Dongara-Eneabba Railway Act 1974




Reprinted under the Reprints Act 1984 as

at 16 October 2015

Dongara-Eneabba Railway Act 1974



2.Authority to construct railway1

3.Authority for deviation1

Schedule — Line of Dongara - Eneabba Railway


Compilation table3




Reprinted under the Reprints Act 1984 as

at 16 October 2015

Dongara‑Eneabba Railway Act 1974

An Act to authorise the construction of a railway from the Guildford‑Greenough Flats Railway at Dongara to Eneabba.


This Act may be cited as the Dongara‑Eneabba Railway Act 1974 1.

2.Authority to construct railway

It shall be lawful to construct and maintain a railway, with all necessary, proper and usual works and conveniences in connection therewith, along the line described in the Schedule.

3.Authority for deviation

Notwithstanding anything contained in the Public Works Act 1902, it shall be lawful to deviate from the line as described in the Schedule to the extent of 5 km on either side thereof.


Schedule — Line of Dongara - Eneabba Railway

[s. 2]

[Heading inserted: No. 19 of 2010 s. 5.]

Commence at a point being 421.517 km or thereabouts from Perth on the Guildford‑Greenough Flats Railway (50 Victoria 24, 1886 2) and proceeding thence on a bearing of 96° 27′ for a distance of 292 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 168° 30′ for a distance of 1 609 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 140° 00′ for a distance of 1 851 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 156° 00′ for a distance of 2 112 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 177° 00′ for a distance of 925 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 156° 00′ for a distance of 4 707 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 143° 00′ for a distance of 1 810 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 163° 00′ for a distance of 583 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 180° 00′ for a distance of 1 670 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 171° 00′ for a distance of 4 526 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 180° 00′ for a distance of 3 098 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 174° 00′ for a distance of 3 701 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 138° 00′ for a distance of 925 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 162° 00′ for a distance of 805 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 131° 00′ for a distance of 2 132 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 181° 00′ for a distance of 1 609 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 162° 00′ for a distance of 1 408 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 157° 00′ for a distance of 1 408 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 152° 00′ for a distance of 7 342 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 104° 00′ for a distance of 3 319 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 152° 00′ for a distance of 4 023 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 150° 30′ for a distance of 23 254 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 188° 00′ for a distance of 2 937 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 110° 00′ for a distance of 1 207 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 90° 00′ for a distance of 1 710 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 168° 00′ for a distance of 1 469 m or thereabouts; thence on a bearing of 180° 00′ for a distance of 6 196 m or thereabouts; and being a total distance of 86.628 km or thereabouts.





1This reprint is a compilation as at 16 October 2015 of the Dongara-Eneabba Railway Act 1974 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table. The table also contains information about any reprint.

Compilation table

Short title

Number and year



Dongara‑Eneabba Railway Act 1974

24 of 1974

23 Oct 1974

23 Oct 1974

Reprint of the Dongara‑Eneabba Railway Act 1974 as at 28 Jan 2000

Standardisation of Formatting Act 2010 s. 5

19 of 2010

28 Jun 2010

11 Sep 2010 (see s. 2(b) and Gazette 10 Sep 2010 p. 4341)

Reprint 2: The Dongara-Eneabba Railway Act 1974 as at 16 Oct 2015 (includes amendments listed above)

2Repealed by the Public Transport Authority Act 2003.