Land Valuers Licensing Regulations 1979


Land Valuers Licensing Regulations 1979


1. Citation1

2. Interpretation1

3. Common Seal1

4. Fees1

4A. Prescribed periods2

5. Notice of application for licence2

6. Particulars to be included in register2

7. Change of particulars3

8. Prescribed qualifications3

9. Recovery of fees, fines and costs4



Compilation table6


Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978

Land Valuers Licensing Regulations 1979

1. Citation

These regulations may be cited as the Land Valuers Licensing Regulations 1979 1.

2. Interpretation

In these regulations — 

section means section of the Act;

the Act means the Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978.

3. Common Seal

The Common Seal of the Board shall be kept in safe custody by the Registrar and shall not be affixed to a document unless — 

(a)the Board has decided at a meeting that the Common Seal be affixed to the document; and

(b)it is affixed by the Registrar in the presence of one member of the Board.

4. Fees

(1)The fees set forth in the Schedule to these regulations shall be payable in respect of the matters prescribed in that Schedule.

(2)If a licence is renewed in accordance with section 22 after the day on which the licence expired, a late fee equal to one quarter of the fee specified in item 2 of the Schedule for the renewal of the licence is payable in addition to that specified fee.

[Regulation 4 amended in Gazette 25 June 1996 p.2922.]

4A. Prescribed periods

(1)For the purposes of section 21(1), the period prescribed is 3 years.

(2)For the purposes of section 22(1), the further prescribed period is 3 years.

[Regulation 4A inserted in Gazette 25 June 1996 p.2922.]

5. Notice of application for licence

(1)Notice of an application for the grant of a licence to be advertised pursuant to section 17(2) — 

(a)shall be in an approved form; and

(b)shall be published by the applicant in a newspaper circulating in the State, within 14 days after the application is made.

(2)An applicant for a licence shall prior to the hearing of his application lodge with the Registrar the whole page of the newspaper, in which notice of his application was advertised in accordance with this regulation.

6. Particulars to be included in register

In the register of licensees kept by him pursuant to section 29 the Registrar shall record in respect of each licensee the following particulars — 

(a)the name and address of the licensee;

(b)where the licensee carries on business as a land valuer under a business name — that business name and the address of any places of business;

(c)where the licensee is a director, partner or employee of a company or firm — the name and address of the company or firm;

(d)where the licensee is employed in a department of the public service of the State or the Commonwealth or by a statutory authority, agency or instrumentality of the Crown in right of the State or the Commonwealth the name and address of the department, authority, agency or instrumentality;

(e)the licence number of the licence issued to the licensee and the date of its issue;

(f)particulars of any surrender, expiry, suspension or cancellation of the licence; and

(g)particulars provided by the licensee pursuant to regulation 7 of these regulations.

[Regulation 6 amended in Gazette 25 June 1996 p.2923.]

7. Change of particulars

A licensee shall, within one month of any change of circumstance that is relative to the information kept in the register, notify the Registrar in writing of that change.

Penalty $100.

8. Prescribed qualifications

The following degrees are prescribed under section 19(1)(c) — 

(a)the degree of Bachelor of Business (Valuation and Land Administration) awarded by the Western Australian Institute of Technology 2;

(b)the degree of Bachelor of Business (Valuation and Land Economy) awarded by the Western Australian Institute of Technology 2;

(c)the degree of Bachelor of Business (Valuation and Land Economy) awarded by the Curtin University of Technology; and

(d)the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Property) awarded by the Curtin University of Technology.

[Regulation 8 inserted in Gazette 27 January 1995 p.285.]

9. Recovery of fees, fines and costs

(1)The amount of — 

(a)any fees prescribed by these regulations;


(c)any costs ordered by the Board to be paid to the Registrar upon the determination of any proceedings,

is a debt due to the Crown in right of the State and may be sued for and recovered by the Registrar in any court of competent jurisdiction.

(2)Where, upon the determination of any proceedings, the Board makes an order for costs in favour of a person other than the Registrar the amount of those costs is a debt due to that person by the person against whom the order is made and may be sued for and recovered by the first‑mentioned person in any court of competent jurisdiction.

[Regulation 9 amended in Gazette 30 Dec 2004 p. 6923.]



[r. 4]



1.Fee for a licence

(period of 3 years) .............................................



2.Fee for renewal of licence .................................




4.Fee to inspect register .........................................


5.Fee for certificate as to an individual registration in the register — 


first page ........................................................


each subsequent page ....................................


6.Fee for certificate as to all registrations in the register ...............................................................


[Schedule inserted in Gazette 27 Jun 2003 p. 2552; amended in Gazette 28 Jun 2005 p. 2911.]


1This is a compilation of the Land Valuers Licensing Regulations 1979 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table.

Compilation table




Land Valuers Licensing Regulations 1979

22 Jun 1979 p. 1698‑9

22 Jun 1979

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1983

18 Nov 1983 p. 4613

1 Jan 1984 (see r. 2)

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1985

21 Jun 1985 p. 2262

21 Jun 1985

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1986

30 May 1986 p. 1816

1 Jul 1986 (see r. 2)

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1987

4 Sep 1987 p. 3518

4 Sep 1987

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1988

5 Aug 1988 p. 2604

5 Aug 1988

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 1988

2 Sep 1988 p. 3465

2 Sep 1988

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1989

11 Aug 1989 p. 2679

1 Jul 1989 (see r. 2)

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1990

1 Aug 1990 p. 3655

1 Aug 1990

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1991

13 Dec 1991 p. 6165

13 Dec 1991

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1992

14 Aug 1992 p. 4010‑11

14 Aug 1992

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1993

30 Nov 1993 p. 6405‑6

30 Nov 1993

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1995

27 Jan 1995 p. 285

27 Jan 1995

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 1996

25 Jun 1996 p. 2922‑3

1 Jul 1996 (see r. 2 and Gazette 1 Jul 1996 p. 3179)

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 2002

28 Jun 2002 p. 3056-7

1 Jul 2002 (see r. 2)

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 2003

27 Jun 2003 p. 2552

1 Jul 2003 (see r. 2)

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 2004

30 Dec 2004 p. 6923

1 Jan 2005 (see r. 2 and Gazette 31 Dec 2004 p. 7130)

Land Valuers Licensing Amendment Regulations 2005

28 Jun 2005 p. 2911

1 Jul 2005 (see r. 2)

2Section 5 of the Curtin University of Technology Act 1966 (No. 94 of 1966) established the Western Australian Institute of Technology as the Curtin University of Technology from 1 January 1987.