to be subject to the ventilation requirements of these regulations as if it were part of the room or space in which the appliance or bayonet point is installed.

(3)A gas space heating appliance that heats wholly or partly by means of high temperature radiants or surfaces and that is not fitted with a flue must not be installed in a consumer’s gas installation so as to be located closer to any combustible material than 500 mm measured laterally.

(4)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 603 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1580; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

604A.Flueless gas space heaters in schools and child care centres

(1)In this clause —

child care centre means a place where —

(a)an education and care service as defined in the Education and Care Services National Law (Western Australia) section 5(1) operates, unless the place is a family day care residence, as defined in that section; or

(b)a child care service, as defined in the Child Care Services Act 2007 section 4, is provided;

school has the meaning given in the School Education Act 1999 section 4, and includes a community kindergarten registered under Part 5 of that Act.

(2)A gas space heating appliance that is not fitted with a flue must not be installed in a child care centre or school except in an area —

(a)where, because of its intended use, a child or student is unlikely to be exposed to the appliance’s combustion products for more than a brief period of time, for example, a staff room or an office of a principal or counsellor; or

(b)that is large and well ventilated, for example, a gymnasium or semi‑enclosed recreation area.

[Clause 604A inserted: Gazette 26 Nov 2010 p. 5932; amended: Gazette 12 Dec 2014 p. 4711-12.]

604.Swimming pool heaters

(1)A gas swimming pool heater must be fitted with a device to ensure that water is flowing through the heater before the main gas valve permits the flow of gas to the burners of the heater.

(2)This clause applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 604 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1580; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

Division 7Caravans

701.Application of this Division

(1)This Division applies to a consumer’s gas installation that is on or in a caravan but not to any other consumer’s gas installation.

(2)This Division applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 701 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1580; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

[702.Deleted: Gazette 26 Nov 2010 p. 5933.]

703.Location of appliances

(1)An appliance in a caravan must be so located that in the event of a fire, the appliance would not obstruct the exit of a person from any part of the caravan.

(2)If an appliance that requires gas to be supplied to it at more than the prescribed pressure is installed in a caravan in accordance with clause 704, the appliance must not be located in a cupboard or other enclosed compartment.

(3)Equipment and appliances operating at above prescribed pressure must not be permanently installed in a caravan unless specifically approved.

(4)A portable gas appliance in a caravan must be securely packed or fixed by temporary fastenings at all times that the caravan is in motion.


(1)The pressure to an appliance installed in a caravan and in a fitting line after the pressure regulator must not exceed the prescribed pressure.

(2)Subclause (1) does not apply in respect of —


(b)an appliance that depends on a pressure exceeding the prescribed pressure for its proper operation, if —

(i)the appliance is installed in a mobile workshop that is not used for accommodation; and

(ii)the pressure is limited by a regulator mounted outside the caravan to not more than the minimum pressure required by the appliance for its proper operation, being a pressure of not more than 140 kPa.

(3)If in accordance with subclause (2) gas is used at a pressure exceeding the prescribed pressure it must be carried in the vapour phase.

[Clause 704 amended: Gazette 26 Nov 2010 p. 5933.]


(1)The consumer instruction sheet to be displayed near an appliance as provided in AS/NZS 5601, must be —

(a)legible and clear; and

(b)in a permanent form measuring not less than 200 mm by 200 mm; and

(c)kept in a conspicuous position adjacent to an appliance, or if there is more than one appliance, adjacent to one of the appliances.

(2)There must be kept in a conspicuous position adjacent to the fuel tank filler of a self‑propelled caravan in which there is installed any appliance, a legible and clear warning in a permanent form setting out the following —


Ensure all gas appliances are turned off before refuelling.

[Clause 705 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1580; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

Division 8Marine craft

801.Application of this Division

(1)This Division applies to a consumer’s gas installation that uses or is to use LPG and that is on or in a marine craft but not to any other consumer’s gas installation.

(2)This Division applies in addition to any relevant requirements in AS/NZS 5601.

[Clause 801 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1580; 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]

802.Cylinders and their valves to be accessible

A cylinder, regulator, or fitting line that is part of a consumer’s gas installation and all safety equipment pertaining to the consumer’s gas installation must be so located that access to the cylinder and the cylinder valves is readily available and operation of the valves is not obstructed or hindered.

803.Cylinders and their compartments

(1)A cylinder compartment drain must be connected directly to the outside of the marine craft.

(2)A consumer’s gas installation must be so designed that in order to disconnect the cylinder from the consumer’s gas installation it is necessary to undo only the cylinder valve union.

(3)This clause applies both to —

(a)a cylinder that is not connected to an appliance; and

(b)a cylinder that is connected to an appliance.

[Clause 803 amended: Gazette 19 Dec 2000 p. 7281; 31 Jan 2003 p. 281; 21 Apr 2006 p. 1580.]

804.Appliances etc. not be installed in some places

(1)An appliance, fitting line, or other part of a consumer’s gas installation must not be installed in any space that is not ventilated or that contains explosives, or highly‑combustible material.

(2)A fitting line must not be installed in any area intended primarily for sleeping.

805.Fitting lines, location of

A fitting line must be located outside any false bottom in a position that is protected and ventilated, is sufficiently elevated to be free from the effects of bilge water, and is not within 50 mm of any electrical cable or electrical fitting.

806.Appliances, location of

(1)An appliance installed in a marine craft must be so located that in the event of a fire, the appliance would not obstruct the exit of a person from any part of the marine craft.

(2)If an appliance that requires gas to be supplied to it at more than the prescribed pressure is installed in a marine craft in accordance with clause 807, the appliance must not be located in a cupboard or other enclosed compartment.

(3)Equipment and appliances operating at above prescribed pressure must not be permanently installed in a marine craft unless specifically approved.

(4)An appliance must be so located that it is not likely to be exposed to air turbulence that would extinguish the flame.

(5)An appliance must not be installed below the level of the main deck unless an approved device designed to detect the presence of flammable gas is installed.

(6)The device for detecting flammable gas referred to in subclause (5) must be in operation —

(a)before any appliance is lit; and

(b)while the marine craft is being refuelled; and

(c)while the marine craft is in use.


(1)The pressure to an appliance installed in a marine craft and in a fitting line after the pressure regulator must not exceed the prescribed pressure.

(2)Subclause (1) does not apply in respect of —

(a)a portable appliance that incorporates its own cylinder the installation of which is in accordance with clause 803(2); or

(b)an appliance that depends on a pressure exceeding the prescribed pressure for its proper operation, if —

(i)the appliance is installed in a mobile workshop that is not used for accommodation; and

(ii)the pressure is limited by a regulator mounted outside the marine craft to not more than the minimum pressure required by the appliance for its proper operation, being a pressure of not more than 140 kPa.

(3)If in accordance with subclause (2) gas is carried at a pressure exceeding the prescribed pressure it must be carried in the vapour phase.


(1)If natural ventilation is not sufficient to provide for fresh air requirements and to adequately remove any leaked gas from an appliance, the natural ventilation must be supplemented by mechanical means.

(2)If mechanical ventilation is provided in a space of which any cylinder or appliance is installed —

(a)the fan must be so designed and of such material as to eliminate the risk of sparks being caused by friction or impact of the impeller against the casing; and

(b)any electric motor driving a fan must be located —

(i)outside the space ventilated; or

(ii)within the space ventilated but clear of the ventilation trunking and outlets; or

(iii)in such other position as is approved in each case by an inspector;


(c)ventilation outlets are to be so located as to discharge into a place that is free from any source of ignition; and

(d)exhaust ventilation trunking must extend to a position near to the bottom of the space and adjacent to any appliance by reason of which mechanical ventilation is required.


(1)When an appliance is required by these regulations to be fitted with a flue, the flue must be of double‑seamed copper or stainless steel having a thickness of —

(a)in the case of copper, not less than 0.6 mm; or

(b)in the case of stainless steel, not less than 0.45 mm.

(2)A flue fitted to an appliance must be fitted with a protective sleeve of 6 mm of insulating material at the point at which it passes through the side or top of the space in which the appliance is installed and, if the side or top is of a combustible material, there must be a clearance of not less than 25 mm between the flue and the combustible material.

(3)A flue fitted to an appliance —

(a)must not be fitted with a damper; and

(b)must have an approved flue terminal located not less than 50 mm away from the outside surface of the marine craft.

810.Water or room heaters

(1)A gas water heater must not be installed in a marine craft except in the galley or such other place as is approved in each case by an inspector.

(2)A gas water heater or a gas room heater —

(a)must not be located below the level of the main deck except as approved in each case by an inspector and subject to clause 806; and

(b)must be fitted with a flue and a flame safeguard system.

811.Cooking appliances

If a gas cooking appliance is mounted on gimbals —

(a)the cooking appliance must be fitted with fiddle rails; and

(b)the cooking appliance must be sufficiently clear of surrounding objects and structures to allow for gimbal movement.


There must be kept in a conspicuous position adjacent to an appliance, or if there is more than one appliance, adjacent to one of the appliances, a legible and clear warning in a permanent form, setting out the following —

Approval of an inspector is required before appliances may be altered.



Schedule 7  Standards containing requirements for consumers’ gas installations

[r. 32(1)(b)]

[Heading inserted: Gazette 26 Nov 2010 p. 5933.]





Gas installations

AS/NZS 5601


Industrial and commercial gas‑fired appliances

AS 3814


Storage and handling of LP Gas

AS/NZS 1596


LP Gas fuel systems for marine engines

AS 4732


LP Gas for fuel systems for vehicle engines

AS/NZS 1425


Natural gas (NG) fuel systems for vehicle engines

AS 2739


Gas fuel systems for forklifts and industrial engines

AS 4983


CNG refuelling stations

AS 5092


The storage and handling of liquefied natural gas

AS 3961


Gas distribution networks — Plastic pipe systems

AS 4645.3


Gas distribution networks — Steel pipe systems

AS 4645.2


Pipelines — Gas and liquid petroleum — Design and construction

AS 2885.1


Pipelines — Gas and liquid petroleum — Welding

AS 2885.2


Pipelines — Gas and liquid petroleum — Field pressure testing

AS/NZS 2885.5


Pressure piping

AS 4041


Approval and test specification — General requirements for electrical equipment

AS/NZS 3100


Household and similar electrical appliances — Safety

Part 2.102: Particular requirements for gas, oil and solid fuel burning appliances having electrical connections

AS/NZS 60335‑2‑102

[Schedule 7 inserted: Gazette 26 Nov 2010 p. 5933-4; amended: Gazette 18 Jan 2011 p. 147.]





This is a compilation of the Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 and includes amendments made by other written laws. For provisions that have come into operation, and for information about any reprints, see the compilation table.

Compilation table




Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999

30 Jul 1999 p. 3499‑539

30 Jul 1999 (see r. 2)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2000

2 May 2000 p. 2114

2 May 2000

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2000 1

19 Dec 2000 p. 7275‑82

19 Dec 2000 (see r. 2)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2001

23 Nov 2001 p. 6029

23 Nov 2001

Reprint 1: The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 as at 3 Jan 2003 (includes amendments listed above)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2003

31 Jan 2003 p. 280‑2

31 Jan 2003

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2004

13 Jul 2004 p. 2822‑3

13 Jul 2004

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2004

30 Dec 2004 p. 6988‑9

1 Jan 2005 (see r. 2 and Gazette 31 Dec 2004 p. 7130)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2005

19 Aug 2005 p. 3867

19 Aug 2005

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2006

21 Apr 2006 p. 1575‑81

21 Apr 2006

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2006

27 Jun 2006 p. 2284‑5

1 Jul 2006 (see r. 2)

Reprint 2: The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 as at 14 Jul 2006 (includes amendments listed above)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2007

15 Jun 2007 p. 2784‑5

r. 1 and 2: 15 Jun 2007 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2007 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2007

30 Nov 2007 p. 5933‑7

r. 1 and 2: 30 Nov 2007 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Dec 2007 (see r. 2(b) and Gazette 30 Nov 2007 p. 5927)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2008

17 Jun 2008 p. 2565‑6

r. 1 and 2: 17 Jun 2008 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2008 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2009

23 Jun 2009 p. 2441‑2

r. 1 and 2: 23 Jun 2009 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2009 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 3: The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 as at 21 Aug 2009 (includes amendments listed above)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2010

25 Jun 2010 p. 2865-6

r. 1 and 2: 25 Jun 2010 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2010 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2010

26 Nov 2010 p. 5928-34

r. 1 and 2: 26 Nov 2010 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 27 Nov 2010 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2010

18 Jan 2011 p. 146-7

r. 1 and 2: 18 Jan 2011 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 19 Jan 2011 (see r. 2(b))

Public Sector Reform (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011 r. 20

11 Feb 2011 p. 502‑7

12 Feb 2011 (see r. 2(d))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2011

22 Jun 2011 p. 2315‑16

r. 1 and 2: 22 Jun 2011 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2011 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 4: The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 as at 8 Jul 2011 (includes amendments listed above)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2012

15 Jun 2012 p. 2609-10

r. 1 and 2: 15 Jun 2012 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2012 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013

27 Jun 2013 p. 2711-12

r. 1 and 2: 27 Jun 2013 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2013 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2014

17 Jun 2014 p. 1966‑7

r. 1 and 2: 17 Jun 2014 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2014 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2014

12 Dec 2014 p. 4711-12

r. 1 and 2: 12 Dec 2014 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 13 Dec 2014 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2014

8 Jan 2015 p. 99‑100

r. 1 and 2: 8 Jan 2015 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 27 Apr 2015 (see r. 2(b) and Gazette 17 Apr 2015 p. 1371)

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations 2015

23 Jun 2015 p. 2175

r. 1 and 2: 23 Jun 2015 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2015 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 5: The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 as at 14 Aug 2015 (includes amendments listed above)

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2016 Pt. 10

3 Jun 2016 p. 1745-73

1 Jul 2016 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2017 Pt. 12

23 Jun 2017 p. 3213‑52

1 Jul 2017 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2017

22 Dec 2017 p. 5987‑9

r. 1 and 2: 22 Dec 2017 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 23 Dec 2017 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce and Industrial Relations Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2018 Pt. 11

25 Jun 2018 p. 2325‑53

1 Jul 2018 (see r. 2(b))

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2018

2 Oct 2018 p. 3783‑4

r. 1 and 2: 2 Oct 2018 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 3 Oct 2018 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2019 Pt. 11

18 Jun 2019 p. 2077‑115

1 Jul 2019 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Regulations (No. 2) 2020 Pt. 10

SL 2020/196 27 Oct 2020

28 Oct 2020 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2021 Pt. 12

SL 2021/86 21 Jun 2021

1 Jul 2021 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2022 Pt. 10

SL 2022/59 20 May 2022

1 Jul 2022 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Mutual Recognition) Regulations 2022 Pt. 3

SL 2022/121 30 Jun 2022

1 Jul 2022 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2023 Pt. 10

SL 2023/35 5 May 2023

1 Jul 2023 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Gas Standards) Regulations 2023 Pt. 2

SL 2023/147 20 Sep 2023

21 Sep 2023 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2024 Pt. 9

SL 2024/96 12 Jun 2024

1 Jul 2024 (see r. 2(c))

Other notes

1The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2000 r. 16 is a transitional provision that is of no further effect.


Defined terms


[This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.]

Defined termProvision(s)





approved3(1), Sch. 6 cl. 101




bathroomSch. 6 cl. 504(4)

bayonet fittingSch. 6 cl. 504(4)

bedroomSch. 5 cl. 101


certificate of competency3(1)

child care centreSch. 6 cl. 604A(1)





employer16(3), 16C(1)


fitting line3(1)

fitting line regulatorSch. 6 cl. 406(2)

flame safeguard systemSch. 6


flue gas3(1)

flue terminal3(1)

gas fitter3(1)

gas supplier3(1)



master meter3(1)

maximum hourly input rate3(1)


mobile engine2(1)

natural gas3(1)

notice of completion3(1)

notice of defects17


prescribed pressureSch. 6

pressure raising device3(1)

registered gas fitter3(1)


relevant gasfitting work16A(1)

repealed regulations43(2)

schoolSch. 6 cl. 604A(1)

service apparatus37(2)

service information23(4)



supervised gas fitter3(1)


technical review panel31A

Type B appliance3(1)




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By Authority: GEOFF O. LAWN, Government Printer