Auction Sales Act 1973

Auction Sales Regulations 1974


Auction Sales Regulations 1974






5.Method of application3

6.Notice of application3

7.Notice of objection4

8.Police inquiries4

9.Stock register4





Compilation table25

Defined terms


Auction Sales Act 1973

Auction Sales Regulations 1974


(1)These regulations may be cited as the Auction Sales Regulations 1974 1.

(2)In these regulations the Auction Sales Act 1973 is referred to as the Act.

[Regulation 1 amended in Gazette 29 Aug 1986 p. 3205.]


The forms prescribed for the purposes of the Act are set out in the Schedule.


(1)The application forms referred to in the first column of the table hereunder shall be used for the purposes respectively specified in relation thereto in the second column, and the fee payable for the purpose shall be at the rate specified in the third column.

Application forms and fees payable

Form No.




General licence

$179.00 per annum


Restricted licence

$179.00 per annum


Occasional licence

$65.00 per licence


Interim licence

$15.00 per month or part of a month


Provisional licence

$15.00 per month or part of a month


Duplicate licence



Transfer of licence


(2)Copies of the application forms required may be obtained, free of charge, from the registrar of the Magistrates Court 2, 3.

(3)The forms of licence referred to in the first column of the table hereunder shall be used for the purposes respectively specified in relation thereto in the second column.


Form No.



General licence.


Restricted licence.


Occasional licence.


Interim licence.


Provisional licence.

(4)The form of transfer of a licence shall be in Form 13 and shall be endorsed on the original licence to which it relates.

[Regulation 3 amended in Gazette 28 Oct 1983 p. 4372; 29 Aug 1986 p. 3205; 5 Aug 1988 p. 2629; 30 Jun 1989 p. 1976; 1 Aug 1990 p. 3658; 13 Dec 1991 p. 6156; 14 Aug 1992 p. 4016‑7; 27 Jun 2013 p. 2662; 17 Jun 2014 p. 1956; 23 Jun 2015 p. 2161; 3 Jun 2016 p. 1751.]


(1)The fee payable on the renewal of a licence shall, subject to apportionment in respect of periods of less than 12 months, be the fee payable on application for that kind of licence as set out in the table to regulation 3(1).

(2)A licence shall not be renewable as of right.

(3)An application for the renewal of a licence shall be made in the same manner as an application for the grant of a licence, save that the applicant is not required to comply with section 11(5) of the Act or to lodge character testimonials.

[Regulation 4 amended in Gazette 6 Oct 1978 p. 3634.]

5.Method of application

(1)An application for the grant, renewal or transfer of a licence shall be made in the manner provided by section 11 of the Act by lodging with the registrar of the Magistrates Court 2, 3 the prescribed fee together with — 

(a)where the application is made for a licence to be used for the benefit of a firm or corporation, 4 copies; and

(b)in any other case, 3 copies,

of the relevant application form.

(2)Where the application is for the transfer of a licence the application shall be made in Form 7 by the proposed transferee and shall be endorsed with the consent of the proposed transferor and on behalf of the firm or corporation (if any) named in the original licence as that for the benefit of which the licence is to be used.

6.Notice of application

For the purposes of section 11(5) of the Act publication of a copy of the application shall be taken of itself to constitute the notice in the prescribed form, no further notice being required to be published.

[Regulation 6 amended in Gazette 22 Nov 1974 p. 5101.]

7.Notice of objection

A notice of objection to the grant, renewal or transfer of a licence is not required to be given in a prescribed form.

8.Police inquiries

On receipt of a copy of the application for the grant, renewal or transfer of a licence from the registrar of the Magistrates Court 2, 3, the senior police officer stationed within the police district shall — 

(a)inquire as to the character and suitability of the applicant; and

(b)inquire as to the fitness and repute of the persons responsible for the management of that firm or corporation where the licence is sought for the benefit of a firm or corporation; and

(c)inquire as to the circumstances and the likelihood of the occasion occurring, where an occasional licence is sought; and

(d)inquire as to the genuineness of the incapacity by a medical certificate or other evidence, where an interim licence is sought; and

(e)report in writing to the court the result of his inquiries.

9.Stock register

(1)The register to be kept for the purposes of section 30 of the Act shall be in Form 15.

(2)On the same day as a sale of stock is conducted, the auctioneer shall cause to be entered in the register the following particulars as a separate entry for each lot of animals offered for sale — 

(a)the number of the pen where the animals were held when auctioned; and

(b)the name and address or identifying code of the vendor of the animals so auctioned; and

(c)the quantity of animals auctioned in that lot; and

(d)a description of the breed and type of animal auctioned; and

(e)the identifier applied to the animals under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013; and

(f)if sold by auction, the price per head of each animal when knocked down to the purchaser, and the name and address or identifying code of the purchaser of the animal; and

(g)if passed in or sold by private treaty, a description of the means of disposal and the name and address of any purchaser.

(3)The auctioneer conducting the sale shall append his signature in the place provided, signifying that the particulars contained in that sheet are, to the best of his knowledge, accurate particulars of all stock offered for sale by him.

(4)Where any alteration to particulars entered on the register appears, the auctioneer shall initial each alteration as being correct.

[Regulation 9 amended in Gazette 5 Feb 2013 p. 833.]


A person who sells by auction or submits for sale by auction any stock, in relation to which a waybill issued under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013 is not furnished, commits an offence.

[Regulation 10 amended in Gazette 5 Feb 2013 p. 833.]


A person who wilfully makes any representation or statement which is false or misleading in a material particular in relation to any application, objection, register or other matter or proceeding under the Act or these regulations commits an offence and is liable to the penalties provided by section 35 of the Act.



Form 1


Auction Sales Act 1973


To the Magistrate 4 at ..........................................................................................................

I, ..........................................................................................................................................

now residing at ....................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................

and having attained the age of 18 years, do hereby apply for the * renewal/grant of a general licence to act as and carry on the business of, an auctioneer throughout the State in relation to all classes of business to which the Auction Sales Act 1973 applies * (for the benefit of .......................................................................................................................


of ........................................................................................................................................,

a * firm/corporation of which I am an * employee/partner/Director, which consents to this application).

Dated the ................................. day of .................................................................., 20........


Signature of Applicant.

* Strike out whichever not required.

† ...........................................................

Consents to this Application.


Authorised person for

firm or corporation.

Insert name of firm or corporation.

The application will be heard before the ............................................................................

Court at ................................ on the ......................... day of ................................, 20.......,

at ....................................... o’clock in the ................... noon.


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

A person wishing to object to this application should lodge with the registrar 2 of the above Court and serve on the applicant or his authorised representative, at least 7 days before the date appointed for the hearing, a notice stating the grounds of the objection.

Form 2


Auction Sales Act 1973


To the Magistrate 4 at ...................................................................................... ..................

I, .........................................................................................................................................

now residing at ...................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at ................................................................................................

and having attained the age of 18 years, do hereby apply for the * grant/renewal of a restricted licence to act as and carry on the business of, an auctioneer in (1) ...................


in relation to the sale of (2) ................................................................................................

and during the times stated herein, (3) ...............................................................................

* (for the benefit of ............................................................................................................

of ........................................................................................................................................

a * firm/corporation of which I am an * employee/partner/Director and which consents to this application).

Dated the ................................ day of ..............................................................., 20 ..........


Signature of Applicant.

(1)Describe Police Dist.

(2)Describe Class of Business.

(3)Describe Time Periods.

* Strike out whichever not required.

† ...........................................................

Consents to this Application.


Authorised person for

firm or corporation.

Insert name of firm or corporation.

The application will be heard before the ............................................................................

Court at .................................................... on the ........................................................ day of .............................................., 20.............., at .......................................... o’clock in the ................... noon.


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

A person wishing to object to this application should lodge with the registrar 2 of the above Court and serve on the applicant or his authorised representative, at least 7 days before the date appointed for the hearing, a notice stating the grounds of the objection.

Form 3


Auction Sales Act 1973


To the Magistrate 4 at ..........................................................................................................

I, ..........................................................................................................................................

now residing at ....................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................

and having attained the age of 18 years, do hereby apply for the grant of an occasional licence in accordance with section 13 of the Auction Sales Act 1973 to act as an auctioneer * (for the benefit of ...........................................................................................


of .........................................................................................................................................

a * firm/corporation of which I am an * employee/partner/Director and which consents to this application) from (1) ......................................... to .................................................

at (2) the ............................................................... Police

District in relation to the sale of (3) ...................................................................................

on the occasion and in the circumstances following (4) ....................................................


* I am/am not the holder of a (5) ................................... licence under the Auction Sales Act 1973 in relation to the sale of (3) ................................................................................

* (granted to be used for the benefit of ..............................................................................

...........................................................of .............................................................................

which * have/have not consented to the making of this application).

Dated the ................................ day of ............................................................, 20..............


Signature of Applicant.

* Strike out whichever not required.

(1)Insert period of licence.

(2)Describe place of sale.

(3)Describe class of business.

(4)Describe reasons for application.

(5)Describe kind of licence.

† ...........................................................

Consents to this Application.


Authorised person for

firm or corporation.

Insert name of firm or corporation.

The application will be heard before the ............................................................................

Court at ................................................on the

of............................................, 20...................., at ....................................... o’clock in the

............................. noon.


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

A person wishing to object to this application should lodge with the registrar 2 of the above Court and serve on the applicant or his authorised representative, at least 7 days before the date appointed for the hearing, a notice stating the grounds of the objection.

Form 4


Auction Sales Act 1973


To the Magistrate 4 at .........................................................................................................

* I (1) ..................................................................................................................................

* the * firm/corporation for the benefit of which the licence was granted

* a person acting on behalf and with the consent of the parties named in the licence of ........................................................................................................................................

hereby apply for the suspension of the (2) .........................................................................

licence No. ....................... granted to (3) ...........................................................................

and for the grant of an interim licence in accordance with section 14 of the Auction Sales Act 1973 in favour of (4) ...........................................................................................

now residing at ....................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................

for the period from the ...................... day of the ..................................

day of ....................................... in relation to the sale of (5) ................................... on the

grounds that (3) ...................................................................................................................

will be incapacitated by reason of (6) .................................................................................

Dated the ................................ day of ............................................................., 20..............


Signature of Applicant.

* Strike out whichever not required.

(1)Name of auctioneer, firm, corporation or proposed licensee making the application.

(2)Describe kind of licence.

(3)Name of auctioneer.

(4)Name of proposed licensee.

(5)Describe class of business.

(6)Describe reason for incapacity.

† ..............................................................................

Consents to this Application.


Authorised person for

firm or corporation.

Insert name of firm or corporation.

The application will be heard before the ............................................................................

Court at ......................................................on the of ...................................................., 20................., at ..................................... o’clock in the

.......................................... noon.


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

A person wishing to object to this application should lodge with the registrar 2 of the above Court and serve on the applicant or his authorised representative, at least 7 days before the date appointed for the hearing, a notice stating the grounds of the objection.

Form 5


Auction Sales Act 1973


To the Magistrate 4 at ..........................................................................................................

* I (1) ..................................................................................................................................

* the * firm/corporation for the benefit of which the licence was granted

of .........................................................................................................................................

hereby apply for the grant of a provisional licence under section 15 of the Auction Sales Act 1973 in favour of (2) ....................................................................................................

............................................... to act as an auctioneer under the direct supervision and instruction of (3) .................................................................................................................

for the period from the of ...............................................,

to the ......................................... day of ............................................ in relation to the sale of (4)....................................................................................................................................

Dated the ................................ day of ............................................................., 20..............


Signature of Applicant.

I (3) .....................................................................................................................................

carrying on business at .......................................................................................................

under a (5) ................................. licence No. ........................................... current until the

............................................. day of ....................................................................................

* (for the benefit of .............................................................................................................

of .........................................................................................................................................

a * firm/corporation of which I am an * employee/partner/Director and which consents to this application am aware that I am personally liable and responsible for any act or default of the holder of the provisional licence in the same manner and to the same extent that I would be liable had such act been done or such default been made by me.

Dated the ................................ day of ............................................................, 20...............


Signature of Auctioneer.

* Strike out whichever not required.

(1)Name of auctioneer, firm or corporation making the application.

(2)Name of proposed trainee.

(3)Name of auctioneer.

(4)Describe class of business.

(5)Describe kind of licence.

† ...........................................................

Consents to this Application.


Authorised person for

firm or corporation.

Insert name of firm or corporation.

The application will be heard before the ............................................................................

Court at ................................................on the

of ............................................, 20...................., at .............................................o’clock in the ............................................. noon.


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

A person wishing to object to this application should lodge with the registrar 2 of the above Court and serve on the applicant or his authorised representative, at least 7 days before the date appointed for the hearing, a notice stating the grounds of the objection.

Form 6


Auction Sales Act 1973


To the Magistrate 4 at ..........................................................................................................

I, ..........................................................................................................................................

now residing at ....................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................


do hereby apply for a duplicate of my (1) ..........................................................................

licence No. ............................. which was issued to me at the ...........................................

Court on the ......................... day of ................................................................, 20.............

My ................................. licence was Lost/Destroyed under the following circumstances .............................................................................................................................................


Dated the ................................ day of .........................................................., 20 ................


Signature of Applicant.

(1)Describe kind of licence.

Form 7


Auction Sales Act 1973


To the Magistrate 4 at ..........................................................................................................

I, ..........................................................................................................................................

now residing at ....................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................

............................................................................................ and having attained the age of

18 years, do hereby apply for the transfer to me of the .....................................................

................................................. licence, number ............................................ issued at the

................................................................ Court on the ........................................... day of

......................................., 20................... to ........................................................................


(to be used by me for the benefit of ....................................................................................

of .........................................................................................................................................

a * firm/corporation of which I am an * employee/partner/Director, which consents to this application).

Dated the ................................ day of ................................................................, 20..........


Signature of Applicant.

* Strike out if not required.

†................................................................................the proposed transferor of the licence consents to this Application.


Signature of transferor.

Insert name of transferor.

†................................................................for the benefit of which the licence was issued, consent to this Application.


Authorised person for

firm or corporation.

Insert name of firm or corporation.

‡.............................................................. for the benefit of which the transferred licence is to be used, consent to this Application.


Authorised person for

firm or corporation.

Insert name of firm or corporation.

The application will be heard before the ............................................................................

Court at ...........................................................on the of .................................................., 20................, at .................................... o’clock in the

........................................... noon.


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

A person wishing to object to this application should lodge with the registrar 2 of the above Court and serve on the applicant or his authorised representative, at least 7 days before the date appointed for the hearing, a notice stating the grounds of the objection.

Form 8


Auction Sales Act 1973

FEE $ No. ...............................


This is to certify that ...........................................................................................................

residing at ............................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................

* (for the benefit of .............................................................................................................

a * firm/corporation of whom he is an * employee/partner/Director), is hereby licensed — * subject to the conditions, limitations or restrictions endorsed hereon — to act as, and carry on the business of, an auctioneer throughout the State in relation to all classes of business to which the Auction Sales Act 1973 applies, from the date hereof, until the ......................................................... day of ........................................................, 20 .........................

Conditions, limitations or restrictions (if any) — 



Issued this ......................................... day of ....................................................., 20 ..........

at the ................................................. Court.


Magistrate 4.

Fee $ .................................... paid. Date ...../...../..... Receipt No. .......................................


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

* Strike out if not applicable.

Form 9


Auction Sales Act 1973

FEE $ No. ...............................


This is to certify that ...........................................................................................................

residing at ............................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................

* (for the benefit of .............................................................................................................

of .........................................................................................................................................

a * firm/corporation of whom he is an * employee/partner/Director), is hereby

licensed, subject to the conditions, limitations or restrictions endorsed hereon to act as, and carry on the business of, an auctioneer in accordance with the Auction Sales Act 1973, from the date hereof, until the ..................................................................... day of ........................................, 20 .................

Conditions, limitations or restrictions applicable ...............................................................


Issued this ........................ day of ..............................................................., 20 ................

at the ................................................. Court.


Magistrate 4.

Fee $ .................................... paid. Date ...../...../..... Receipt No. ..................................


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

* Strike out if not applicable.

Form 10


Auction Sales Act 1973

FEE $ No. ...............................


This is to certify that ...........................................................................................................

residing at ............................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................

* (for the benefit of .............................................................................................................

of .........................................................................................................................................

a * firm/corporation of whom he is an * employee/partner/Director), is hereby licensed as an auctioneer in accordance with the Auction Sales Act 1973, in relation to the occasion and circumstances specified herein, but subject to such conditions, limitations or restrictions endorsed herein, from the ........................... day of ...................................., 20........................., until the .................................................. day of ................................., 20........................., inclusive.

Occasion and circumstances ...............................................................................................



Conditions, limitations or restrictions applicable ...............................................................



Issued this .............................. day of ..........................................................., 20................

at the ................................................. Court.


Magistrate 4.

Fee $ ................................... paid. Date ....../....../...... Receipt No. ..................................


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

* Strike out if inapplicable.

Form 11


Auction Sales Act 1973

FEE $ No. ...............................


This is to certify that ...........................................................................................................

residing at ............................................................................................................................

and carrying on business at .................................................................................................

is hereby authorised under the Auction Sales Act 1973 to sell by auction on behalf of, and to act as, and carry on the business of ..........................................................................

............................................................ of ............................................................................

whose † .............................................................. licence would otherwise be current until


* (for the benefit of .............................................................................................................

of .........................................................................................................................................

a * firm/corporation of whom he is an * employee/partner/Director).

This licence applies from the ........................... day of ........................... 20 ............., until the ............................................ day of ..........................................., 20.............., inclusive during which time the licence held by ................................................................................ is suspended.

This licence is subject to the following conditions, limitations or restrictions ..................



Issued this ..................................... day of .................................................., the ................................................. Court.


Magistrate 4.

Describe kind of licence.

Fee $ .................................... paid. Date ....../....../...... Receipt No. ....................................


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

* Strike out if inapplicable.

Form 12


Auction Sales Act 1973

FEE $ No. ...............................


This is to certify that ..........................................................................................................

residing at ...........................................................................................................................

is hereby authorised under the Auction Sales Act 1973 to act as an auctioneer under the direct supervision and instruction of ..................................................................................


of .........................................................................................................................................

the holder of a † ............................................................... licence issued for the benefit of


of .........................................................................................................................................

until the .................... day of ............................................., 20 ....................

The licence applies from the ....................... day of .............................. 20 ............, until the ........................................ day of ..........................................., 20 ............., inclusive, and is subject to the following conditions, limitations or restrictions ................................


Issued this ..................................... day of ..........................................................., 20.........

at the ................................................. Court.


Magistrate 4.

Describe kind of licence.

Fee $ .................................... paid. Date ....../....../...... Receipt No. ....................................


Registrar of the Magistrates Court 2.

Period of this licence not to exceed 2 months.

Form 13


Auction Sales Act 1973


I, .......................................................................................................................Magistrate 4 at ..........................................................................................., having heard an application by ......................................................................................................................................, of ...................................................................................................................., for an order transferring licence number ............................................................................................... issued at the ...........................................................Court on the .............................. day of ................................ 20 ..................... to him, and being satisfied that the licensee (or the legal personal representative of the licensee) has consented to the application, and that the applicant is a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence under the Auction Sales Act 1973, do hereby order the licence to be transferred, and the same is hereby transferred to the said ........................................................................................................, who shall henceforth have the sole right to use and exercise the same, subject to the Act.

Dated the .................................. day of ................................................., 20......................


Magistrate 4.

[Form 14 deleted in Gazette 22 Nov 1974 p. 5101.]

Form 15


....................................................... day of .........................., 20 ...........

Type of StockAuction Sales Act 1973

REGISTERLocation ...................









Purchaser, Address or How Disposed of


















Licensed Auctioneer.

[Form 15 amended in Gazette 5 Feb 2013 p. 833.]




1This is a compilation of the Auction Sales Regulations 1974 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table. The table also contains information about any reprint.

Compilation table




Auction Sales Act Regulations 1974 5

13 Sep 1974 p. 3426‑38

13 Sep 1974

Untitled regulations

22 Nov 1974 p. 5101

22 Nov 1974

Untitled regulations

6 Oct 1978 p. 3633‑4

6 Oct 1978

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 1983

28 Oct 1983 p. 4372

1 Nov 1983 (see r. 2)

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 1986

29 Aug 1986 p. 3204‑5

1 Sep 1986 (see r. 2)

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 1988

5 Aug 1988 p. 2629

5 Aug 1988

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 1989

30 Jun 1989 p. 1976

1 Jul 1989 (see r. 2)

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 1990

1 Aug 1990 p. 3658

1 Aug 1990

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 1991

13 Dec 1991 p. 6156

13 Dec 1991

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 1992

14 Aug 1992 p. 4016‑17

14 Aug 1992

Reprint of the Auction Sales Regulations 1974 as at 8 Sep 2000 (includes amendments listed above)

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 2013

5 Feb 2013 p. 832‑3

r. 1 and 2: 5 Feb 2013 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 May 2013 (see r. 2(b)(i)) and Gazette 5 Feb 2013 p. 823)

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013

27 Jun 2013 p. 2661-2

r. 1 and 2: 27 Jun 2013 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2013 (see r. 2(b))

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 2014

17 Jun 2014 p. 1956

r. 1 and 2: 17 Jun 2014 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2014 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 2: The Auction Sales Regulations 1974 as at 7 Nov 2014 (includes amendments listed above)

Auction Sales Amendment Regulations 2015

23 Jun 2015 p. 2160‑1

r. 1 and 2: 23 Jun 2015 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2015 (see r. 2(b))

Commerce Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2016 Pt. 2

3 Jun 2016 p. 1745-73

1 Jul 2016 (see r. 2(b))

2Under the Courts Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2004 s. 54(2), a reference in a written law to the clerk of petty sessions is, unless the contrary intention appears, to be construed as if it had been amended to be a reference to the registrar of the Magistrates Court. The reference was amended under the Reprints Act 1984 s. 7(5)(a).

3Under the Courts Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2004 s. 58, a reference in a written law to the court of petty sessions is, unless the contrary intention appears, to be construed as if it had been amended to be a reference to the Magistrates Court. The reference was amended under the Reprints Act 1984 s. 7(5)(a).

4Under the Courts Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2004 s. 15(7), a reference in a written law to a stipendiary magistrate is, unless the contrary intention appears, to be construed as if it had been amended to be a reference to a magistrate. The reference was changed under the Reprints Act 1984 s. 7(5)(a).

5Now known as the Auction Sales Regulations 1974; name changed (see note under r. 1).



Defined terms


[This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.]

Defined termProvision(s)
