Financial Management Act 2006


Financial Management Act 2006


Part 1 — Preliminary

1.Short title1


3.Terms used1

4.Relationship of this Act with other laws1

5.Act modified for administration of certain bodies (Sch. 2)1

6.Sch. 1 may be amended by regulations1

Part 2 — Accounts

Division 1 — Public Ledger

7.Public Ledger1

8.Consolidated Account1

9.Treasurer’s Advance Account1

10.Treasurer’s special purpose accounts1

Division 2 — Public Bank Account and other bank accounts

11.Public Bank Account1

12.Public Bank Account, application of money in1

13.Bank accounts for agencies, restrictions on1

14.Bank accounts not to be overdrawn except with Treasurer’s approval1

15.Bank accounts for public money etc., restrictions on1

Division 3 — Agency special purpose accounts

16.Agency special purpose accounts1

Division 4 — Administration of special purpose accounts

17.Special purpose statements and trust statements for accounts, preparation of etc.1

18.Payments to and from accounts1

19.Accounts not to be overdrawn except with Treasurer’s approval1

20.Unrequired money in accounts, transfer of from1

21.Closing accounts and consequences of1

22.Other written laws not affected by this Division1

Part 3 — Funds management

Division 1 — Supply and appropriation

23.Money received by agency, agency may retain in certain cases1

24.Payments before supply granted, Treasurer’s powers to make etc.1

25.Appropriations, saving and transfer of in certain cases1

26.Appropriations, transfer of to suspense account in certain cases1

27.Expenditure not provided for in, or in excess of amount appropriated by, Appropriation Acts1

27A.Transitional provision for Financial Legislation Amendment Act 20211

28.Advances, Treasurer may authorise etc.1

29.Expenditure under s. 27 and 28 limited1

30.Unexpended appropriations lapse1

31.Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account, application of money in1

Division 2 — Payments and transfers

32.Certain payments and transfers to be authorised1

33.Consolidated Account, payments from to be under Governor’s warrant etc.1

34.Public etc. money received, how to be dealt with1

35.Public Bank Account, how payments into to be credited1

36.Other money, how to be dealt with1

Division 3 — Investments

37.Public Bank Account, investment of1

38.Investment under s. 37, application of proceeds of1

39.Investment by agencies1

Division 4 — Annual estimates of agencies

40.Preparation of draft annual estimates1

41.Approval of annual estimates1

Division 5 — Resource agreements

42.Preparation of draft resource agreements1

43.Agreeing on resource agreements1

44.Modifying resource agreements1

Division 6 — Write‑offs and recoveries

47.Terms used1


49.Loss of official money or property, liability of officers for1

50.Recovering amounts from officers liable under s. 491

51.Official losses, investigating1

Division 7 — Financial difficulty

51A.Notices of financial difficulty1

Part 4 — Accountable authorities

52.Each agency to have accountable authority1

53.Functions of accountable authorities1

54.Department, who is accountable authority of etc.1

55.Statutory authority, who is accountable authority of etc.1

56.Sub-departments, entities that are and accountable authorities of1

57.Chief finance officers, designation and functions of1

58.Financial management system, duties of accountable authorities as to1

Part 5 — Reports

Division 1 — Treasurer’s reports

59.Financial reports and statements, application of Government Financial Responsibility Act 20001

Division 2 — Annual reports by agencies

60.Terms used1

61.Annual reports, contents of etc.1

62.Financial statements for s. 61(1)(a), standards for etc.1

63.Financial reports etc. to be submitted to Auditor General and Minister1

64.Minister to table agency’s annual report etc.1

65.Minister to inform Parliament if annual report and Auditor General’s opinion cannot be tabled on time1

Division 3 — Reporting on abolition of agencies

66.Terms used1

67.Purpose of this Division1

68.Abolition of agency, reporting after1

69.Final report, contents of1

70.Directions by Treasurer for this Division1

71.Reporting officers entitled to access to accounts etc.1

72.Reporting officers to submit financial statements etc. to Auditor General1

Part 6 — Miscellaneous

Division 1 — Delegations and authorisations

73.Term used: Treasury Corporation official1

74.Delegation by Treasurer1

75.Delegation by Ministers1

76.Delegation and authorisation by Under Treasurer1

77.Delegations and authorisations, general provisions about1

Division 2 — Treasurer’s instructions

78.Treasurer’s instructions, issue of etc.1

Division 3 — Miscellaneous powers and duties

79.Treasurer’s power to require information1

80.Act of grace payments1

81.Actions etc. inhibiting etc. Minister’s parliamentary functions prohibited1

82.Ministerial decisions not to give Parliament certain information about agency to be reported to Parliament etc.1

Division 4 — General

83.Laying documents before Parliament, supplementary provision about1


85.Review of Act1

Schedule 1 — Statutory authorities

Schedule 2 — Modifications to the Act as to certain administrations

Schedule 3 — Modifications to the Act as to the Office of the Auditor General


Compilation table1

Uncommenced provisions table1

Other notes1

Defined terms


Financial Management Act 2006

An Act to provide for the management, administration and reporting of the public finances of the State, and for related purposes.

Part 1  Preliminary

1.Short title

This is the Financial Management Act 2006.


This Act comes into operation on a day fixed by proclamation.

3.Terms used

In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears —

accountable authority, of an agency, means the person or body determined under section 54, 55 or 56, as the case requires;

accounts, in paragraph (b)(i) of the definition of officer and in sections 56(1)(b), 63(2)(b), 64(1)(b) and 71, has the meaning given to that term in the Auditor General Act 2006 section 4(1);

agency means a department, a sub‑department or a statutory authority;

agency special purpose account means an account referred to in section 16(1);

annual estimates, of an agency for a financial year, means the annual estimates of the financial operations of the agency for the whole of the financial year under section 41(3);

Appropriation Act means an Act appropriating the Consolidated Account for a financial year for the recurrent services and other purposes for the year, or for the capital purposes for the year, as expressed in the Act;

bank means —

(a)an ADI (authorised deposit‑taking institution) as defined in the Commonwealth Banking Act 1959 section 5; or

(b)a bank constituted by a law of a State or the Commonwealth; or

(c)in relation to a bank not in Australia — a bank approved by the Treasurer;

Consolidated Account means the account of that name established by the Constitution Act 1889 section 64 and referred to in section 8;

department means a department of the Public Service other than —

(a)a department that is a statutory authority; or

(b)a department that, under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 section 3(3), is taken to be a part of an organisation as defined in section 3(1) of that Act;

draft annual estimates has the meaning given in section 40(1)(a);

draft resource agreement has the meaning given in section 42(1)(a);

estimates means the annual estimates of receipts and payments in respect of the Consolidated Account;

expense limit has the meaning given in section 42(2)(b)(iii);

Joint Standing Committee on Audit means the joint standing committee established by the Houses of Parliament under the Auditor General Act 2006 section 43;

Minister means — 

(a)in relation to an agency that is a department or a sub‑department — the Minister to whom the administration of the department or sub‑department is committed by the Governor; or

(b)in relation to an agency that is a statutory authority constituted by or under an Act — the Minister to whom the administration of the Act by or under which the statutory authority is constituted is committed by the Governor; or

(c)in relation to an agency that is a statutory authority not constituted by or under an Act — the Minister to whom the administration of the statutory authority is for the time being committed by the Governor;

officer means a person —

(a)who is employed or engaged for the purposes of an agency, whether as a public service officer under the Public Sector Management Act 1994, under a contract for services or otherwise; and

(b)who is charged with or performs any duty consisting of or relating to —

(i)keeping the accounts of the agency; or

(ii)collecting, receiving, keeping in custody, banking or accounting for public money or other money or statutory authority money; or

(iii)disbursing public money or other money or statutory authority money; or

(iv)purchasing, receiving, issuing, selling, keeping in custody, controlling, managing or disposing of, or accounting for, public property or other property;

other money means money collected, received or held by the State or a statutory authority for or on behalf of a person other than the State or a statutory authority;

other property means property that is held by the State or a statutory authority for or on behalf of a person other than the State or a statutory authority;

Public Bank Account means the account of that name constituted under section 11 and includes any other account stated by this Act or another written law to form part of the Public Bank Account;

Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account means the account of that name referred to in section 10(d);

Public Ledger means the accounts referred to in section 7;

public money means money collected, received or held by any person for or on behalf of the State;

public property means all property, other than public money and statutory authority money, held for or on behalf of the State or a statutory authority;

resource agreement means a resource agreement under Part 3 Division 5;

special purpose account means an agency special purpose account or an account referred to in section 10;

statutory authority means a person or body listed in Schedule 1;

statutory authority money means money collected, received or held by any person for or on behalf of a statutory authority;

sub‑department means an entity in respect of which a declaration under section 56(2) has effect;

submission date —

(a)in relation to draft annual estimates — means the date designated under section 40(2)(a) by which the draft annual estimates must be submitted to the Minister; and

(b)in relation to a draft resource agreement — means the date designated under section 42(3)(a) by which the draft resource agreement must be submitted to the Treasurer;

Treasurer means the Treasurer of the State;

Treasurer’s instructions means instructions issued under section 78;

Treasury means the department of the Public Service principally assisting in the administration of this Act;

Under Treasurer means the chief executive officer of the Treasury.

[Section 3 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 4.]

4.Relationship of this Act with other laws

(1)Except as stated in subsection (2) or another provision of this Act, this Act prevails to the extent of any inconsistency with another written law (whether enacted before or after the commencement of this Act).

(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if another Act expressly states that, or to the effect that, a provision of that Act has effect despite the provisions, or a specified provision, of this Act.

5.Act modified for administration of certain bodies (Sch. 2)

(1)Despite the definition of department in section 3, the administration of each of the following — 

(a)the Legislative Assembly;

(b)the Legislative Council;

(c)the Parliamentary Services Department;

(d)the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations;

(e)the Information Commissioner,

is taken to constitute a department for the purposes of this Act, and the regulations may provide that the administration of any other body or office established under a written law is taken to constitute one or more departments for the purposes of this Act.

(2)This Act has effect in relation to an administration that is referred to in subsection (1) subject to the modifications that are set out in Schedule 2.

(3)This Act has effect in relation to the department of the Public Service known as the Office of the Auditor General subject to the modifications that are set out in Schedule 3.

6.Sch. 1 may be amended by regulations

Schedule 1 may be amended by the regulations.

Part 2 — Accounts

Division 1 — Public Ledger

7.Public Ledger

The Treasurer is to cause to be established and maintained, under the separate heads directed by the Treasurer, a Public Ledger consisting of the following accounts —

(a)the Consolidated Account;

(b)the Treasurer’s Advance Account;

(c)the Treasurer’s special purpose accounts.

8.Consolidated Account

(1)The Consolidated Fund established under the Constitution Act 1889 and in existence immediately before the commencement of this section constitutes the Consolidated Account for the purposes of this Act.

(2)There is to be credited to the Consolidated Account all public money or statutory authority money required by or under this Act or another written law to be credited to the Consolidated Account.

(3)There may be credited to the Consolidated Account any grants, advances, contributions, repayments or other amounts as —

(a)determined by the Treasurer; or

(b)prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection.

9.Treasurer’s Advance Account

The Treasurer’s Advance Account referred to in section 7(b) may be operated by the Treasurer for the purposes referred to in, and in accordance with, section 28 and any Treasurer’s Advance Authorisation Act for the relevant financial year.

10.Treasurer’s special purpose accounts

The Treasurer’s special purpose accounts referred to in section 7(c) are to consist of —

(a)any account established by the Treasurer as a Treasurer’s special purpose account for the purposes determined by the Treasurer; and

(b)suspense accounts established for the purposes of section 26; and

(c)any account established to hold money transferred under section 39(5); and

(d)the Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account established for the purpose of holding money credited to that account under section 38(9) pending its allocation and payment as required or permitted under this Act or another written law; and

(e)any account established under a written law and determined by the Treasurer to be a Treasurer’s special purpose account; and

(f)any account established to hold other money and determined by the Treasurer to be a Treasurer’s special purpose account.

Division 2 — Public Bank Account and other bank accounts

11.Public Bank Account

(1)The account called the Public Bank Account that —

(a)was opened and maintained by the Treasurer under the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985 1 in the name of the Government of Western Australia; and

(b)was in existence immediately before the commencement of this section,

constitutes the Public Bank Account for the purposes of this Act.

(2)The Public Bank Account is to be operated on the terms and conditions agreed between the Treasurer and the bank or banks with which it is maintained and under the subdivisions determined by the Treasurer —

(a)for the receipt, custody, payment and transmission of money; and

(b)for advances to be made and for charges in respect of advances; and

(c)for interest to be payable by the bank or banks on balances and to the bank or banks on advances; and

(d)for the conduct generally of the banking business of the State.

12.Public Bank Account, application of money in

The Treasurer may apply any money standing to the credit of the Public Bank Account to make any payment that may lawfully be charged to —

(a)an account forming part of the Public Ledger; or

(b)an agency special purpose account.

13.Bank accounts for agencies, restrictions on

(1)If an agency is not authorised to open and maintain a bank account under another written law, the Treasurer may authorise the agency to open and maintain a bank account for the purposes, and subject to the terms and conditions, approved by the Treasurer.

(2)Except as otherwise directed by the Treasurer, a bank account opened and maintained under subsection (1) forms part of the Public Bank Account.

14.Bank accounts not to be overdrawn except with Treasurer’s approval

Except with, and in accordance with, the prior approval of the Treasurer, the accountable authority of an agency is not to cause or permit a bank account maintained under this Division to be overdrawn.

15.Bank accounts for public money etc., restrictions on

(1)A bank account for the receipt, custody, payment or transmission of public money, statutory authority money or other money is not to be opened or maintained otherwise than in accordance with this Division or another written law.

(2)In subsection (1) —

other money means other money to which section 36(2) applies.

Division 3 — Agency special purpose accounts

16.Agency special purpose accounts

(1)The agency special purpose accounts of an agency consist of —

(a)any account established for the purposes of the operations of the agency; and

(b)any account established for the agency under a written law and stated in the written law to be, or determined by the Treasurer to be, an agency special purpose account; and

(c)any account established to hold other money and determined by the Treasurer to be an agency special purpose account; and

(d)any account established by the agency for the purposes approved by the Treasurer and determined by the Treasurer to be an agency special purpose account.

(2)The accountable authority of an agency is to maintain records that enable the accountable authority to account separately for each agency special purpose account of the agency.

Division 4 — Administration of special purpose accounts

17.Special purpose statements and trust statements for accounts, preparation of etc.

(1)The accountable authority of an agency is to prepare —

(a)a special purpose statement for a special purpose account operated by the agency that is referred to in section 10(a) or 16(1)(d); and

(b)a trust statement for a special purpose account operated by the agency that is referred to in section 10(f) or 16(1)(c).

(2)A special purpose statement or a trust statement is to contain the information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions for the special purpose account concerned.

(3)The accountable authority is to send the special purpose statement or trust statement to the Treasurer.

(4)When the Treasurer approves the special purpose statement or trust statement, the accountable authority is to send a copy of it to the Auditor General.

18.Payments to and from accounts

(1)There is to be credited to a special purpose account —

(a)any money required or authorised by this Act or another written law to be credited to the account; and

(b)any money appropriated by an Act for the purposes for which the account is established, or paid or advanced for those purposes under section 24 or 28 or a Treasurer’s Advance Authorisation Act; and

(c)any money that may be retained by the agency that operates the account because of a determination under section 23; and

(d)any money, not mentioned in another paragraph of this subsection, lawfully received for the purposes for which the account is established.

(2)There is to be charged to a special purpose account —

(a)any expenditure required or authorised by this Act or another written law to be charged to the account; and

(b)any other expenditure lawfully incurred for the purposes for which the account is established.

19.Accounts not to be overdrawn except with Treasurer’s approval

(1)Except with, and in accordance with, the prior approval of the Treasurer, the accountable authority of an agency is not to cause or permit a special purpose account operated by the agency to be overdrawn.

(2)If the Treasurer approves a special purpose account to be overdrawn, the overdraft —

(a)is taken to be an advance to be charged in the relevant financial year to the Treasurer’s Advance Account; and

(b)is subject to the terms and conditions determined by the Treasurer.

20.Unrequired money in accounts, transfer of from

(1)If satisfied that there is money standing to the credit of a special purpose account that is not reasonably required for the purposes of that account, the Treasurer may direct that all or part of that money be credited to the Consolidated Account.

(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if another written law expressly provides otherwise.

21.Closing accounts and consequences of

(1)The Treasurer may, after consulting with the Minister, direct that a special purpose account operated by an agency, other than a special purpose account established by an Act, be closed.

(2)Subject to subsection (3), when a special purpose account is closed and all the liabilities of the account have been paid, the money standing to the credit of the account is to be credited —

(a)to any account or fund, or in any other manner, specified in the special purpose statement or trust statement relating to that account; or

(b)to the Consolidated Account if —

(i)there is no special purpose statement or trust statement relating to that account; or

(ii)no account, fund or manner is specified in the special purpose statement or trust statement relating to that account.

(3)If a special purpose account has been established in relation to the provision of a particular service or performance of a particular function (the relevant service) and —

(a)the account is closed; or

(b)the responsibility for the provision of the relevant service is transferred,

the Treasurer may direct that any money standing to the credit of the account, being money determined by the Treasurer to relate to the provision of the relevant service, be transferred to another special purpose account established in relation to the provision of the relevant service, or in relation to the provision or performance of services or functions that include the relevant service.

22.Other written laws not affected by this Division

Nothing in this Division affects the operation of another written law that requires or authorises an agency to conduct its operations through one or more accounts established under that written law.

Part 3 — Funds management

Division 1 — Supply and appropriation

23.Money received by agency, agency may retain in certain cases

(1)In this section —

determination means a determination under subsection (2);

prescribed receipts, in relation to an agency, means any money lawfully received by the agency other than money received —

(a)by way of taxes or fines under a written law; or

(b)by way of royalty in respect of forest produce or in respect of minerals, petroleum, water or other natural resources of the State; or

(c)from the Commonwealth in the form of a general purpose grant; or

(d)from any other source prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.

(2)The Treasurer may make a determination providing for prescribed receipts that are not greater than the monetary limit specified in the determination to be retained by the agency that receives them.

(3)A determination —

(a)applies to the financial year or financial years referred to in the determination; and

(b)may be made before or after the start of a financial year to which the determination applies; and

(c)may be revoked by the Treasurer at any time.

(4)If a determination is made before the estimates for a financial year to which the determination applies have been tabled in the Legislative Assembly, the appropriation item that includes the service or function to which the determination relates is to be expressed in the estimates for the year to be subject to a deduction in respect of retained receipts.

(5)If a determination is made after the estimates for a financial year to which the determination applies have been tabled in the Legislative Assembly, the Treasurer is to cause a copy of the determination to be laid before each House of Parliament, or dealt with under section 83, within 60 days after making the determination.

(6)If, after a determination is made, the responsibility for the service or function to which the determination relates is transferred to another agency, the determination continues to have effect as if it had been made in relation to prescribed receipts received by that agency.

(7)An amount equal to the receipts retained for a financial year under a determination is taken to have been appropriated for the year for the service or function to which the determination relates, and may be applied accordingly.

[Section 23 amended: No. 24 of 2016 s. 315.]

24.Payments before supply granted, Treasurer’s powers to make etc.

(1A)In this section —

election year means a year in which a general election, as defined in the Electoral Act 1907 section 4(1), for the Legislative Assembly is held.

(1)If, before the end of a financial year (the previous year), no supply is granted to meet the requirements of the next financial year (the current year), the Treasurer may make and charge to the Consolidated Account any payments and advances to meet those requirements at and after the start of the current year that do not exceed in total an amount equal to —

(a)if the end of the previous year is in an election year — 35% of the total amount appropriated for the previous year by the Appropriation Acts; or

(b)otherwise — 20% of the total amount appropriated for the previous year by the Appropriation Acts.

(2)The authority conferred on the Treasurer by subsection (1) authorises payments and advances to be made only for the purposes —

(a)for which expenditure was authorised for the previous year by the Appropriation Acts; or

(b)for which expenditure was authorised under section 27(1) to meet the requirements of the previous year.

(3)The authority conferred on the Treasurer by subsection (1) ceases to have effect when the first of the following occurs —

(a)if the end of the previous year —

(i)is in an election year — at the end of the first 4 months of the current year;

(ii)is not in an election year — at the end of the first 2 months of the current year;

(b)on the commencement of an Act granting supply for the current year.

(4)On the commencement of the Appropriation Acts appropriating the Consolidated Account for the current year, the payments and advances made by the Treasurer under subsection (1) to meet the requirements of the current year are taken to be expenditure appropriated by those Acts for the current year in respect of the purposes for which the payments and advances were made.

[Section 24 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 5.]

25.Appropriations, saving and transfer of in certain cases

(1)In this section —

general purpose means a purpose —

(a)that is described in the estimates in general terms; and

(b)that is of a kind likely to require expenditure from 2 or more appropriation items to meet that purpose in a financial year.

(2)If, after the commencement of an Appropriation Act, the responsibility for a service or function for which an appropriation is made by the Act is transferred —

(a)the appropriation does not lapse; and

(b)any unexpended amount of the appropriation may be issued and applied, in accordance with a determination made by the Treasurer, for the purposes of that service or function.

(3)Subsection (2) has effect despite the provisions of any Appropriation Act.

(4)Subject to subsection (5), if an amount is appropriated by an Appropriation Act for a financial year by way of a central appropriation for a general purpose, the Treasurer may direct the transfer of a portion of that amount to another appropriation item.

(5)The transfer may be made only to meet all or part of the actual or estimated expenditure that accords with both the general purpose and the purpose of the item to which the transfer is made.

(6)If a portion of an amount is transferred under subsection (4) from a central appropriation to another appropriation item, expenditure against that portion —

(a)is taken to be expenditure under that item; and

(b)is to be recorded and reported under this Act accordingly.

26.Appropriations, transfer of to suspense account in certain cases

(1)In this section —

operating account means an agency special purpose account established for the purposes of the operations of the agency;

relevant commitment means —

(a)a commitment relating to salaries, wages, superannuation, leave or depreciation that is relevant to the financial year referred to in subsection (2); or

(b)any other commitment prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions that is relevant to the financial year referred to in subsection (2).

(2)The Treasurer may direct that an appropriation by an Appropriation Act for a financial year may be transferred to a suspense account to the extent necessary to meet a relevant commitment, and such a transfer is taken to be a payment correctly chargeable against that appropriation for that financial year.

(3)Money standing to the credit of a suspense account under subsection (2) may only be —

(a)transferred when it needs to be applied for any relevant commitment; or

(b)credited to the relevant operating account at the time or times directed by the Treasurer.

(4)Despite subsection (3), the Treasurer may at any time direct that all or part of the money standing to the credit of a suspense account under subsection (2) be credited to the Consolidated Account.

[Section 26 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 6.]

27.Expenditure not provided for in, or in excess of amount appropriated by, Appropriation Acts

(1)The Governor may, on the recommendation of the Treasurer, authorise expenditure in a financial year that is not provided for by an appropriation by an Appropriation Act for that year.

(2)The Treasurer may authorise expenditure in a financial year that exceeds the amount appropriated by an Appropriation Act for that year for expenditure of that kind.

(3)Payments made under subsection (1) or (2) in a financial year must be charged to the Consolidated Account, and the Consolidated Account is appropriated accordingly by this section.

(4)Payments made under subsection (1) or (2) in a financial year must be included in the Annual Report on State Finances relating to that financial year released under the Government Financial Responsibility Act 2000 section 14A.

[Section 27 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 7.]

27A.Transitional provision for Financial Legislation Amendment Act 2021

(1)In this section —

commencement day means the day on which the Financial Legislation Amendment Act 2021 section 8 comes into operation;

former section 27 means section 27 as in force immediately before commencement day;

relevant payment means a payment made under former section 27 before commencement day that —

(a)had been charged to the Consolidated Account; but

(b)had not been provided for in an Appropriation Act in accordance with former section 27.

(2)On commencement day, the amount of a relevant payment is, by this section, appropriated from the Consolidated Account for the purpose for which the relevant payment was made.

[Section 27A inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 8.]

28.Advances, Treasurer may authorise etc.

(1)The Treasurer may authorise advances to be made —

(a)on the terms and conditions determined by the Treasurer —

(i)for the temporary financing of works and services of the State (other than works and services referred to in paragraph (b)); or

(ii)to a public authority; or

(iii)to the credit of a special purpose account; or

(iv)for the purchase of stores;


(b)on the terms and conditions determined by the Treasurer for the temporary financing of works and services undertaken —

(i)in conjunction with, or on behalf of, the Commonwealth, another State, a Territory, a local government or other person; or

(ii)by the Commonwealth, another State, a Territory, a local government or other person on behalf of the State.

(2)In subsection (1)(a) —

public authority means —

(a)a Minister of the State; or

(b)an agency, authority or instrumentality of the State; or

(c)a local government; or

(d)a body, whether corporate or unincorporate, that is established or continued for a public purpose by or under a written law.

(3)Advances made under subsection (1)(a) in a financial year are —

(a)to be charged in that year to the Treasurer’s Advance Account; and

(b)to be recovered from the persons to whom or which, or on whose behalf, the advances were made.

(4)Advances made under subsection (1)(b) in a financial year are —

(a)to be charged in that year to the Treasurer’s Advance Account; and

(b)to be recovered from the Commonwealth, other State, Territory, local government or other person to, or on whose behalf, the advances were made.

(5)An amount of an advance made under subsection (1)(a) or (b) that is recovered is to be credited to the Treasurer’s Advance Account.

(6)An advance made under this section —

(a)is to be recovered before the end of the financial year for which the advance is authorised under subsection (1); or

(b)is to be subject to a further authorisation under that subsection.

29.Expenditure under s. 27 and 28 limited

(1)Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the total expenditure that may be authorised under sections 27(1) and (2) and 28(1) in a financial year cannot exceed an amount equal to 3% of the total amount appropriated for the previous financial year by the Appropriation Acts.

(2)For the purpose of determining the total amount referred to in subsection (1) in respect of a financial year, any advance made under section 28(1)(a) or (b) that has been recovered in that financial year, whether in respect of that financial year or a previous financial year, is to be disregarded.

(3)Expenditure that exceeds the limit specified in subsection (1) may be authorised by a Treasurer’s Advance Authorisation Act to make payments under section 27(1) or (2) or to make advances for the purposes referred to in section 28(1).

[Section 29 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 9.]

30.Unexpended appropriations lapse

If the total amount of an appropriation by an Appropriation Act for a financial year in respect of particular services or purposes of an agency is not charged to the Consolidated Account for those services or purposes by the end of that year, any unexpended amount of the appropriation lapses.

31.Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account, application of money in

(1)Money standing to the credit of the Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account at any time may be credited to the Consolidated Account if the Treasurer so determines.

(2)Money standing to the credit of the Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account at the end of a financial year is to be credited at that time to the Consolidated Account.

(3)A reference in this section to money standing to the credit of the Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account does not include a reference to money held in that account pending payment as provided for in a determination under section 38(5) or as required under another written law.

Division 2 — Payments and transfers

32.Certain payments and transfers to be authorised

(1)Unless otherwise expressly provided by the Treasurer’s instructions, a regulated payment or regulated transfer may be made only if the payment or transfer is authorised in the manner prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions.

(2)In subsection (1) —

regulated payment means —

(a)a payment that is to be charged to an account forming part of the Public Ledger; or

(b)a payment made by an agency, whether to another agency or otherwise;

regulated transfer means —

(a)a transfer between accounts forming part of the Public Ledger; or

(b)a transfer between agency special purpose accounts operated by the same agency.

33.Consolidated Account, payments from to be under Governor’s warrant etc.

A payment that is to be charged to the Consolidated Account may be made —

(a)only in accordance with a warrant under the hand of the Governor; and

(b)only if —

(i)the payment may be made under an appropriation made by an Act; or

(ii)the payment is authorised to be charged to the Consolidated Account by or under an Act.

34.Public etc. money received, how to be dealt with

A person who collects or receives public money or statutory authority money is to deposit the money to the credit of a bank account in accordance with the Treasurer’s instructions.

35.Public Bank Account, how payments into to be credited

(1)Unless otherwise expressly provided in another written law, money paid into the Public Bank Account is to be credited to, as appropriate, the Consolidated Account, the Treasurer’s Advance Account, the Treasurer’s special purpose accounts or an agency special purpose account.

(2)If it is not possible to determine the appropriate account that is to be credited with money paid into the Public Bank Account, the money is to be credited to the Consolidated Account.

36.Other money, how to be dealt with

(1)In this section —

relevant accountable authority means the accountable authority of the agency for the purposes of which the relevant person is employed or engaged;

relevant person means a person employed or engaged for the purposes of an agency.

(2)This section applies to other money —

(a)that, under a written law, is directed to be paid into the Treasury or to the Treasurer for or on account of, or for the use and benefit of, any person; or

(b)that comes into the possession or under the control of a relevant person, in that person’s capacity as a relevant person, for or on account of, or for the use and benefit of, any person.

(3)Other money that comes into the possession or under the control of a relevant person is to be —

(a)paid into the Public Bank Account; or

(b)paid into a bank account maintained under section 13 that does not form part of the Public Bank Account,

and credited to a special purpose account.

(4)When other money is credited to a special purpose account under subsection (3), the relevant accountable authority is to prepare a trust statement, containing the information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions, for the account.

(5)The relevant accountable authority is to send the trust statement to the Treasurer.

(6)When the Treasurer approves the trust statement, the relevant accountable authority is to send a copy of it to the Auditor General.

(7)Another written law that applies to other money prevails to the extent of any inconsistency with this section.

Division 3 — Investments

37.Public Bank Account, investment of

(1)The Treasurer may invest any money standing to the credit of the Public Bank Account in a manner prescribed by the regulations.

(2)Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) are not to provide that money may be invested otherwise than in a manner that trust funds may be invested under the Trustees Act 1962 Part III.

(3)A withdrawal of money for the purposes of investment under subsection (1) does not have to be charged to any of the accounts forming part of the Public Ledger.

(4)Subject to section 38(8), subsection (1) is in addition to, and does not limit, a written law concerning the investment of particular money.

38.Investment under s. 37, application of proceeds of

(1)In this section —

investment means investment by the Treasurer under section 37.

(2)Money received from investment in repayment of principal is to be paid into the Public Bank Account.

(3)Subject to this section, money received from investment is to be paid into the Public Bank Account and credited to the Consolidated Account.

(4)Money received from investment that is money to which the Road Safety Council Act 2002 section 12(2)(d) applies is to be credited in accordance with that provision.

(5)The Treasurer may make and give effect to a determination that provides for money received from investment —

(a)to be credited to one or more special purpose accounts specified in the determination; or

(b)to be paid to one or more statutory authorities or other persons specified in the determination,

at the rate determined by the Treasurer and specified in the determination.

(6)The rate determined by the Treasurer under subsection (5) is not to exceed the rate of return on the investment of money in the Public Bank Account.

(7)Subsection (5) does not apply in relation to the investment of public money held in a special purpose account unless another written law provides, either expressly or by implication, that income derived from that public money is to be credited to the special purpose account.

(8)Another written law has no effect to the extent that it authorises or requires a person (other than the Treasurer) or a statutory authority to invest particular money, if there is a determination in effect under subsection (5), made by agreement between the Treasurer and the person or statutory authority, relating to a special purpose account in which that money is held.

(9)Money received from investment may be credited to the Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account pending being dealt with under subsection (3), (4) or (5).

(10)Subject to subsection (4), this section has effect despite any written law concerning the distribution of income derived from the investment of particular money.

39.Investment by agencies

(1)Subsection (2) applies if —

(a)a department or sub‑department holds other money; or

(b)a statutory authority holds statutory authority money or other money,

whether in the Public Bank Account or in a bank account maintained under section 13 that does not form part of the Public Bank Account.

(2)If this subsection applies, the Treasurer may authorise the department, sub‑department or statutory authority to invest money referred to in subsection (1) —

(a)in the same manner as money in the Public Bank Account may be invested under section 37; and

(b)in accordance with any written directions issued by the Treasurer, which may include directions about how income from investment under this section is to be dealt with.

(3)Subsection (2) has effect —

(a)subject to another written law concerning the investment of particular money; and

(b)for money in an agency special purpose account — subject to the terms of any trust statement relating to the account.

(4)Subsection (2) does not limit the power of —

(a)a department or sub‑department to hold public money or other money; or

(b)a statutory authority to hold statutory authority money or other money,

in an interest bearing bank account maintained under section 13 but, for public money referred to in paragraph (a), the interest is to be paid into the Public Bank Account and credited to the Consolidated Account.

(5)If —

(a)a department or sub‑department holds other money; or

(b)a statutory authority holds statutory authority money or other money,

in a bank account that does not form part of the Public Bank Account, the department, sub‑department or statutory authority may transfer that money to the Public Bank Account for investment under section 37.

(6)Subsection (5) has effect —

(a)subject to another written law concerning the investment of particular money; but

(b)despite another written law requiring money to be held in a particular bank account.

Division 4 — Annual estimates of agencies

[Heading inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 10.]

40.Preparation of draft annual estimates

(1)Unless otherwise directed in writing by the Treasurer, the accountable authority of an agency must, in each financial year —

(a)prepare draft annual estimates of the financial operations of the agency for the next financial year (draft annual estimates) in the manner prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions; and

(b)submit the draft annual estimates to the Minister on or before the date designated by the Treasurer under subsection (2).

(2)For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), the Treasurer must —

(a)for each financial year, designate the date by which the accountable authority must submit the draft annual estimates to the Minister; and

(b)make the date known to the accountable authority in a manner that the Treasurer considers appropriate.

[Section 40 inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 10.]

41.Approval of annual estimates

(1)After receiving draft annual estimates submitted by an accountable authority under section 40(1), the Minister must, within the period of 1 month after the submission date for the draft annual estimates or such other period as is specified in a determination under subsection (2), either —

(a)approve the draft annual estimates; or

(b)present the accountable authority of the agency with annual estimates of the financial operations of the agency for the financial year to which the draft annual estimates relate, and direct that they are to be the annual estimates of the financial operations of the agency for the financial year.

(2)The Treasurer may, in writing, determine the period that applies for the purposes of subsection (1) in a particular case.

(3)When the Minister approves draft annual estimates under subsection (1)(a), or gives a direction under subsection (1)(b) in relation to annual estimates, they become the annual estimates of the financial operations of the agency to which they relate for the whole of the financial year to which they relate.

(4)Subsection (3) has effect even if the approval or direction was given after the start of the financial year.

(5)The accountable authority of an agency must make the annual estimates of the financial operations of the agency for a financial year available to the public —

(a)as soon as is practicable after they become the annual estimates of the financial operations of the agency for the financial year; and

(b)in the manner prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions.

[Section 41 inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 10.]

Division 5 — Resource agreements

[Heading inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 11.]

42.Preparation of draft resource agreements

(1)Unless otherwise directed in writing by the Treasurer, the accountable authority of an agency must, in each financial year —

(a)prepare a draft resource agreement for the agency for the next financial year (a draft resource agreement) in accordance with subsection (2); and

(b)submit the draft resource agreement to the Treasurer on or before the date designated by the Treasurer under subsection (3).

(2)The draft resource agreement must —

(a)be in a form prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions; and

(b)contain —

(i)the total amount of resources that are expected to be made available to the agency for the financial year to which it relates; and

(ii)the services proposed to be provided by the agency during the financial year; and

(iii)the estimated total cost of services for the agency for the financial year (the expense limit); and

(iv)any other matters required by the Treasurer’s instructions to be specified in the resource agreement.

(3)For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), the Treasurer must —

(a)for each financial year, designate the date by which the accountable authority must submit the draft resource agreement to the Treasurer; and

(b)make the date known to the accountable authority in a manner that the Treasurer considers appropriate.

[Section 42 inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 11.]

43.Agreeing on resource agreements

(1)After receiving a draft resource agreement submitted by an accountable authority of an agency under section 42(1), the Treasurer must, within the period of 1 month after the submission date for the draft resource agreement, either —

(a)agree on the draft resource agreement with the accountable authority; or

(b)present the accountable authority with a resource agreement for the agency for the financial year to which the draft resource agreement relates, and direct that it is to be the resource agreement for the agency for the financial year.

(2)The accountable authority of an agency must obtain the Minister’s approval before agreeing with the Treasurer on a draft resource agreement for the agency.

(3)When the Treasurer and an accountable authority of an agency agree on a draft resource agreement under subsection (1)(a), it becomes the resource agreement for the agency for the whole of the financial year to which it relates, unless it is superseded by a modified resource agreement under section 44(3).

(4)When the Treasurer gives a direction to the accountable authority of an agency under subsection (1)(b) in relation to a resource agreement for the agency, it becomes the resource agreement for the agency for the whole of the financial year to which it relates, unless it is superseded by a modified resource agreement under section 44(3).

(5)Subsections (3) and (4) have effect even if the draft resource agreement was agreed on, or the direction was given, after the start of the financial year.

[Section 43 inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 11.]

44.Modifying resource agreements

(1)The Treasurer may, at any time in a financial year, modify an agency’s resource agreement by giving written notice to the accountable authority of the agency —

(a)specifying the modification; and

(b)directing that the resource agreement, with that modification, is to be the resource agreement for the agency for the remainder of the financial year.

(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a modification to a resource agreement may relate to the expense limit contained in the resource agreement.

(3)When the Treasurer gives the accountable authority of an agency a notice under subsection (1) in relation to the agency’s resource agreement, the resource agreement, with the modification specified in the notice, becomes the resource agreement for the agency for the remainder of the financial year to which it relates.

[Section 44 inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 11.]

[45, 46.Deleted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 11.]

Division 6 — Write‑offs and recoveries

47.Terms used

In this Division —

loss means —

(a)in relation to official money — a loss of or deficiency in money; or

(b)in relation to official property — the value of, or the cost of repairing or replacing, as the case requires, property that is lost, destroyed or damaged;

official money means —

(a)in relation to a statutory authority — statutory authority money and other money; or

(b)otherwise, public money and other money;

official property means public property and other property;

relevant authority means —

(a)in relation to a loss incurred by a statutory authority — the statutory authority; or

(b)in relation to a loss otherwise incurred — the State.


(1)In this section —

relevant amounts means —

(a)amounts in respect of public property held for or on behalf of the State and revenue and other debts due to the State; or

(b)amounts in respect of public property held for or on behalf of a statutory authority and revenue and other debts due to the statutory authority.

(2)Subject to the monetary limit and any conditions prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection, the relevant accountable authority may write off relevant amounts.

(3)Subject to the monetary limit and any conditions prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection, the Minister may write off relevant amounts.

(4)Subject to any conditions prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection, the Minister may, with the prior approval of the Treasurer, write off relevant amounts that are greater than the monetary limit prescribed for the purposes of subsection (3).

(5)Another written law that applies to a statutory authority prevails to the extent of any inconsistency with this section.

[Section 48 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 12.]

49.Loss of official money or property, liability of officers for

(1)For the purposes of this section —

(a)a person is taken to have control of official money if —

(i)the money is held by the person by way of an advance; or

(ii)the money has been collected or received by the person but has not been paid to another person, or credited to a bank account, as required under a written law;


(b)a person is taken to have control of official property if —

(i)the property has been delivered to the person and has not been further delivered to another person entitled to receive it; and

(ii)the person gave a written undertaking when the property was delivered to take strict care of it while he or she had control of it.

(2)Subject to subsection (3), if —

(a)a loss of official money or official property occurs; and

(b)at the time of the loss an officer has control of the money or property,

the officer is liable to pay to the relevant authority an amount equal to the loss.

(3)The officer is not liable in respect of the loss if the officer shows that he or she took reasonable steps in all the circumstances to prevent the loss.

(4)Subject to subsection (5), if —

(a)a loss of official money or official property occurs; and

(b)an officer caused or contributed to the loss by misconduct or a deliberate or serious disregard of reasonable standards of care,

the officer is liable to pay to the relevant authority an amount equal to the loss.

(5)If the officer’s misconduct or disregard of reasonable standards of care was not the sole cause of the loss, the officer is liable to pay only so much of the loss as is just and equitable with regard to his or her share of the responsibility for the loss.

(6)A person who becomes liable under this section in the person’s capacity as an officer does not cease to be liable only because the person ceases to be an officer.

50.Recovering amounts from officers liable under s. 49

(1)The amount that an officer is liable to pay under section 49 is recoverable as a debt due to the relevant authority in a court of competent jurisdiction.

(2)A relevant authority is not entitled to recover amounts from the same person under both section 49(2) and (4) for the same loss.

(3)In proceedings to recover an amount that an officer is liable to pay under section 49, the amount for which the officer is liable according to a determination under section 51 is prima facie evidence of the amount that he or she is liable to pay.

(4)Section 49 does not affect a right of a relevant authority to recover an amount from an officer otherwise than under that section, but the relevant authority is not entitled to recover amounts under both section 49 and otherwise than under that section for the same loss.

51.Official losses, investigating

(1)In this section —

authorised person means a person authorised by a responsible person under subsection (2);

official loss means a loss of official money or official property;

responsible person means the Under Treasurer or the relevant accountable authority.

(2)If a responsible person considers that an official loss may have occurred in circumstances that make an officer liable under section 49 to pay an amount to the relevant authority, the responsible person may direct an investigation to be held by a person authorised in writing by the responsible person.

(3)For the purposes of the investigation, the authorised person has all the powers conferred on a special inquirer by the Public Sector Management Act 1994 sections 24I and 24J and Schedule 3, and those provisions apply to and in relation to —

(a)the authorised person as if he or she were a special inquirer under that Act; and

(b)the investigation as if it were a special inquiry under that Act.

(4)Within the period specified by the responsible person, the authorised person is to —

(a)complete the investigation; and

(b)prepare a report setting out the relevant facts and findings; and

(c)send the report to the responsible person.

(5)Without limiting subsection (4) and subject to any requirements prescribed by the regulations relating to the rules of natural justice (including any duty of procedural fairness), the report may include a recommendation that the officer be held liable under section 49 to pay a specified amount to the relevant authority.

(6)After considering the report and anything else prescribed by the regulations, and having regard to all the circumstances of the case, the responsible person is to determine —

(a)that the official loss occurred in circumstances that make the officer liable under section 49 and the amount the officer is liable to pay to the relevant authority; or

(b)that no further action is to be taken in relation to the matter.

(7)The responsible person is to give written notice of the determination to the officer.

(8)In determining the amount that an officer is liable to pay under subsection (6)(a), the responsible person —

(a)may have regard to mitigating facts or circumstances relevant to the official loss or to the officer; and

(b)may determine that the officer is liable to pay only so much as is just and equitable of the amount that, apart from this subsection, the officer would be liable to pay.

[Section 51 amended: No. 39 of 2010 s. 76.]

Division 7 — Financial difficulty

[Heading inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 13.]

51A.Notices of financial difficulty

(1)The accountable authority of an agency must notify the Minister if the accountable authority forms the opinion that the agency is unable to, or will be unlikely to be able to, satisfy any of its financial obligations from the financial resources available, or likely to be available, to it at the time a financial obligation is due.

(2)Subsection (1) does not apply if the accountable authority is required to give notice to the Minister under another written law that corresponds to subsection (1).

(3)The notice under subsection (1) must be in writing, giving reasons for the accountable authority’s opinion.

(4)Within 7 days after receipt of the notice, the Minister must confer with the Treasurer and the accountable authority of the agency for the purpose of determining what action is required to ensure that the agency is able to satisfy the relevant financial obligation when it is due.

[Section 51A inserted: No. 12 of 2021 s. 13.]

Part 4  Accountable authorities

52.Each agency to have accountable authority

An agency is to have an accountable authority who is responsible to the Minister for the financial management of the services under the control of the agency.

53.Functions of accountable authorities

(1)Without limiting section 52, an accountable authority of an agency has the functions of —

(a)ensuring that the agency operates in a manner that is efficient and economic and achieves the agency’s objectives; and

(b)ensuring that the agency complies with this Act, the Treasurer’s instructions and any other written law that applies to the agency; and

(c)having the custody, control and management of, and accounting for, all the public property or other property under the control of the agency; and

(ca)ensuring that the agency’s total cost of services in a financial year does not exceed the expense limit for the agency contained in the resource agreement, as modified from time to time, for the agency for the financial year; and

(cb)ensuring that —

(i)the agency complies with any State government policy prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions; and

(ii)in particular, officers of the agency who commit and incur expenditure on behalf of the agency do so in a manner that is not inconsistent with any State government policy prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions;


(cc)ensuring that the agency has documented policies and procedures relating to —

(i)making delegations, or giving authorisations, to officers of the agency that authorise them to enter into financial obligations on behalf of the agency or the State; and

(ii)how officers of the agency exercise the authority to enter into such financial obligations;


(cd)establishing and maintaining records relating to, and a register of, all delegations made, and authorisations given, to officers of the agency that authorise them to enter into financial obligations on behalf of the agency or the State; and

(d)unless otherwise directed in writing by the Treasurer, developing and maintaining an effective internal audit function for the agency.

(2)The accountable authority of an agency also has any other function given to the accountable authority under this Act or another written law.

[Section 53 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 14.]

54.Department, who is accountable authority of etc.

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the chief executive officer of a department is the accountable authority of the department.

(2)While a declaration of a sub‑department under section 56(2) has effect in respect of an entity that forms a part of a department, the chief executive officer of the department —

(a)is not responsible to the Minister for the financial management of the services under the control of the entity; and

(b)is not the accountable authority in relation to those services.

55.Statutory authority, who is accountable authority of etc.

(1)Subject to subsection (2), the person or body (however described) having the general direction and control of, and the overall responsibility for, the operations of a statutory authority is the accountable authority of the statutory authority.

(2)If the Treasurer considers that there is, or may be, some doubt as to the application of subsection (1) to a particular statutory authority, the Treasurer may, by notice published in the Gazette, appoint a person or body to be the accountable authority of the statutory authority.

(3)On the publication of a notice under subsection (2), the person or body appointed is to assume and perform all the functions conferred on an accountable authority under this Act.

56.Sub-departments, entities that are and accountable authorities of

(1)For the purposes of this section, the prescribed conditions, in relation to an entity, are the conditions that —

(a)the entity forms a part of a department; and

(b)the entity maintains separate accounts; and

(c)the entity is the subject of —

(i)a separate division within the estimates; or

(ii)a separate head of expenditure created by a determination under section 25(2)(b); or

(iii)expenditure authorised under section 27(1);


(d)the holder of an office in the department, who is not the chief executive officer of the department, has functions in relation to the entity under —

(i)a written law; or

(ii)a delegation made under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 section 33 by that chief executive officer.

(2)The Treasurer may declare that, for the purposes of this Act —

(a)an entity that satisfies the prescribed conditions is a sub‑department; and

(b)the holder of an office referred to in subsection (1)(d) is the accountable authority of the sub‑department.

(3)If, after a declaration is made under subsection (2) in relation to a sub‑department and its accountable authority, the entity that comprises the sub‑department ceases to satisfy any of the prescribed conditions, the declaration is revoked by operation of this subsection.

(4)If the holder of an office has been declared to be an accountable authority on the basis of a delegation referred to in subsection (1)(d)(ii), the chief executive officer who made the delegation is to notify the Treasurer immediately if the delegation is amended or revoked.

(5)The Treasurer may at any time revoke a declaration under subsection (2).

(6)Part 5 Division 3 applies in relation to the revocation of a declaration under subsection (2) as if a reference in that Division to the abolition of an agency were a reference to that revocation.

57.Chief finance officers, designation and functions of

(1)The accountable authority of an agency —

(a)is to ensure that, for the agency, an office, post or position is designated chief finance officer; and

(b)is to advise the Treasurer and the Auditor General of the office, post or position so designated.

(2)The chief finance officer of an agency is responsible to the accountable authority for —

(a)the preparation of financial information to facilitate the discharge of statutory reporting obligations of the agency; and

(b)the provision of advice on the effectiveness of accounting and financial management information systems and financial controls in meeting the requirements of the agency; and

(c)the provision of advice concerning the financial implications of, and financial risks to, the agency’s current and projected services; and

(d)the development of strategic options for the future financial management and capability of the agency; and

(e)the development of financial management skills within the agency.

58.Financial management system, duties of accountable authorities as to

The accountable authority of an agency is to ensure that the agency has, or has access to, a financial management system that complies with the requirements prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions.

Part 5 — Reports

Division 1 — Treasurer’s reports

59.Financial reports and statements, application of Government Financial Responsibility Act 2000

The Treasurer’s duties with respect to financial reports and statements are set out in the Government Financial Responsibility Act 2000.

Division 2 — Annual reports by agencies

60.Terms used

(1)In this section and section 61 —

affiliated body, of an agency, means —

(a)a body —

(i)that is formed or incorporated by an instrument under a written law or by administrative action; and

(ii)that is financially dependent on the agency; and

(iii)that is not subject to the operational control of the agency as a consequence of the independent exercise of control over its operations under authority provided for in the instrument that formed or created the body or by subsequent amendment of that instrument; and

(iv)that is not a subsidiary body or a related body of an agency nor itself an agency;


(b)a body that is determined by the Treasurer, by written notice given to the agency, to be an affiliated body of the agency;

operational control, of an agency in relation to a body, means that the agency has the capacity to exercise direction over the operation of the body;

related body, of an agency, means —

(a)a body —

(i)that is formed or incorporated under a written law or by administrative action taken independently of the agency; and

(ii)that is financially dependent on the agency; and

(iii)that is subject to the operational control of the agency; and

(iv)that is not a subsidiary body of an agency nor itself an agency;


(b)a body that is determined by the Treasurer, by written notice given to the agency, to be a related body of the agency;

subsidiary body, of an agency, means —

(a)a body —

(i)that is a company as defined in the Commonwealth Corporations Act 2001 section 9 or formed or incorporated under equivalent laws of a place other than a State or Territory; and

(ii)in respect of which the agency has the capacity to dominate decision making, directly or indirectly, in relation to the financial and operating policies of the body so as to enable the body to operate with the agency in pursuing the agency’s objectives; and

(iii)that is not itself an agency;


(b)a body that is declared under an Act to be a subsidiary of the agency and is not itself an agency; or

(c)a body that is determined by the Treasurer, by written notice given to the agency, to be a subsidiary of the agency.

(2)Despite the definitions of affiliated body and related body in subsection (1), the regulations may prescribe that, for the purposes of this Part, a specified body is taken not to be an affiliated body or a related body of a specified agency.

(3)In subsection (2) —

specified means specified in the regulations.

61.Annual reports, contents of etc.

(1)After the end of each financial year the accountable authority of an agency is to prepare an annual report that contains —

(a)financial statements for the financial year; and

(b)unless otherwise directed in writing by the Treasurer, key performance indicators; and

(c)a report on the operations of the agency during the financial year; and

(d)any information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions; and

(e)if applicable, the reports referred to in subsections (2) and (3); and

(f)any other information required by a written direction given by the Minister.

(2)The accountable authority of an agency is to include in the annual report for a financial year covered by a resource agreement a report on the extent to which the agency achieved any targets described in the resource agreement.

(3)An agency that —

(a)is a department or statutory authority; and

(b)has an affiliated body or a related body,

is to include in the annual report for a financial year a report on the affiliated body or related body that contains in respect of the financial year the information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions.

(4)Unless an Act provides otherwise, the financial year of an agency ends on 30 June.

(5)An agency that has a subsidiary body is to exercise its control over that subsidiary body so as to ensure that the accountable authority of the agency is provided with all the information relating to the subsidiary body that the accountable authority needs to comply with this section, section 62 and the Treasurer’s instructions.

[Section 61 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 15.]

62.Financial statements for s. 61(1)(a), standards for etc.

(1)Unless the Treasurer approves otherwise, the financial statements referred to in section 61(1)(a) are to be prepared in accordance with the accounting standards and other requirements issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the financial statements referred to in section 61(1)(a) —

(a)are to include —

(i)any financial statements and information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions; and

(ii)any other financial information required by a written direction given by the Minister;


(b)are to be certified in the manner prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions.

(3)In subsection (1) —

Australian Accounting Standards Board means the body of that name continued in existence under the Commonwealth Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001.

63.Financial reports etc. to be submitted to Auditor General and Minister

(1)The accountable authority of an agency is to submit to the Auditor General —

(a)the financial statements and key performance indicators referred to in section 61(1)(a) and (b); and

(b)any other information referred to in section 61(1)(d) that is required by the Treasurer’s instructions to be submitted to the Auditor General under this subsection.

(2)The accountable authority of an agency is to submit to the Minister —

(a)the annual report prepared by the accountable authority under section 61(1); and

(b)unless the audit of the agency’s accounts in respect of the relevant financial year has been dispensed with under the Auditor General Act 2006 section 14(2) — a copy of the opinion of the Auditor General prepared and signed under section 15 of that Act.

64.Minister to table agency’s annual report etc.

(1)The Minister is to cause to be laid before each House of Parliament, or dealt with under section 83, within the prescribed period after the end of a financial year of an agency —

(a)a copy of the annual report for the financial year prepared by the accountable authority of the agency under section 61; and

(b)unless the audit of the agency’s accounts in respect of the financial year has been dispensed with under the Auditor General Act 2006 section 14(2) — a copy of the opinion of the Auditor General prepared and signed under section 15 of that Act.

(2)In subsection (1) —

prescribed period means —

(a)90 days; or

(b)any shorter period that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.

65.Minister to inform Parliament if annual report and Auditor General’s opinion cannot be tabled on time

(1)If the Minister is not able to cause a copy of an annual report and if applicable, the opinion of the Auditor General referred to in section 64(1) to be laid before each House of Parliament, or dealt with under section 83, within the prescribed period after the end of a financial year of an agency, the Minister is to inform both Houses of Parliament, on or before the expiry of that period, of —

(a)the Minister’s inability to do so; and

(b)the reasons for that inability; and

(c)the anticipated date on which those documents will be tabled.

(2)If the Minister is not able to comply with subsection (1) in respect of a House of Parliament because that House is not then sitting, the Minister is to inform that House as required by that subsection as soon as is practicable after the expiry of the prescribed period.

(3)In this section —

prescribed period means the prescribed period referred to in section 64.

Division 3 — Reporting on abolition of agencies

66.Terms used

In this Division —

abolition, of an agency that is a department or sub‑department, means —

(a)the abolition of the agency; or

(b)the amalgamation of the agency with one or more other departments or sub‑departments; or

(c)the division of the agency into 2 or more departments or sub‑departments;

final report means a report prepared and submitted under section 68(3)(b);

reporting officer means a person appointed by the Treasurer under section 68(1).

67.Purpose of this Division

The purpose of this Division is to secure proper accountability on the abolition of an agency.

68.Abolition of agency, reporting after

(1)Before, on or after the abolition of an agency, the Treasurer is to appoint a person to perform the duties set out in this section.

(2)If the abolition takes effect at the end of a financial year of the agency, the reporting officer is to comply with the provisions of sections 61 and 63 in respect of the agency —

(a)for that financial year; and

(b)to the extent that those provisions have not been complied with for any earlier financial year of the agency.

(3)If the abolition takes effect at a time other than the end of a financial year of the agency, the reporting officer is to —

(a)comply with the provisions of sections 61 and 63 in respect of the agency to the extent that those provisions have not been complied with for any financial year of the agency that ended before the abolition; and

(b)prepare and submit to the Minister a report in respect of the agency for the period starting from the end of the last financial year of the agency to have ended before the abolition and ending with the abolition.

(4)The Treasurer may give the reporting officer written directions as to the preparation and submission of the final report.

(5)On appointment under subsection (1), the reporting officer has a duty to prepare and submit any report required under this section and to comply with any directions given by the Treasurer under subsection (4).

69.Final report, contents of

(1)The reporting officer is to include in the final report —

(a)financial statements of the kind referred to in section 61(1)(a); and

(b)information of the kind referred to in section 61(1)(f).

(2)The reporting officer is also to include in the final report, to the extent that it is practicable for the reporting officer to do so —

(a)information of the kind referred to in section 61(1)(b) and (d); and

(b)a report of the kind referred to in section 61(1)(c); and

(c)if applicable, reports of the kind referred to in section 61(1)(e).

70.Directions by Treasurer for this Division

(1)Directions given by the Treasurer for the purposes of this Division may include directions —

(a)that specify information to be included in the final report; and

(b)so far as is necessary to enable the purposes of this Division to be achieved effectively and without delay — that modify the application of Division 2 and any related regulations to the final report; and

(c)that relate to any supplementary and incidental matters that the Treasurer thinks desirable to ensure proper accountability in respect of the abolished agency; and

(d)if the abolition of the agency takes effect otherwise than on 30 June in any year — that specify the date by which the final report is to be prepared and submitted to the Minister; and

(e)if there is no Minister responsible or there is doubt as to whether there is a Minister responsible — that specify (after necessary consultations) the Minister who is to be the Minister for the purposes of the application of sections 61, 64 and 83 to the final report.

(2)The Treasurer may amend or cancel a direction given for the purposes of this Division.

71.Reporting officers entitled to access to accounts etc.

(1)For the purposes of this Division, the reporting officer is entitled to be provided with reasonable assistance and facilities and to have full and free access at all reasonable times to all accounts and any other information, documents and records, in the possession of any person, that the reporting officer considers necessary for those purposes.

(2)The reporting officer may make copies of, or take extracts from, any of those accounts, documents or records or make a record of any of that information.

(3)A person who has possession of any accounts, information, documents or records of the kind referred to in subsection (1) must at any reasonable time, on the request of the reporting officer, produce any of those accounts, documents or records, or any of that information, specified in the request.

Penalty: a fine of $10 000.

72.Reporting officers to submit financial statements etc. to Auditor General

(1)Subject to any directions given by the Treasurer for the purposes of this Division, the reporting officer is to submit for the opinion of the Auditor General —

(a)the financial statements referred to in section 69(1)(a); and

(b)the information (if applicable) referred to in section 69(2)(a).

(2)Subject to any necessary modifications, this Act applies to those financial statements and that information (if applicable) in the same way that it applies to —

(a)financial statements referred to in section 61(1)(a); and

(b)information referred to in section 61(1)(b) and (d).

(3)Sections 64, 65 and 83 apply to the final report in the same way that they apply to an annual report referred to in section 61, but the prescribed period referred to in section 64(1) is taken to be 14 days after the final report is submitted to the Minister.

Part 6 — Miscellaneous

Division 1 — Delegations and authorisations

73.Term used: Treasury Corporation official

In this Division —

Treasury Corporation official means a person employed or engaged for the purposes of the Western Australian Treasury Corporation established by the Western Australian Treasury Corporation Act 1986.

74.Delegation by Treasurer

(1)The Treasurer may delegate to a Minister any power or duty of the Treasurer under another provision of this Act.

(2)The Treasurer may delegate to an officer of the Treasury any power or duty of the Treasurer under another provision of this Act.

(3)The Treasurer may delegate to a Treasury Corporation official the power of the Treasurer under section 37.

75.Delegation by Ministers

A Minister may delegate to an officer of the Treasury any power or duty delegated to the Minister under section 74(1).

76.Delegation and authorisation by Under Treasurer

(1)The Under Treasurer may delegate to a Treasury Corporation official any power of the Treasurer under section 37 delegated to the Under Treasurer under section 74(2).

(2)The Under Treasurer may authorise an officer of the Treasury to exercise or perform any power or duty —

(a)delegated to the Under Treasurer under section 74(2); or

(b)conferred on the Under Treasurer by the Treasurer’s instructions.

77.Delegations and authorisations, general provisions about

(1)A delegation under this Division or an authorisation under section 76(2) is to be in writing signed by the person making the delegation or giving the authorisation.

(2)A person exercising or performing a power or duty —

(a)that has been delegated to the person under this Division; or

(b)that the person is authorised to exercise or perform under section 76(2),

is taken to do so in accordance with the terms of the delegation or authorisation unless the contrary is shown.

(3)A person (the delegate) exercising or performing a power or duty —

(a)that has been delegated to the delegate under this Division; or

(b)that the delegate is authorised to exercise or perform under section 76(2),

is to do so in accordance with any directions given to the delegate by the person —

(c)who delegated the power or duty to the delegate; or

(d)who authorised the delegate to exercise or perform the power or duty.

(4)The Interpretation Act 1984 sections 58 and 59 apply to an authorisation under section 76(2) in the same way as they apply to a delegation.

(5)Unless the contrary is proved, it is to be presumed that a document purporting to have been signed by a delegate of the Treasurer, a Minister or the Under Treasurer, or by a person authorised by the Under Treasurer under section 76(2), was signed by a person who at the time —

(a)was such a delegate or was so authorised; and

(b)was authorised to sign it.

(6)Nothing in this Division limits the ability of the Treasurer, a Minister or the Under Treasurer to perform a function through an officer or agent.

Division 2 — Treasurer’s instructions

78.Treasurer’s instructions, issue of etc.

(1)The Treasurer may issue, amend or revoke instructions concerning the principles, practices and procedures to be complied with in the financial management of the State.

(2)The Treasurer’s instructions are not to be inconsistent with this Act.

(3)A person who is an accountable authority or an officer is to comply with the Treasurer’s instructions.

(4)The Treasurer is to cause notice to be published in the Gazette of the issue, amendment or revocation of Treasurer’s instructions, but a notice under this subsection does not need to include the text of the instructions or amendments.

(5)The validity of the Treasurer’s instructions is not affected by any failure to comply with subsection (4).

Division 3 — Miscellaneous powers and duties

79.Treasurer’s power to require information

(1)The Treasurer may require the accountable authority or an officer of an agency to provide the Treasurer with any information relating to the financial management of the agency that the Treasurer thinks necessary for the purposes of this Act.

(2)A person given a direction under subsection (1) is to provide the information to the Treasurer in the manner and form directed by the Treasurer.

80.Act of grace payments

(1)If the Treasurer is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so because of special circumstances, the Treasurer may authorise an amount to be paid to a person even though the payment would not otherwise be authorised by law or required to meet a legal liability.


(3)A payment under this section may be made subject to conditions and, if any such condition is breached, the amount paid may be recovered as a debt due to the State in a court of competent jurisdiction.


[Section 80 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 16.]

81.Actions etc. inhibiting etc. Minister’s parliamentary functions prohibited

The Minister and the accountable authority of an agency are to ensure that —

(a)no action is taken or omitted to be taken; and

(b)no contractual or other arrangement is entered into,

by or on behalf of the Minister or agency that would prevent or inhibit the provision by the Minister to Parliament of information concerning any conduct or operation of the agency.

82.Ministerial decisions not to give Parliament certain information about agency to be reported to Parliament etc.

(1)If the Minister decides that it is reasonable and appropriate not to provide to Parliament certain information concerning any conduct or operation of an agency, then within 14 days after making the decision the Minister is to cause written notice of the decision —

(a)to be laid before each House of Parliament or dealt with under section 83; and

(b)to be given to the Auditor General.

(2)A notice under subsection (1)(a) is to include the Minister’s reasons for making the decision that is the subject of the notice.

Division 4 — General

83.Laying documents before Parliament, supplementary provision about

(1)If —

(a)at the start of a period referred to in section 23(5), 64(1) or 82(1) in respect of a document a House of Parliament is not sitting; and

(b)the Minister is of the opinion that that House will not sit during that period,

the Minister is to transmit a copy of the document to the Clerk of that House and, in the case of the transmission of a copy of an annual report and opinion referred to in section 64(1), the Minister is to make the report and opinion available to the public.

(2)A copy of a document transmitted to the Clerk of a House is to be regarded as having been laid before that House.

(3)The laying of a copy of a document that is regarded as having occurred under subsection (2) is to be recorded in the Minutes, or Votes and Proceedings, of the House on the first sitting day of the House after the Clerk received the copy.


The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed, or are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to the purposes of this Act.

85.Review of Act

(1)The Minister is to carry out a review of the operation and effectiveness of this Act as soon as is practicable after —

(a)the fifth anniversary of its commencement; and

(b)the expiry of 10 years after the tabling of each subsequent report on a review under subsection (5).

(2)In the course of a review under subsection (1) the Minister is to consider and have regard to —

(a)whether there is a need for this Act to continue; and

(b)any other matters that appear to the Minister to be relevant to the operation and effectiveness of this Act.

(3)The Minister is to prepare a report based on a review under subsection (1) and, as soon as is practicable after the report is prepared, is to cause a copy of it —

(a)to be laid before each House of Parliament; and

(b)to be given to the Joint Standing Committee on Audit.

(4)The Joint Standing Committee on Audit —

(a)is to carry out a review of the report; and

(b)in the course of that review, may consider and have regard to any matters that appear to the Joint Standing Committee on Audit to be relevant to the report or the operation and effectiveness of this Act.

(5)The Joint Standing Committee on Audit is to prepare a report based on the review and, as soon as is practicable after the report is prepared, is to cause it to be laid before the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly.

[Section 85 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 17.]


Schedule 1  Statutory authorities

[s. 3 and 6]

Agricultural Produce Commission

Arts and Culture Trust

Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority

Building and Construction Industry Training Board

Chemistry Centre (WA)

Colleges established under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 section 35

Combat Sports Commission

Commissioner of Main Roads

Construction Industry Long Service Leave Payments Board

Corruption and Crime Commission

Country Housing Authority

Curtin University

Disability Services Commission

Economic Regulation Authority

Edith Cowan University

Fire and Emergency Services Superannuation Board

Forest Products Commission

Gaming and Wagering Commission of Western Australia

Gascoyne Development Commission

Gold Corporation

Goldfields‑Esperance Development Commission

Government Employees Superannuation Board

Great Southern Development Commission

Health and Disability Services Complaints Office

Health service providers established by order under the Health Services Act 2016 section 32(1)

Heritage Council of Western Australia

Housing Authority


Infrastructure WA

Insurance Commission of Western Australia

Keep Australia Beautiful Council (W.A.)

Kimberley Development Commission

Law Reform Commission of Western Australia

Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia

Legal Costs Committee

Local Health Authorities Analytical Committee

Lotteries Commission

Metropolitan Cemeteries Board

Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority

Mid West Development Commission

Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia

Murdoch University

Parliamentary Inspector of the Corruption and Crime Commission

Peel Development Commission

Pilbara Development Commission

Professional Standards Council

Public Transport Authority of Western Australia

Public Trustee

Racing and Wagering Western Australia

Racing Penalties Appeal Tribunal of Western Australia

Rottnest Island Authority

Rural Business Development Corporation

School Curriculum and Standards Authority

Small Business Development Corporation

South West Development Commission

Swan Bells Foundation Incorporated

The Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority

The Anzac Day Trust

The Board of the Art Gallery of Western Australia

The Burswood Park Board

The Coal Miners’ Welfare Board of Western Australia

The Library Board of Western Australia

The National Trust of Australia (W.A.)

The Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Trust

The University of Western Australia

The Western Australian Museum

Trustees of the Public Education Endowment

Western Australian Building Management Authority

Western Australian Coastal Shipping Commission

Western Australian Energy Disputes Arbitrator

Western Australian Greyhound Racing Association

Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation

Western Australian Institute of Sport

Western Australian Land Information Authority

Western Australian Meat Industry Authority

Western Australian Planning Commission

Western Australian Sports Centre Trust

Western Australian Tourism Commission

Western Australian Treasury Corporation

Wheatbelt Development Commission

WorkCover WA

Zoological Parks Authority

[Schedule 1 amended: No. 77 of 2006 Sch. 1 cl. 63; No. 10 of 2007 s. 43; Gazette 13 Jul 2007 p. 3454; No. 24 of 2007 s. 36; No. 38 of 2007 s. 195; Gazette 4 Jan 2008 p. 29; 8 Feb 2008 p. 323; No. 28 of 2008 s. 13; No. 16 of 2009 s. 69; Gazette 20 Aug 2010 p. 4072; No. 33 of 2010 s. 56; No. 45 of 2011 s. 138; No. 54 of 2011 s. 5; No. 37 of 2011 s. 56; No. 22 of 2012 s. 125; No. 25 of 2012 s. 212; Gazette 7 Dec 2012 p. 5998; 9 Jul 2013 p. 3048; No. 23 of 2013 s. 77; Gazette 11 Nov 2014 p. 4262; No. 3 of 2015 s. 16; No. 6 of 2015 s. 55; Gazette 12 May 2015 p. 1641; No. 40 of 2015 s. 55; No. 11 of 2016 s. 289; No. 22 of 2016 s. 15; No. 32 of 2016 s. 181; No. 41 of 2016 s. 22; Gazette 8 Sep 2017 p. 4698; No. 13 of 2019 s. 75(2); No. 24 of 2020 s. 62; No. 15 of 2021 s. 75(2) and (3); No. 12 of 2022 s. 16; No. 19 of 2022 s. 21(2); SL 2022/169 r. 4; No. 21 of 2023 s. 628.]

Schedule 2  Modifications to the Act as to certain administrations

[s. 5(2)]

The provisions of the Act specified in column 1 are modified and have effect for the purposes of section 5(2) as if they were in the form set out opposite in column 2.

Column 1

Column 2


Modified form


21.(1)The Treasurer may direct that a special purpose account operated by an agency, other than a special purpose account established by an Act, be closed.


48.(4)The accountable authority of an agency may, with the prior approval of the Treasurer, write off relevant amounts that are greater than the monetary limit prescribed for the purposes of subsection (2), subject to any conditions prescribed by the regulations.


52.The accountable authority of an agency is responsible for the financial management of the services under the control of the agency.


54.(1)The accountable authority of the agency taken to be constituted under section 5(1) by the administration of —


(a)the Legislative Council is the Clerk of the Legislative Council; or

(b)the Legislative Assembly is the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly; or


(c)the Parliamentary Services Department is the Executive Manager (however designated) of the Parliamentary Services Department; or


(d)the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations is the chief executive officer of the department of the Public Service principally assisting in the administration of the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971; or

(e)the Information Commissioner is the chief executive officer of the department of the Public Service principally assisting in the administration of the Freedom of Information Act 1992,


and the accountable authority of an agency taken to be constituted under section 5(1) by the administration of a body or office that is the subject of regulations referred to in that provision is the person appointed, in writing, by the Treasurer to be the accountable authority of that agency.


61.(1)After the end of each financial year the accountable authority of an agency is to prepare an annual report that contains — 


(a)financial statements for the financial year; and

(b)unless otherwise directed in writing by the Treasurer, key performance indicators; and


(c)a report on the operations of the agency during the financial year; and


(d)any information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions; and

(e)if applicable, the reports referred to in subsections (2) and (3).


62.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the financial statements referred to in section 61(1)(a) —


(a)are to include any financial statements and information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions; and

(b)are to be certified in the manner prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions.


63.(2)The accountable authority of an agency is to submit to the Treasurer —


(a)the annual report prepared by the accountable authority under section 61(1); and

(b)unless the audit of the agency’s accounts in respect of the relevant financial year has been dispensed with under the Auditor General Act 2006 section 14(2) — a copy of the opinion of the Auditor General prepared and signed under section 15 of that Act.


64.(1)The accountable authority of an agency is to transmit to both Houses of Parliament within the prescribed period after the end of a financial year of the agency —

(a)a copy of the annual report for the financial year prepared by the accountable authority under section 61(1); and

(b)unless the audit of the agency’s accounts in respect of the financial year has been dispensed with under the Auditor General Act 2006 section 14(2) — a copy of the opinion of the Auditor General prepared and signed under section 15 of that Act.


64.(1A)A copy of an annual report or opinion transmitted to a House of Parliament is to be regarded as having been laid before that House.


64.(1B)The laying of a copy of an annual report or opinion that is regarded as having occurred under subsection (1A) is to be recorded in the Minutes, or Votes and Proceedings, of the House on the first sitting day of the House after it is transmitted to the House.


65.(1)If the accountable authority of an agency is not able to transmit a copy of the annual report and, if applicable, the opinion of the Auditor General referred to in section 64(1) to both Houses of Parliament within the prescribed period after the end of the financial year, the accountable authority is to inform both Houses of Parliament, on or before the expiry of that period, of —


(a)the accountable authority’s inability to do so; and


(b)the reasons for that inability; and

(c)the anticipated date on which those documents will be transmitted.


65.(2)If the accountable authority of an agency is not able to comply with subsection (1) in respect of a House of Parliament because that House is not then sitting, the accountable authority is to inform that House as required by that subsection as soon as is practicable after the expiry of the prescribed period.

For the purposes of section 5(2), section 43(2) does not have effect.

[Schedule 2 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 18.]

Schedule 3  Modifications to the Act as to the Office of the Auditor General

[s. 5(3)]

The provisions of the Act specified in column 1 are modified and have effect for the purposes of section 5(3) as if they were in the form set out opposite in column 2.

Column 1

Column 2


Modified form


21.(1)The Treasurer may direct that a special purpose account operated by the Office of the Auditor General, other than a special purpose account established by an Act, be closed.


48.(4)The accountable authority of the Office of the Auditor General may, with the prior approval of the Treasurer, write off relevant amounts that are greater than the monetary limit prescribed for the purposes of subsection (2), subject to any conditions prescribed by the regulations.


52.The accountable authority of the Office of the Auditor General is responsible for the financial management of the services under the control of the Office of the Auditor General.


54.(1)The Auditor General is the accountable authority of the Office of the Auditor General.


61.(1)After the end of each financial year the accountable authority of the Office of the Auditor General is to prepare an annual report that contains — 


(a)financial statements for the financial year; and

(b)unless otherwise directed in writing by the Treasurer, key performance indicators; and


(c)a report on the operations of the Office of the Auditor General during the financial year; and


(d)any information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions unless, in the opinion of the Auditor General, this information would compromise the Auditor General’s independence; and

(e)if applicable, the reports referred to in subsections (2) and (3).


62.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the financial statements referred to in section 61(1)(a) —

(a)are to include any financial statements and information prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions; and

(b)are to be certified in the manner prescribed by the Treasurer’s instructions.


63.(2)After receiving the opinion of the independent auditor appointed in accordance with the Auditor General Act 2006 section 38, the Auditor General is to transmit a copy of the annual report for a financial year prepared by the accountable authority under section 61(1) together with a copy of the opinion of the independent auditor to both Houses of Parliament within 90 days after the end of the financial year.


63.(2A)A copy of an annual report or opinion transmitted to a House of Parliament is to be regarded as having been laid before that House.

63.(2B)The laying of a copy of an annual report or opinion that is regarded as having occurred under subsection (2A) is to be recorded in the Minutes, or Votes and Proceedings, of the House on the first sitting day of the House after it is transmitted to the House.


65.(1)If the Auditor General is not able to transmit a copy of the annual report and the opinion of the independent auditor referred to in section 63(2) to both Houses of Parliament within 90 days after the end of the financial year, the Auditor General is to inform both Houses of Parliament, on or before the expiry of that period, of —

(a)the Auditor General’s inability to do so; and


(b)the reasons for that inability; and

(c)the anticipated date on which those documents will be transmitted.


65.(2)If the Auditor General is not able to comply with subsection (1) in respect of a House of Parliament because that House is not then sitting, the Auditor General is to inform that House as required by that subsection as soon as is practicable after the expiry of the period referred to in that subsection.

For the purposes of section 5(3), sections 43(2) and 64 do not have effect.

[Schedule 3 amended: No. 12 of 2021 s. 19.]




This is a compilation of the Financial Management Act 2006 and includes amendments made by other written laws 2. For provisions that have come into operation, and for information about any reprints, see the compilation table. For provisions that have not yet come into operation see the uncommenced provisions table.

Compilation table

Short title

Number and year



Financial Management Act 2006

76 of 2006

21 Dec 2006

s. 1 and 2: 21 Dec 2006;
Act other than s. 1 and 2:
1 Feb 2007 (see s. 2 and Gazette 19 Jan 2007 p. 137)

Financial Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2006 Sch. 1 cl. 63

77 of 2006

21 Dec 2006

1 Feb 2007 (see s. 2(1) and Gazette 19 Jan 2007 p. 137)

Chemistry Centre (WA) Act 2007 s. 43

10 of 2007

29 Jun 2007

1 Aug 2007 (see s. 2(1) and Gazette 27 Jul 2007 p. 3735)

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2007 published in Gazette 13 Jul 2007 p. 3453‑4

13 Jul 2007

Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Repeal and Consequential Provisions) Act 2007 s. 36

24 of 2007

12 Oct 2007

18 Dec 2010 (see s. 2(1) and Gazette 17 Dec 2010 p. 6349)

Water Resources Legislation Amendment Act 2007 s. 195

38 of 2007

21 Dec 2007

1 Feb 2008 (see s. 2(2) and Gazette 31 Jan 2008 p. 251)

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations (No. 2) 2007 published in Gazette 4 Jan 2008 p. 29

4 Jan 2008

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2008 published in Gazette 8 Feb 2008 p. 322‑3

r. 1 and 2: 8 Feb 2008 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 9 Feb 2008 (see r. 2(b))

Eastern Goldfields Transport Board Repeal Act 2008 s. 13

28 of 2008

1 Jul 2008

29 Jul 2008

Reprint 1: The Financial Management Act 2006 as at 26 Sep 2008 (includes amendments listed above except those in the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Repeal and Consequential Provisions) Act 2007)

National Gas Access (WA) Act 2009 s. 69

16 of 2009

1 Sep 2009

1 Jan 2010 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 31 Dec 2009 p. 5327)

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2010 published in Gazette 20 Aug 2010 p. 4071‑2

r. 1 and 2: 20 Aug 2010 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 21 Aug 2010 (see r. 2(b))

Health and Disability Services Legislation Amendment Act 2010 s. 56

33 of 2010

30 Aug 2010

30 Nov 2010 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 17 Sep 2010 p. 4757)

Public Sector Reform Act 2010 s. 76

39 of 2010

1 Oct 2010

1 Dec 2010 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 5 Nov 2010 p. 5563)

Curriculum Council Amendment Act 2011 Pt. 3 Div. 2

37 of 2011

13 Sep 2011

1 Mar 2012 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 28 Feb 2012 p. 841)

Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority Act 2011 s. 138

45 of 2011

12 Oct 2011

31 Dec 2011 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 30 Dec 2011 p. 5573)

Agricultural Practices (Disputes) Repeal Act 2011 s. 5

54 of 2011

9 Nov 2011

7 Dec 2011
(see note under s. 1)

Reprint 2: The Financial Management Act 2006 as at 8 Jun 2012 (includes amendments listed above)

Fire and Emergency Services Legislation Amendment Act 2012 Pt. 7 Div. 7

22 of 2012

29 Aug 2012

1 Nov 2012 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 31 Oct 2012 p. 5255)

Water Services Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2012 s. 212

25 of 2012

3 Sep 2012

18 Nov 2013 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 14 Nov 2013 p. 5028)

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2012 published in Gazette 7 Dec 2012 p. 5998

r. 1 and 2: 7 Dec 2012 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 8 Dec 2012 (see r. 2(b))

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2013 published in Gazette 9 Jul 2013 p. 3048

r. 1 and 2: 9 Jul 2013 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 10 Jul 2013 (see r. 2(b))

Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia Act 2013 s. 77

23 of 2013

18 Dec 2013

1 Feb 2014 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 14 Jan 2014 p. 43)

Reprint 3: The Financial Management Act 2006 as at 11 Apr 2014 (includes amendments listed above)

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2014 published in Gazette 11 Nov 2014 p. 4262

r. 1 and 2: 11 Nov 2014 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 12 Nov 2014 (see r. 2(b))

Alcohol and Drug Authority Amendment Act 2015 s. 16

3 of 2015

25 Feb 2015

1 Jul 2015 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 10 Apr 2015 p. 1249)

Swan and Canning Rivers Management Amendment Act 2015 s. 55

6 of 2015

9 Mar 2015

1 Jul 2015 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 19 Jun 2015 p. 2095)

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2015 published in Gazette 12 May 2015 p. 1641

r. 1 and 2: 12 May 2015 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 13 May 2015 (see r. 2(b))

Perth Market (Disposal) Act 2015 s. 55

40 of 2015

8 Dec 2015

31 Mar 2016 (see s. 2(2) and Gazette 31 Mar 2016 p. 969)

Health Services Act 2016 s. 289

11 of 2016

26 May 2016

1 Jul 2016 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 24 Jun 2016 p. 2291)

Marketing of Potatoes Amendment and Repeal Act 2016 s. 15

22 of 2016

12 Sep 2016

22 May 2021 (see s. 2(d) and SL 2021/60 cl. 2)

Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 s. 315

24 of 2016

21 Sep 2016

1 Jan 2019 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 14 Sep 2018 p. 3305)

Universities Legislation Amendment Act 2016
Pt. 7 Div. 3 

32 of 2016

19 Oct 2016

2 Jan 2017 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 9 Dec 2016 p. 5557)

School Boarding Facilities Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2016 s. 22

41 of 2016

28 Nov 2016

1 Jul 2017 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 23 Jun 2017 p. 3173)

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2017 published in Gazette 8 Sep 2017 p. 4698

r. 1 and 2: 8 Sep 2017 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 9 Sep 2017 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 4: The Financial Management Act 2006 as at 6 Oct 2017 (includes amendments listed above except those in the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 s. 315)

Infrastructure Western Australia Act 2019 s. 75

13 of 2019

24 Jun 2019

24 Jul 2019 (see s. 2(c))

Procurement Act 2020 Pt. 10 Div. 3

24 of 2020

19 Jun 2020

1 Jun 2021 (see s. 2(b) and SL 2020/244 cl. 2(c))

Financial Legislation Amendment Act 2021 Pt. 2

12 of 2021

24 Aug 2021

21 Sep 2021 (see s. 2(b))

Arts and Culture Trust Act 2021 s. 75

15 of 2021

9 Sep 2021

1 Jul 2022 (see s. 2(b) and SL 2022/77 cl. 2)

Animal Resources Authority Amendment and Repeal Act 2022 s. 16

12 of 2022

14 Apr 2022

22 Aug 2024 (see s. 2(1)(c) and SL 2024/176 cl. 2)

Soil and Land Conservation Amendment Act 2022 s. 21

19 of 2022

24 Jun 2022

25 Jun 2022 (see s. 2(b))

Financial Management (Statutory Authorities) Regulations 2022 (SL 2022/169)

r. 1 and 2: 21 Oct 2022 (see r. 2(b));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 22 Oct 2022 (see r. 2(b))

Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023 Pt. 15 Div. 3 Subdiv. 2

21 of 2023

24 Oct 2023

1 Jul 2024 (see s. 2(d) and SL 2024/34 cl. 2)

Uncommenced provisions table

To view the text of the uncommenced provisions see Acts as passed on the WA Legislation website.

Short title

Number and year



TAB (Disposal) Act 2019 s. 149

21 of 2019

18 Sep 2019

To be proclaimed (see s. 2(1)(b)(xiii))

Keystart Act 2024 Pt. 8 Div. 2

44 of 2024

13 Nov 2024

To be proclaimed (see s. 2(c))

Information Commissioner Act 2024 Pt. 7 Div. 3

52 of 2024

6 Dec 2024

Operative on commencement of the Privacy and Responsible Information Sharing Act 2024 Pt. 2 Div. 12 (see s. 2(1)(d))

Other notes

1Repealed by the Financial Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2006 s. 3.

2The amendment in the State Superannuation Amendment Act 2007 s. 79 is not included because it was repealed by the State Superannuation Amendment Act 2011 s. 4 before the amendment purported to come into operation.



Defined terms


[This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.]

Defined termProvision(s)


accountable authority3


affiliated body60(1)


agency special purpose account3

annual estimates3

Appropriation Act3

Australian Accounting Standards Board62(3)

authorised person51(1)


commencement day27A(1)

Consolidated Account3

current year24(1)




draft annual estimates3, 40(1)

draft resource agreement3, 42(1)

election year24(1A)


expense limit3, 42(2)

final report66

former section 2727A(1)

general purpose25(1)


Joint Standing Committee on Audit3




official loss51(1)

official money47

official property47

operating account26(1)

operational control60(1)

other money3, 15(2)

other property3

prescribed conditions56(1)

prescribed period64(2), 65(3)

prescribed receipts23(1)

previous year24(1)

public authority28(2)

Public Bank Account3

Public Bank Account Interest Earned Account3

Public Ledger3

public money3

public property3

regulated payment32(2)

regulated transfer32(2)

related body60(1)

relevant accountable authority36(1)

relevant amounts48(1)

relevant authority47

relevant commitment26(1)

relevant payment27A(1)

relevant person36(1)

relevant service21(3)

reporting officer66

resource agreement3

responsible person51(1)

special purpose account3


statutory authority3

statutory authority money3


submission date3

subsidiary body60(1)


Treasurer’s instructions3


Treasury Corporation official73

Under Treasurer3



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By Authority: GEOFF O. LAWN, Government Printer