Advance Bank (Merger with St.George Bank) (Taxing) Act 1998

This Act was repealed by the Statutes (Repeals) Act 2014 s. 4 (No. 32 of 2014) as at 4 Dec 2014 (see s. 2(b)).



Advance Bank (Merger with St.George Bank) (Taxing) Act 1998


1.Short title1



4.Payment of amount equal to State taxes and charges1


Compilation table3


Advance Bank (Merger with St.George Bank) (Taxing) Act 1998

An Act to make provision for the payment of an amount to the Treasurer in connection with the merger of Advance Bank Australia Limited with St.George Bank Limited.

[Assented to 30 June 1998]

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

1.Short title

This Act may be cited as the Advance Bank (Merger with St.George Bank) (Taxing) Act 1998.


This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.


In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears, words, expressions and abbreviations defined in the Advance Bank (Merger with St.George Bank) Act 1998 have the same meanings as in that Act.

4.Payment of amount equal to State taxes and charges

(1)SGB is to pay to the Treasurer an amount that is, in the opinion of the Treasurer, equal to the amount of all taxes, duties and charges for which SGB or ABAL would have been liable under the law of the State if the translated assets and translated liabilities had become assets and liabilities of SGB as the result of an ordinary commercial transaction rather than by operation of the NSW Regulation.

(2)The reference to charges in subsection (1) does not include any fee or charge payable to the Registrar of Titles or Registrar of Deeds and Transfers in respect of any act, dealing or other transaction relating to land.



1This is a compilation of the Advance Bank (Merger with St.George Bank) (Taxing) Act 1998. The following table contains information about that Act.

Compilation table

Short title

Number and year



Advance Bank (Merger with St.George Bank) (Taxing) Act 1998

21 of 1998

30 Jun 1998

30 Jun 1998 (see s. 2)

This Act was repealed by the Statutes (Repeals) Act 2014 s. 4 (No. 32 of 2014) as at 4 Dec 2014 (see s. 2(b))