Fremantle City Council Lands Act 1929
Western Australia
Fremantle City Council Lands Act 1929
1.Short title1
2.Fremantle City Council authorised to surrender Fremantle town lot 5981
3.Land surrendered to be granted to Trustees of Kindergarten Union of Western Australia Incorporated1
4.Fremantle City Council authorised to sell portion of Fremantle town lot 15082
The Schedule
Compilation table4
Western Australia
Fremantle City Council Lands Act 1929
An Act to authorise the Fremantle City Council to surrender and dispose of certain Lands now vested in such Council.
Be it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: —
This Act may be cited as the Fremantle City Council Lands Act 1929.
2.Fremantle City Council authorised to surrender Fremantle town lot 598
The Fremantle City Council is hereby authorised to surrender to His Majesty all its estate and interest in Fremantle town lot 598 which is held in trust for municipal purposes.
3.Land surrendered to be granted to Trustees of Kindergarten Union of Western Australia Incorporated
When the said council shall have surrendered to His Majesty its estate and interest in the said Fremantle town lot 598, the said land shall be granted forthwith in fee simple to the Trustees of the Kindergarten Union of Western Australia Incorporated, in trust for the erection of buildings thereon in connection with the objects of the said Kindergarten Union.
4.Fremantle City Council authorised to sell portion of Fremantle town lot 1508
The Fremantle City Council is hereby authorised to sell and transfer to the Fremantle Municipal Tramways and Electric Lighting Board all its estate and interest in that portion of land held in trust for corporation yards, being all that portion of Fremantle town lot 1508, which is more particularly described, defined, and delineated in the schedule hereto, discharged from all trusts and for such price and upon such terms and conditions as the said council shall think fit: Provided that the proceeds of such sale after receipt thereof shall be applied by the said council for municipal purposes.
All that portion of Fremantle town lot 1508 bounded by lines starting from a point on the north‑western boundary of said lot situate 65 degrees 25 minutes 30.2/10th links from the intersection of the south‑eastern alignment of Quarry Street with the north‑eastern alignment of Parry street, and extending 65 degrees 25 minutes 3 chains 29.4/10th links; thence 171 degrees 30 minutes 2 chains 25.4/10 links; thence 257 degrees 33 minutes 37.4/10th links; thence 168 degrees 36 minutes 10.2/10th links; thence 249 degrees 41 minutes 2 chains 74.4/10th links; thence 339 degrees 51 minutes 1 chain 31.8/10th links along said alignment of Parry street to its intersection with a circular curve, the bearing and distance of whose radius is 69 degrees 49 minutes 72.8/10th links from said intersection point; thence along said curve northerly 68.9/10th links, and thence 339 degrees 46 minutes 10.4/10th links to the starting point, as shown on L.T.O. Diagram 9418. All bearings being true or thereabouts and the measurements more or less.
[Schedule inserted: No. 30 of 1933 s.2.]
1.This is a compilation of the Fremantle City Council Lands Act 1929 and includes all amendments effected by the other Acts referred to in the following Table.
Short title |
Number and year |
Assent |
Commencement |
Fremantle City Council Lands Act 1929 |
40 of 1929 |
31 Dec 1929 |
31 Dec 1929 |
Fremantle City Council Lands Amendment Act 1933 |
30 of 1933 |
19 Dec 1933 |
19 Dec 1933 |