Jetties Act 1926

Jetties Regulations 1940


Jetties Regulations 1940



2.Liability for dues and charges1

3.Terms used1

Part 1 — Regulations applying to jetties controlled by the Department

Division 1 — Application of this Part


Division 2 — Arrival and movement of vessels

4.Master or agent to report arrival5

5.Vessels to change berths5

Division 3 — Berthing dues

6.Berthing dues6

6A.Requirement to pay berthing dues6

7.Computation of berthing dues7

8.Inwards manifests7

9.Outwards manifests8

Division 4 — Wharfage dues, handling and haulage charges

10A.Payment of dues and charges8

11.Charges for transhipment cargo8

11B.Charges on vessels’ stores, including fuel oil9

12.Charges to be paid before delivery of cargo10

13.Extra charges10

Division 5 — Handling of cargo

14.Cargo not to be placed on jetties or premises without authority10

15.Discharging of cargo may be stopped11

16.Goods not to be shifted without authority11

17.Bulk cargo not to be deposited without authority11

18.Outward cargo advice notes11

19.Outward cargo12

20.Dangerous cargo not to be shipped without permission12

21.Dangerous cargo may be refused or examined12

22.Marking of heavy packages12

23.False statements14

Division 6 — Receipt, delivery and storage of cargo

24.Removal of cargo14

25.Storage charges14

26.Department not bound to find storage accommodation16

27.Goods may be disposed of16

28.Goods to be checked before delivery16

29.Delay in delivery17

30.Wrong delivery17

Division 7 — Responsibility of Department

31.Custody of cargo17

32.Goods without receipts17

33.Goods stacked on jetties18

34.Cargo damaged by fire etc.18

35.Goods insufficiently packed18

36.Claims in respect of cargo18

Division 8 — Working hours

37.Ordinary time19


38A.Wages incurred through ships’ delays to be paid for19

39.Master to give notice of desire to work20

Division 9 — Livestock or vehicles on jetties or premises

40.Livestock on jetties or premises20

41.Riding vehicles etc. on jetties or premises20

41A.Vehicles not to be parked on jetties20

41B.Department not responsible for vehicles on jetties21

42.Drivers of vehicles to obey instructions21

42A.Charges for vehicular use of jetty21

43.Persons not to be on jetties when livestock is being handled21

Division 10 — Miscellaneous

44.Bill posting, defacement and obscenity22

45.Disorderly persons22

46.Fires not to be lit23

47.Gates to be shut23

48.Interference with lights23

49.Interference with or damaging property23

50.Lost property24

51.Obstruction of officers, or premises24

52.Obstruction of or damage to jetties or premises25

53.Rubbish etc. not to be thrown25

53A.Charges for rubbish removal26

54.Sale of articles prohibited26

55.Smoking and loitering26


67A.Conditions for construction and installation of pipelines27

67B.Maintenance and operation of pipelines30

67D.Penalty for failure to remove or amend pipeline36

67DA.Fuelling vessels at service jetties limited36

Part 2 — Regulations applying to jetties within the Port of Perth

Division 1 — Application of this Part


Division 2 — Management and use of jetties

68.Control of jetties37

69.Use of jetties37

70.Jetties may be closed38

Division 3 — Mooring and berthing of vessels

71.Permit required to moor etc. alongside jetty or buoy38

72.Duration of, and charges for, permits38

73.Permit for exclusive use of berth39

74.Manner of mooring vessels40

75.Vessels not to remain at jetties longer than necessary41

76.Mooring of rafts and boathouses41

77.Vessels to be in charge of competent person41

78.Approaching jetties after sunset41

Division 4 — Loading or discharging cargo

80.Vessels loading or discharging42

81.Cargo to be removed42

82.Cargo not to remain on jetties overnight43

83.Explosives not to be handled without permission43

84.Manner of handling cargo43

Division 5 — Navigation of vessels

85.Power vessels approaching jetties43

Division 6 — Miscellaneous

86.Bathing from jetties44

87.Damage to jetties44

88.Fishing from certain places prohibited44

89.Fishing nets on jetties45

90.Gangways to be provided45

91.Interference with jetties or approaches45

92.Lifebuoys on jetties45

93.Obstruction of jetties or officers45

94.Rubbish not to be thrown in river etc.46

Part 2A — Mooring and berthing other than in the Port of Perth

94A.Charges for pen rentals and services47

94B.Charges for pile mooring47

94C.Dues or charges for berthing or mooring on casual basis47

94D.Waiving charges in emergencies48

94E.Controlling short term use48

Part 3 — Special provisions applying at particular ports

Division 1 — Use of slipways

95.Management and control of departmental slipways49

95A.Use of slipway49

96.Charges for use of slipway49

97.Government vessels may take precedence50

98.Vessels may forfeit their turn50

99.Department will not undertake repairs etc.50

100.Department not responsible for damage to vessel when in use of slip51

101.Duties of owner or master using slipway51

101A.Slipping of more than one vessel at a time51

101B.Dispute procedure51

Division 2 — Use of mooring springs

105F.Approaching bollard or jetty to which mooring spring or rope fastened52

Division 4 — Use of weighbridges at Wyndham

105I.Weighbridge charges52

Part 4 — Breach of regulations and penalties

106.Powers of officer of Department54

107.Recovery of expenses incurred by breaches of regulations54

107A.Police have authority to enforce regulations54

108.Penalty for offences55

Schedule 1 — Dues and charges generally

Division 1A — Standard rates

1A.Standard rates for this Schedule56

1B.Transferability of annual payments56

1C.Service wharf or jetty entitlements57

1D.Active loading and unloading57

1E.Wyndham excluded57

Division 1 — Specified places

1.Albany, Albany Waterfront Marina57

2.Albany, Emu Point Boat Harbour58

3.Augusta Boat Harbour59

4.Augusta (Ellis Street) Maritime Facility60

5.Bremer Bay61

6.Bunbury, Casuarina Boat Harbour61

7.Carnarvon Boat Harbour62


9.Coral Bay Maritime Facility65

10.Denham Maritime Facility65

11.Esperance, Bandy Creek Boat Harbour66


13.Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour70

14.Geraldton, Batavia Coast Boat Harbour72

15.Green Head73


17.Jurien Boat Harbour74

18.Kalbarri Boat Harbour75



21.Onslow, Beadon Creek Boat Harbour78

22.Point Samson, Johns Creek Boat Harbour79

23.Port Denison81

24.Port Gregory82

25A.Two Rocks Marina83

25.Port of Wyndham84

Division 2 — State‑wide charges

26A.Wyndham excluded88

26.Living on a vessel88

27.Electricity supply89

28.Water supply89

29.Rubbish removal (r. 53A)89

30.Passengers and cargo90

31.Slip services (r. 96)91

32.Floating dinghy pens92

Schedule 1A — Fuel oil wharfage

1.Wharfage for fuel (r. 11B(2))93

Schedule 2 — Port of Perth charges

Division 1A — Application and Standard rates

1A.Application of this Schedule95

1B.Standard rates for this Schedule95

1C.Transferability of annual payments95

1D.Service wharf or jetty entitlements96

1E.Active loading and unloading96

1F.Wyndham excluded96

Division 1 — Specific charges for Port of Perth jetties

1.Barrack Street and Mends Street jetties97

2.Other jetties in Swan and Canning Rivers97

Division 2 — Charges for boat pens

3.Fremantle, Challenger Boat Harbour98

4.Hillarys Boat Harbour99

5.Jervoise Bay99

Schedule 3 — Forms


Compilation table103

Defined terms


Jetties Act 1926

Jetties Regulations 1940


These regulations may be cited as the Jetties Regulations 1940 1.

[Regulation 1 amended in Gazette 24 Aug 2004 p. 3659.]

2.Liability for dues and charges

Unless otherwise stated in a specific regulation, the owner and the master of a vessel are jointly and severally liable for the dues and charges incurred by, or in relation to, the vessel or its cargo under these regulations.

[Regulation 2 inserted in Gazette 14 Jun 2002 p. 2799; amended in Gazette 25 Jul 2014 p. 2607.]

3.Terms used

(1)In the construction and for the purposes of these regulations, the following terms shall, if not inconsistent with the context or subject‑matter, have the respective meanings hereby assigned to them:

commercial vessel has the meaning assigned to it in the Western Australian Marine Act 1982;

Department means the Department concerned, subject to the control of the Minister, with the administration of the Act;

fishing vessel has the meaning given to that term in the Western Australian Marine Act 1982 section 3(1);

jetty means any jetty, pier, wharf, grid, slip or landing place;

master means a person, other than a pilot, having command or charge of a vessel;

officer means any wharfinger or servant of the Department;

owner, in relation to a vessel, means —

(a)if the vessel is owned by an individual, that individual;

(b)if the vessel is owned by a body corporate or unincorporate, that body;

(c)a person who is purchasing the vessel under a contract that is a credit sale contract for the purposes of the Credit Act 1984;

(d)a person who is the purchaser or hirer of the vessel under a contract that for the purposes of the Consumer Credit ( Western Australia ) Code 2 is a credit contract, or is to be regarded as a credit contract, to which that Code applies;

(e)a person who has the use of the vessel under a hiring, hire purchase, lease, loan, charter or other agreement;

(f)a person who holds a current Certificate of Survey of the vessel, or in whose name the vessel is registered, but does not include an unpaid vendor under a hire purchase agreement or the lessor under a lease;

premises means any premises appurtenant to jetties controlled by the Department;

public jetty means a jetty the property of Her Majesty and includes a jetty the property of Her Majesty vested in any person on behalf of Her Majesty;

recreational vessel has the meaning given to the term pleasure vessel in the Western Australian Marine Act 1982 section 98(1);

swing mooring fee means an annual fee for a swing mooring under the Shipping and Pilotage (Mooring Control Areas) Regulations 1983 regulation 7;

tourism vessel means a vessel used for commercial tourism purposes;

vessel means any ship, lighter, barge, boat, raft or craft of whatsoever description and howsoever navigated.

(2)For the purposes of calculation of a due or charge under these regulations —

day means a period of 24 hours;

short term means up to one hour in any day;

week means 7 consecutive days.

(3)For the purposes of calculating a due or charge prescribed in a Schedule —

(a)an amount payable per day is payable for any part of a day;

(b)the length of a vessel is its overall length rounded down to the nearest whole metre;

(c)the chargeable length of a pen is —

(i)unless subparagraph (ii) applies, its chargeable length as determined by the Department and set out on its website at the time the charge is calculated; or

(ii)if a vessel allocated a pen that is longer than it needs to be due to the unavailability of a suitable‑sized pen for the vessel at the place where the vessel is berthed — the chargeable length of a suitable‑sized pen.

(4)Subject to subregulation (5A), a reference in a Schedule to calculating a due or charge for a particular period using an annual rate is a reference to calculating the due or charge as follows —

(a)if the period is 12 months or more, at the annual rate;

(b)if the period is less than 12 months but is at least 3 months, at a monthly rate that is 10% of the annual rate;

(c)if the period is less than 3 months but is at least one month, at a monthly rate that is 15% of the annual rate;

(d)if the period is less than one month, at a weekly rate that is 4.5% of the annual rate.

(5A)Subregulation (4) does not apply when Rate 3 is the rate charged in a Schedule.

(5)A reference in subregulation (4) or a Schedule to calculating a due or charge payable for a particular period at a rate per year, month, week, day or hour (a unit), is a reference to the due or charge payable for each unit, or part of a unit, in the period.

[Regulation 3 amended in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 777; 7 May 1993 p. 2361; 27 Jul 2001 p. 3814; 14 Jun 2002 p. 2799‑800; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2815-16; 22 Jun 2007 p. 2908; 8 Feb 2008 p. 315; 13 Jul 2012 p. 3173‑4; 25 Jul 2014 p. 2608‑9; 22 Jul 2015 p. 2951‑2; 15 Apr 2016 p. 1173.]

Part 1 — Regulations applying to jetties controlled by the Department

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

Division 1 — Application of this Part

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]


This Part applies to all jetties controlled by the Department.

[Regulation 3A inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

Division 2 — Arrival and movement of vessels

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

4.Master or agent to report arrival

The master or agent of a vessel shall immediately report the arrival of the vessel at any jetty to the officer in charge and make all arrangements for the discharge and receipt of cargo in accordance with these regulations, and such vessel shall not leave the jetty until all dues and charges have been paid in accordance with these regulations.

[Regulation 4 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494; 25 Jul 2014 p. 2610.]

5.Vessels to change berths

Vessels, after having discharged or taken in their cargo, shall be moved to any berth or anchorage pointed out by the officer in charge.

[Regulation 5 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

Division 3 — Berthing dues

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

6.Berthing dues

(1)In this regulation —

berthing due means a berthing due prescribed in a Schedule;

catamaran pen means a pen designed for a catamaran.

(2)A berthing due prescribed in a Schedule is payable in respect of a vessel using a pen (except a catamaran pen), alongside berth or other jetty at a place specified in that Schedule.

(3)The berthing due payable in respect of a catamaran pen at a place is calculated in accordance with the following formula —

P × 1.5

where —

Pis the berthing due for a pen (except a catamaran pen) at that place.

(4)In respect of a vessel lying alongside a jetty for the purposes of transhipping cargo to or from a lighter or other vessel, a berthing due is payable as if the cargo had been landed on or taken off the jetty in place of being taken from or placed in the lighter or other vessel.

[Regulation 6 inserted in Gazette 25 Jul 2014 p. 2610-11; amended in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2952.]

6A.Requirement to pay berthing dues

(1)If an alongside berth at a service jetty is used by a vessel and the berthing dues, as provided for in a Schedule, for that use of the jetty have not been paid in advance or within 7 days of that use, the chief executive officer may give the owner of the vessel a notice in writing requiring that the dues specified in the notice be paid to the Department by the day specified in the notice, which day must not be less than 28 days after the day on which the alongside berth at the service jetty was used by vessel.

(2)A person given a notice under subregulation (1) must pay the berthing dues specified in the notice before the day specified in the notice.

Penalty: a fine of $500.

[Regulation 6A inserted in Gazette 7 Dec 2007 p. 5984; amended in Gazette 25 Jul 2014 p. 2611; 22 Jul 2015 p. 2952.]

7.Computation of berthing dues

In the computation of berthing dues for cargo carrying vessels the officer in charge shall have the option in determining the dues of proceeding on a weight basis of a tonne or a measurement basis of 1 m3 or in the case of bulk oils and fuels 1 kL for the cargo in respect of which such dues are levied except as follows:

one bullock, cow, steer, heifer or suchlike animal 1 t, 15 sheep, pigs, goats or suchlike 1 t.

[Regulation 7 inserted in Gazette 15 Jun 1973 p. 2237; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

8.Inwards manifests

The master of every vessel arriving shall deliver at the office of the officer in charge, prior to commencing to discharge cargo, a true, legible, and complete copy of the manifest of the said vessel, certified to by himself as being true and complete, and shall also furnish within 48 hours a certified statement of all alterations (if any) which may be made in such manifest by reason of re‑measurement of goods included therein or otherwise. In the event of a vessel not discharging any cargo, a “Nil” manifest must be furnished.

[Regulation 8 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

9.Outwards manifests

The master of every vessel shall deliver at the office of the officer in charge, prior to the clearance of the vessel in which outward cargo is shipped, a certified copy of the manifest, giving true, legible, and complete particulars of such goods as will enable the amount of outward wharfage dues payable thereon to be readily computed. In the event of a vessel not shipping any cargo a “Nil” manifest must be furnished.

[Regulation 9 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

Division 4 — Wharfage dues, handling and haulage charges

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

[10.Disallowed (see Gazette 6 Sep 1940 p. 1622).]

10A.Payment of dues and charges

(1)The appropriate wharfage dues, and handling and haulage charges as prescribed in a Schedule shall, unless otherwise provided, be paid in respect of goods landed from or loaded into any vessel.

(2)The dues and charges so payable shall be based, at the option of the wharfinger or officer in charge, on the measurement or weight of the goods as declared on the vessel’s manifest.

[Regulation 10A inserted in Gazette 12 Jul 1957 p. 2269; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2816; 22 Jul 2015 p. 2953.]

[10B.Deleted in Gazette 30 Jun 1995 p. 2699.]

[10C.Deleted in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4487.]

11.Charges for transhipment cargo

(1)Full wharfage dues one way only shall be payable on cargo for transhipment if landed on a jetty, but if passed overside from one vessel to another for conveyance to destination, or temporarily, the wharfage dues shall be those set out in a Schedule; in both cases handling and haulage charges shall be payable as per rates shown for other cargo, according to the services rendered in each case.


[Regulation 11 amended in Gazette 12 Jul 1957 p. 2270; 24 Nov 1972 p. 4487; 15 Jun 1973 p. 2237; 19 May 1989 p. 1495; 29 Jun 1993 p. 3191; 14 Jun 1994 p. 2476; 30 Jun 1995 p. 2699; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2816; 22 Jul 2015 p. 2953.]

[11A.Deleted in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4487.]

11B.Charges on vessels’ stores, including fuel oil

(1)Material and equipment passing over jetties and to be used for the repair and refitting of a vessel, its machinery or equipment whilst it is in the port, and all consumable stores loaded into a vessel for the vessel’s own use, excepting fuel oil on which an inwards wharfage rate has not been paid at the port, shall be exempt from the payment of outwards wharfage.

(2)The outwards wharfage rate on fuel oil loaded into a vessel as bunkers for that vessel’s own use, and on which an inwards wharfage rate has not been paid, is set out in Schedule 1A and shall be paid by the supplier of the oil.

(3)The supplier of fuel oil under subregulation (2) shall compile and forward to the Department, within 28 days of the end of each calendar month, a record of the total volume of fuel oil dispensed from each facility by that supplier during that month.

[Regulation 11B inserted as regulation 11A in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 778; renumbered as regulation 11B in the reprint published in the Gazette 10 Dec 1974 p. 5291‑318; amended in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4487; 15 Jun 1973 p. 2237; 19 May 1989 p. 1495; 30 Jun 1992 p. 2892; 29 Jun 1993 p. 3192; 30 Jun 1995 p. 2699; 20 Jun 2000 p. 3044; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2816-17; 22 Jun 2007 p. 2908.]

12.Charges to be paid before delivery of cargo

All wharfage dues and handling or other charges incurred, payable in respect of cargo discharged or shipped, shall become payable to the officer in charge on the discharge or shipment of the said cargo, and shall be paid on demand, and each bill of lading, as shown on the manifest, must be cleared by one payment. No inward cargo shall be delivered to the consignee or owner thereof, nor outward cargo to the vessel in which it is intended that same shall be shipped, until the written receipt of the officer in charge shall have been presented to the consignee or owner, or to the shipper or master of the vessel, respectively, for the payment of all wharfage dues and charges as aforesaid in respect of such cargo: Provided always, that it shall be competent, but not compulsory (in the case of outward cargo) for the officer in charge to accept from the agent or the master a guarantee in writing that such dues shall be paid to him within 24 hours of the clearance of the vessel.

[Regulation 12 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

13.Extra charges

The officer in charge may make extra charges for handling packages over 1 t in weight, or of an exceptional shape, or where extra labour is required or unusual risk is involved.

[Regulation 13 amended in Gazette 15 Jun 1973 p. 2237; 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

[13A.Deleted in Gazette 30 Jun 1995 p. 2699.]

Division 5 — Handling of cargo

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

14.Cargo not to be placed on jetties or premises without authority

No goods shall be landed or placed on any jetty or any premises appurtenant thereto or used in connection therewith without the written authority of the officer in charge. Cargo discharged without such authority having been first obtained shall not be deemed to be in the custody of the Department, nor shall the Department be held responsible for any loss or damage that may accrue to any such cargo from any cause whatsoever.

[Regulation 14 amended in Gazette 3 Nov 1950 p. 2461; 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

15.Discharging of cargo may be stopped

If it appears that goods are being landed and cannot, in the opinion of the officer in charge, be removed in time to prevent a “block”, the officer in charge may give notice in writing to the masters or person in charge of vessels, or lighters, from which goods are being discharged, to stop discharging cargo, and upon such notice being given no further cargo shall be discharged until such time as the officer in charge may direct.

[Regulation 15 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

16.Goods not to be shifted without authority

No person shall shift from one vessel to another, or from any part of a jetty to any other part thereof, any goods or luggage without the authority of the officer in charge.

[Regulation 16 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

17.Bulk cargo not to be deposited without authority

No ballast, stone, coal, coke, timber, sand, or other goods or other materials in bulk shall be deposited on any jetty without special permission in writing of the officer in charge.

[Regulation 17 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

18.Outward cargo advice notes

No person shall enter on any jetty with goods for shipment without first delivering to the officer in charge an outward cargo advice note, as required by the Department, containing true and full account, with gross measurements or weights of such goods then under his immediate control.

[Regulation 18 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

19.Outward cargo

All outward cargo must be delivered into the shed at least 4 working hours prior to vessel’s advertised time of arrival.

[Regulation 19 amended in Gazette 19 Jul 1956 p. 1781; 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

20.Dangerous cargo not to be shipped without permission

No person shall carry, send or deposit, or attempt to carry, send, or deposit, or permit to be sent, carried, or deposited on any jetty or premises of the Department, any loaded firearm or dangerous cargo which is by these regulations or any other jetty regulations now or hereafter to be in force, declared to be of a dangerous nature, or any package containing such goods, without the consent in writing of the officer in charge of such jetty, and without distinctly marking such package on the outside with a description of its contents sufficiently for its identification.

[Regulation 20 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

21.Dangerous cargo may be refused or examined

The officer in charge of any jetty may refuse to take any parcel which he may suspect to contain goods of a dangerous nature, or may require any parcel to be opened and examined for the purpose of ascertaining its contents.

[Regulation 21 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

22.Marking of heavy packages

(a)Every package or article of a gross weight of 1 t or over, intended for shipment as cargo, shall, before being delivered to and received by the Department for the purpose of being loaded on to a vessel, have prominently marked thereon, or on a label securely attached thereto, in legible and non‑erasable characters not less than 25 mm in height, a statement of the approximate gross weight set out in tonnes (expressed to one decimal place) of such package or article.

(b)No package or article of cargo of a gross weight of 1 t or over shall be unloaded from any vessel on to any jetty of the Department unless and until it shall have prominently marked thereon, or upon a label securely attached thereto, in legible and non‑erasable characters not less than 25 mm in height, a statement of the approximate gross weight set out in tonnes (expressed to one decimal place) of such package or article.

(c)Provided that — 

(i)in the case of articles such as logs, baulks of timber, or other articles, which by reason of their nature or place of consignment or despatch for shipment, or for any other good reason it is not practicable to weigh, but which apparently weigh more than 1 t, the gross weight of the article may be stated approximately within a limit of 1 t, that is to say, as follows: “Over 1 but under 2 t,” or as the case may be;

(ii)when it is neither practicable to weigh nor to mark or label legibly any package or article as required by paragraph (a) or paragraph (b), and such package or article is sought to be unloaded from a vessel which has conveyed the same from a place beyond Australia, and, if the package or article is not marked or labelled with the gross weight thereof to a limit of 1 t, as exemplified in subparagraph (i) then, before such package or article is unloaded from such vessel on to any jetty of the Department, the master of such vessel shall arrange for some competent person, on his behalf, to supply the officer in charge of such jetty with particulars of the approximate weight of such package or article, if the same appears to weigh more than 1 t.

[Regulation 22 amended in Gazette 15 Jun 1973 p. 2237; 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

23.False statements

No person shall make a false statement as to the nature, quantity, weight, measurement, value or otherwise of any goods delivered upon any jetty or premises of the Department in any consignment note, waybill, exemption declaration, or other document which under any regulation now or which shall hereafter be in force he is required to deliver in respect to such goods.

[Regulation 23 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

Division 6 — Receipt, delivery and storage of cargo

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

24.Removal of cargo

(1)The officer in charge shall, as early as possible, remove all cargo landed on a jetty to the goods shed, or other convenient place.

(2)Subject to subregulation (3) a consignee shall take delivery of and remove his cargo from the goods shed or yard within 3 days of the cargo being received into the goods shed or yard unless otherwise directed by the Minister.

(3)Cargo consigned through the ports of Derby and Wyndham for delivery to stations or other isolated consignees outside those townsites, shall take delivery of and remove their cargo from the goods shed or yard within 7 days of it being received into the goods shed or yard.

[Regulation 24 inserted in Gazette 19 Oct 1973 p. 3818; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495; 20 Jun 2000 p. 3044.]

25.Storage charges

(1)Subject to these regulations, where goods have not been removed from a jetty, shed or yard within the time prescribed by these regulations the storage charges set out in a Schedule shall be payable to the officer in charge.

(1a)For the purposes of calculating storage charges set out in a Schedule —

(a)a fraction of a tonne shall be deemed to be a tonne; and

(b)a fraction of a cubic metre shall be deemed to be a cubic metre; and

(c)a fraction of a kilolitre shall be deemed to be a kilolitre; and

(d)a part of a week shall be reckoned as one week.

(2)If the consignee or owner hands to the Department an indemnity in the form provided and approved by the officer in charge, relieving the Department from all liability, the storage charges on goods for which goods shed accommodation is not provided, and which are not protected from the weather, may be reduced by one‑half.

(3)Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the officer in charge may remove or order the removal of all or any goods at any time after the time hereinbefore appointed for their removal by the consignee, and in the event of such goods being removed by or on the orders of the officer in charge the Department shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever or howsoever occasioned to the goods by reason of their being removed into the open.

[Regulation 25 inserted in Gazette 19 Oct 1973 p. 3818; amended in Gazette 9 Nov 1973 p. 4192; 5 Aug 1983 p. 2834; 8 Aug 1986 p. 2828; 19 May 1989 p. 1495; 30 Jun 1989 p. 917; 1 Aug 1990 p. 3633; 29 Jun 1993 p. 3192; 14 Jun 1994 p. 2476; 30 Jun 1995 p. 2699; 27 Jun 1997 p. 3152; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2817; 22 Jul 2015 p. 2953.]

[25A.Deleted in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4487.]

26.Department not bound to find storage accommodation

The Department shall not be bound to find storage room for any goods, either in any shed or on any jetty. After notification to the owners, shippers, or consignees of any goods, or to the vessel’s agent, that room is not available for the storage of such goods within a shed, or that such goods are owing to their character not permitted by some authority other than the Department to be stored in a shed, the Department shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may accrue to the goods, by the elements or otherwise during the time they remain on the Department’s premises.

[Regulation 26 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

27.Goods may be disposed of

The officer in charge shall (unless an agreement has been made by the consignee with him to the contrary) be at liberty to sell by public auction any goods which have been left on the premises of the Department for a period exceeding 6 months, and out of the proceeds of such sale shall pay to the Department all charges due, and the balance of such proceeds, after deducting any expenses incurred by such sale, shall be paid by the officer in charge into the Trust Fund, and be refunded to the owner of the goods on demand.

[Regulation 27 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

28.Goods to be checked before delivery

No person shall remove any goods or luggage from any jetty or shed without first satisfying the officer in charge of his right to do so; and shall, before removing same, sign for such goods or luggage to the officer in charge.

[Regulation 28 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

29.Delay in delivery

The Department will not be responsible for any claim arising from delay in the delivery of goods from any cause whatsoever.

[Regulation 29 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

30.Wrong delivery

The Department will not be responsible for the wrong or non‑delivery of goods which are erroneously or deficiently marked, or which have numerous old or imperfectly erased marks thereon.

[Regulation 30 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

Division 7 — Responsibility of Department

[Heading inserted in Gazette of 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

31.Custody of cargo

(a)Inward cargo shall not for any purpose whatever be deemed to be in the custody of the officer in charge until the sling is released from the ship’s crane or hoisting hook, or deposited on the jetty or conveyance provided by the officer in charge to receive the same.

(b)Outward cargo shall be deemed to be in the custody of the vessel when the vessel’s crane, or hoisting hook, is inserted in the sling.

[Regulation 31 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

32.Goods without receipts

No goods for which receipts have not been given by the Department shall be deemed, for any purpose, to be in the custody of the Department as wharfingers, nor shall the Department be responsible for the safe custody, or for any loss or damage that may accrue to same in any manner whatsoever.

[Regulation 32 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

33.Goods stacked on jetties

The Department and the officer in charge shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury whatsoever or howsoever occasioned to any goods stacked on any jetty for the convenience of owners, consignors, or consignees, unless such loss, damage, or injury is proved to have been occasioned by the wilful misconduct of some officer of the Department.

[Regulation 33 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

34.Cargo damaged by fire etc.

The Department shall not be responsible for loss or damage to goods while in their custody, by fire, water used in extinguishing fire, or vermin.

[Regulation 34 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

35.Goods insufficiently packed

Whenever in the opinion of the officer in charge goods are wholly unprotected, or insufficiently packed or protected, so as, in his opinion to require additional labour in handling, or to involve the Department in additional risk in handling, an additional charge for labour shall be imposed on such goods, and the Department shall in no case be liable for damage to goods caused by or contributed to by insufficient packing or protection. The additional charge in each case shall be determined by the officer in charge.

[Regulation 35 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

36.Claims in respect of cargo

No claim will be entertained by the Department in respect of goods landed, or alleged to be landed, unless such claim has been received by the officer in charge, in writing within 4 days of the vessel leaving the port, nor in respect of outward goods, unless received by the officer in charge within 24 hours after the vessel in which it was intended to ship such goods leaves the port. Each claim must be rendered on the form recognised by the Department, which form will be supplied on application.

[Regulation 36 amended in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4487; 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

Division 8 — Working hours

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

37.Ordinary time

The working hours of any port shall be and include the hours from 8 a.m. till noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday inclusive.

[Regulation 37 amended in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 778; 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]


The cost over and above the ordinary cost of day work, of all labour and supervision, etc., employed during any hours, not being working hours as above defined, or on holidays, shall be paid for by the vessel in addition to the usual charges. The extra cost of lighting a shed or berth to enable a vessel to work during any hours, not being working hours, or on holidays as aforesaid, shall also be paid by the vessel.

[Regulation 38 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

38A.Wages incurred through ships’ delays to be paid for

Where by reason of delay which is caused by a vessel through the breakdown of the gear, or through the time occupied in the rigging of its gear, or through the fact that more than average time is taken in handling its cargo, the Department is involved in the payment of wages to persons engaged to handle its cargo, the master or owner of the vessel shall, on demand by the Department, pay to the Department the amount of those wages.

[Regulation 38A inserted in Gazette 12 Jul 1957 p. 2271; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

39.Master to give notice of desire to work

The master of a vessel desiring to work any hours, not being working hours as defined above, shall give to the officer in charge, 2 hours’ notice, and on holidays 12 hours’ notice, of his desire to do so.

[Regulation 39 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

Division 9 — Livestock or vehicles on jetties or premises

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

40.Livestock on jetties or premises

No person shall drive or negligently allow any cattle, horse, sheep, swine, or other animal to stray upon any jetty or premises of the Department.

[Regulation 40 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

41.Riding vehicles etc. on jetties or premises

No person shall ride or drive any horse or bicycle, motor car, or other vehicle upon or along any jetty or premises, or any pathway or other way used in connection with the jetty or premises of the Department without the permission of the officer in charge of the jetty.

[Regulation 41 amended in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 779; 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

41A.Vehicles not to be parked on jetties

No person shall drive, park, stand, or leave unattended a vehicle on a jetty or the approaches to a jetty unless he is expressly authorised to do so by the officer in charge of the jetty and then only if that person drives, parks, stands, or leaves unattended, the vehicle for the purpose of loading or unloading stores or cargo on or from the vehicle.

[Regulation 41A inserted in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 779; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

41B.Department not responsible for vehicles on jetties

Where permission has been granted under these regulations to a person to drive a vehicle on to a jetty the Department will not be responsible to any person for damage caused to the vehicle, or to any other vehicle, or to any person by that vehicle while on the jetty or the approaches to the jetty.

[Regulation 41B inserted in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 779; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

42.Drivers of vehicles to obey instructions

Every driver of a car, cart, dray, or other vehicle shall, while in or upon any jetty or premises of the Department, obey the reasonable instructions and directions of any authorised employee of the Department.

[Regulation 42 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

42A.Charges for vehicular use of jetty

The charges (if any) payable for vehicular use of a jetty and land adjacent to it are as set out in a Schedule.

[Regulation 42A inserted in Gazette 22 Jun 2007 p. 2908‑9; amended in Gazette 25 Jul 2014 p. 2611; 22 Jul 2015 p. 2953.]

43.Persons not to be on jetties when livestock is being handled

No person shall remain on or pass over any jetty while livestock is being landed or shipped, unless by the permission of the officer in charge.

[Regulation 43 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

Division 10 — Miscellaneous

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

44.Bill posting, defacement and obscenity

No person, unless authorised in writing by the Department, shall — 

(a)post, stick, paint, or write, or cause to be posted, stuck, painted, or written any placard, bill, advertisement, sign, or other matter within or on any jetty post, fence, gate, platform, wall, building, or other property or premises of the Department;

(b)deface any writing or printing on or attached to any board or any notice authorised to be maintained on any jetty, or on any carriage or rolling stock, or on any fence or building upon any jetty or premises of the Department;

(c)write any indecent words or draw any indecent or obscene picture or representation on any part of any jetty, or on any carriage or rolling stock, or on any fence or building upon any jetty or premises of the Department.

[Regulation 44 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

45.Disorderly persons

(a)No drunk, idle, or disorderly person shall enter or remain in or upon any jetty, shed, vehicle, or premises of the Department.

(b)No person shall behave in a violent or offensive manner to the annoyance of others, or write or use any insulting, indecent, obscene, blasphemous, or abusive words, or wilfully interfere with the comfort of any person in or upon any jetty, shed, vehicle, or premises of the Department.

(c)No person shall commit any nuisance or gamble in or upon any jetty, shed, vehicle, or premises of the Department.

[Regulation 45 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

46.Fires not to be lit

No person shall, under any pretext whatever, light, place, or keep a fire upon or so near as to endanger any jetty, shed, car, carriage, or other work of a like nature, nor in or upon any tramway or premises whatsoever of the Department constructed entirely or in part of wood.

[Regulation 46 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

47.Gates to be shut

No person shall neglect to shut any gate or slip panel in any fence forming the boundary of or upon or adjoining any jetty or premises of the Department.

[Regulation 47 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

48.Interference with lights

No person shall interfere with, damage, or remove any portion of any electric or other type of light or lamp or the mains or fittings thereof, on any jetty, vehicle or premises of the Department.

[Regulation 48 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

49.Interference with or damaging property

No person shall do, attempt to do, assist or aid in doing, cause or procure to be done, any of the following things:

(a)place any rolling stock or appliance on any tramway or premises without lawful authority so to do;

(b)move any part of the rolling stock or appliances on any tramway or premises, or leave the same on any part of the tramway or premises without lawful authority so to do;

(c)move or in any way interfere with any signals, points, stop blocks, or show any signal whatsoever likely to mislead;

(d)remove from any jetty or premises of the Department any rolling stock, tarpaulins, tools, appliances, or property of any kind, or permit any of such rolling stock, tarpaulins, tools, appliances, or property to be unlawfully in his possession or on his premises;

(e)damage any jetty or any locomotive, carriage, wagon, rolling stock, machinery, material, or thing used upon or belonging to any jetty or premises of the Department.

[Regulation 49 amended in Gazette 19 May 1985 p. 1495.]

50.Lost property

Any person who finds any lost property upon any jetty or premises, or in any carriage or other vehicle of the Department shall immediately hand same over to the officer in charge, either of the jetty or premises, or in charge of the carriage or vehicle, as the case may be.

[Regulation 50 amended in Gazette 19 May 1985 p. 1495.]

51.Obstruction of officers, or premises

No person shall do, attempt to do, assist or aid in doing, cause or procure to be done, any of the following things:

(a)obstruct any officer or servant employed on any jetty or premises of the Department, in the due performance of his duty;

(b)do any act which obstructs or may obstruct the working of any jetty or premises of the Department, or endanger the lives of any person or persons travelling thereon.

[Regulation 51 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

52.Obstruction of or damage to jetties or premises

No person, without having lawful authority or written permission from the officer in charge of any jetty, shall cause or procure to be done any of the following acts:

(a)encroach upon any jetty or premises of the Department by making any building, fence, ditch, or other obstacle thereon;

(b)damage, dig up, destroy, remove, or alter in any way the material or soil thereof;

(c)fill up, divert, alter, or obstruct any drain or watercourse directly carrying water off, or made to protect the same, or do any act whereby any drain or watercourse is stopped or the flow of water therein is obstructed;

(d)interfere with or divert or dig any such drain or watercourse;

(e)unlawfully throw or put any stone, gravel, or timber, or any substance, whether solid or liquid, or any other matter or thing, on any jetty or premises of the Department;

(f)cut down, break, remove, or destroy any fence, building, or bridge, or any telegraph line or post in or upon any jetty or premises of the Department.

[Regulation 52 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

53.Rubbish etc. not to be thrown

No person shall throw or cause to be thrown at or from any car, carriage, or other vehicle of the Department, or on to any jetty, or premises vested in, used by, or under the control of the Department, any glass, stone, or other missile, or any filth, dirt, rubbish, or other matter of a similar nature.

[Regulation 53 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

53A.Charges for rubbish removal

The charges (if any) payable for removal of rubbish by the Department are as set out in a Schedule.

[Regulation 53A inserted in Gazette 22 Jun 2007 p. 2909; amended in Gazette 25 Jul 2014 p. 2611; 22 Jul 2015 p. 2954.]

54. Sale of articles prohibited

No person, unless authorised by the Department, shall sell or attempt to sell any article on any jetty or premises, or in any car, carriage, or other vehicle of the Department.

[Regulation 54 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

55.Smoking and loitering

No person shall smoke in, under, or near to any shed, or loiter therein or thereunder, or upon any jetty, or lounge or sleep among the cargo placed in or under any shed or upon any jetty, or play at any game, or, without the written consent of the Department, address any assemblage of persons in any shed or on any jetty or any approach thereto.

[Regulation 55 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]


No person shall trespass on any premises, or be in any vehicle or shed of the Department, unless he has business therein, and no person shall remain on such premises or in such vehicle or shed after having been directed by the officer in charge to withdraw.

[Regulation 56 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

[57‑67.Deleted in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4487.]

67A.Conditions for construction and installation of pipelines

Standard conditions for construction and installation of pipelines for transmission of liquids derived from petroleum, coal and shale on and from jetties to storage tanks:

(1)This regulation applies to pipelines for the transmission of inflammable liquid, liquids derived from petroleum, coal or shale and liquids having a flash point less than 61°C from the point of discharge from or intake of the vessel to or from the storage point.

(2)The various directions and requirements contained in these conditions shall be read as addressed to the owner of the pipelines, valves, hoses or other appliances except where specifically stated otherwise, and he shall be entirely and solely responsible for their full and complete observance.

(3)Any proposal for the construction or installation of a pipeline on and from any jetty shall be submitted to the Department together with full specifications and details and such construction or installation shall not be commenced and no jetty shall be used for that purpose except by licence from the Minister or chief executive officer.

(4)(a)When an existing pipeline is to be relaid or renewed, or any major repairs are to be effected, such pipeline or such section thereof as the Department may determine shall be classified as a new pipeline and shall conform to this regulation.

(b)Major repairs include any repairs or alterations involving welding.

(5)Where the Department is of the opinion that it is in the interest of public safety so to do it may by notice in writing given to the owner of a pipeline require such owner to relay, renew or repair such pipeline in such manner and within such time as the notice requires.

(6)Pipelines, valves, flanges and fittings shall comply with the relevant requirements of British Standards, British Institute of Petroleum Safety Codes, American Petroleum Institute Specification for Line Pipe or other specifications approved by the Department.

(7)Joints in pipelines shall be welded wherever practicable, and otherwise shall be made with flanged ends or other means approved by the Department.

(8)Where pipelines are supported by a wharf, they shall be secured in an adequate manner, proper provision being made for expansion movement and anchorages.

(9)Where valves and outlets in pipelines are placed below the deck of a wharf, access openings, with covers, shall be provided to them.

(10)Pipelines on wharves shall be fitted with a stop valve at the outer or seaward end, and an approved non‑return valve shall be placed immediately behind the connections between the flexible hose and the shore pipeline. Where required by the Department an approved non‑return valve shall be placed in the pipeline at the shore end of the wharf or at the shore end of a submarine pipeline. Subject to the approval of the Department the requirement of a non‑return valve at the seaward end of the pipeline may be dispensed with, if the distance from the outer or seaward end of the line to the non‑return valve on shore does not exceed 15 m.
In special circumstances, and as approved in writing by the Department, a non‑return valve may be by‑passed by the installation of a rising spindle gate valve connected to an approved branch line for “Go‑Devil” or product separation device operation and back loading. This valve must be kept closed and locked except when the pipeline is to be cleared of contents or back loading is taking place or the operations are such as to require insertion of a product separation device.

(11)Rising spindle gate valves of a type approved by the Department shall be used at pipeline control points.

(12)Pipelines used for the transmission of inflammable liquid with a flash point less than 61°C shall be suitably bended and earthed in a manner approved by the Department. A suitably designed cathodic protection system may be accepted for the purpose of this paragraph.

(13)The seaward end of pipelines and hoses left connected thereto on wharves shall be made liquid‑tight by fitting with either blank flanges properly secured and fastened by at least 4 bolts, or screwed caps.

(14)Pipelines and the control valves shall be marked as required by the Department.

(15)Pipelines not situated on wharves shall be laid above ground wherever possible and shall be properly supported at a height of not less than 160 mm above ground, but shall not rest directly on wood.

(16)Pipelines shall receive adequate protection against corrosion and other injury.

(17)If so required by the Department any pipeline laid under water shall be afforded cathodic protection in an approved manner.

(18)Pipelines laid under railway tracks, roads or streets, or where they may be subjected to heavy loading, shall be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications of the “Recommended practice on form of agreement and specifications for pipelines crossings under railroad tracks” issued by the American Petroleum Institute (A.P.I. Code No. 26) or other specification or proposal in regard to sleeving or culverting approved by the Department.

(19)Pipelines laid in ground, the surface of which is subject to loading of vehicular traffic, shall have at least 610 mm of approved cover over the top of the pipe, excluding flanges; proper access pits, with covers, shall be provided for valves, and flanged joints shall be readily accessible.

(20)When first installed, pipe lines shall be tested to a pressure of 2 MPa with water in sections over the full length of the pipeline, each section not exceeding distance between consecutive flanged joints, and full pressure shall be maintained for the period of each test with a minimum period of 30 minutes.

(21)Provision shall be made to relieve excessive pressure due to temperature variations in pipelines left full of liquid.

[Regulation 67A inserted in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 779; amended in Gazette 28 Sep 1960 p. 2987; 16 Sep 1963 p. 2829; 15 Jun 1973 p. 2237 (erratum 13 Dec 1974 p. 5344); 30 Dec 2004 p. 6953.]

67B.Maintenance and operation of pipelines

Maintenance and operation of pipelines for transmission of liquids derived from petroleum, coal and shale on or from jetties to storage tanks:

(1)Underground pipelines between the wharf and the storage tanks shall be examined by the owner at intervals not exceeding 3 years and a certificate forwarded to the Department that the pipelines are in good order and condition and such certificate shall state the basis on which it is issued, e.g., visual examination, pressure tests or metal thickness tests.

(2)Valves and other appliances used during pumping operations shall be inspected to ensure certainty of operation on each occasion before pumping commences.

(3)(a)Flexible hoses used in connection with the pumping of liquids derived from inflammable liquid, liquids derived from petroleum, coal or shale and liquids having a flash point less than 61°C to or from a vessel shall be of approved quality with a safe working pressure of at least 700 kPa.

(b)Such flexible hoses shall be fitted with Turk’s heads of hemp or sisal rope, or other approved means of protection at intervals of 1 m.

(c)The number of the hose, the safe working pressure and the ownership thereof, shall be indicated on each such flexible hose, by means of an engraved metallic plate incorporated in and forming part of such hose, or in such other manner as may be approved by the Department.

(d)To prevent the flow of direct current between ship and pipeline an insulating flange shall be fitted in the shore pipeline, or one easily identifiable, non‑conductive hose inserted in the hose string and the insulating flange or non‑conductive hose, as the case may be, shall comply in all respects with the Association of Australian Port and Marine Authorities, Rules for the Handling of Dangerous Goods and Oils in Ports, Part 5.

(4)Flexible hoses used in connection with the pumping of liquids derived from inflammable liquid, liquids derived from petroleum, coal or shale and liquids having a flash point less than 61°C to or from a vessel shall be tested under working conditions at intervals of not more than 6 months to at least 25% in excess of the actual maximum working pressure under which it is operated and the results of such test shall be recorded in a register to be kept by the owner and such record shall be made available for examination by the Department as required. A report on tests of hoses used by an owner shall be provided to the Department in January and July of each year. Such flexible hoses shall be properly and adequately supported to prevent chafing and kinking during pumping operations.

(5)Pipelines used in connection with the pumping to or from a vessel of liquids derived from inflammable liquid, liquids derived from petroleum, coal or shale and liquids having a flash point less than 61°C and unrefined crude petroleum, shall be provided with drip trays or drums under the seaward end of the pipeline of a type approved by the Department.

(6)Pipelines and fittings shall be inspected each time before use in loading or discharge and tested to a pressure 25% in excess of normal operating pressure at 3 monthly intervals.

(7)Electrical equipment on oil wharves or located within 15 m of shore terminal valves in pipelines shall comply with the appropriate section of the Wiring Rules of the Standards Association of Australia 3 and the requirements of the proper local electrical authority, and shall be inspected at intervals of not more than 6 months to ensure their continued compliance with such rules or requirements.

(8)Pipelines for transmission of inflammable liquid with a flash point less than 61°C shall be tested at intervals of not more than 12 months to ensure that they are suitably bonded and earthed as required by the Department.

(9)At the commencement of pumping of inflammable liquids having a flash point less than 61°C, and after each change of grade of liquid at which water clearance is employed, the velocity in the pipelines shall be restricted to a maximum of 1 m per second for a period of 30 minutes, or sufficient time to clear the pipeline twice, whichever is the longer, but where a change of grade of inflammable liquid is made by face to face pumping or short water plug separation the velocity need not be so restricted.
This slow pumping rate shall also be observed when filling empty tanks until the fill pipe is covered. When pipelines vary in bore, the limiting rate shall be applied to that part having the smallest bore.

(10)During pumping operations, pipelines shall be regularly patrolled throughout their full length so that any leakage may be detected.

(11)During the whole period of pumping operations, the terminal valves on wharf or jetty, and the delivery or control valve on the vessel, shall be closely watched by competent persons who shall close the valves in the event of any untoward occurrence.

(12)Pipelines, valves, hoses and other appliances used for transferring inflammable liquids with a flash point less than 61°C shall be maintained free from leakage and gas‑tight and, unless otherwise authorised by the Department, on the completion of loading or unloading shall be thoroughly freed of inflammable liquid and the hoses disconnected from the shore pipelines. Pipelines, valves, hoses and other appliances used for transferring oil with a flash point not less than 61°C shall be kept in good condition and free from leakage and all due precautions shall be taken to prevent any oil escaping into tidal water.

(13)Necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure that boats, barges or other small craft shall not moor under or remain near the wharf where pumping operations are being carried out.

(14)No naked light, matches or other source of ignition shall be brought within a distance of 15 m of shore terminal valves when pumping operations are being carried out, and any torch used shall be of flame‑proof construction, and any artificial light used shall also be of flame‑proof construction unless mounted at least 7.5 m above the level of the wharf, when it shall be of a type approved by the Department.

(15)A reliable watchman or watchmen shall be stationed in the vicinity of the vessel during pumping operations and such watchman or watchmen shall be persons approved by the Department and in such number as it may require.

(16)A responsible representative of the master of a vessel and a representative of the installation to which or from which the inflammable liquid is being transmitted by pipelines, shall be on duty at all times at the point of discharge from or intake of the vessel during preparation for any pumping operation.

(17)The owner of the vessel and of the installation to or from which pumping operations will be made shall ensure, in his respective sphere, that sufficient fire‑fighting equipment as approved by the Department is available for immediate use should such be required.

(18)Any untoward occurrence shall be reported immediately to the Department or its representative.

(19)The approval of the Department shall be obtained on each occasion in respect of each particular vessel before pumping operations commence and any additional conditions stipulated by it shall be observed.

(20)Operations shall be discontinued should the Department consider such course necessary in the interests of safety.

(21)When pumping operations cease temporarily valves on the vessel and on the shore pipeline shall be closed.

(22)On completion of pumping operations pipelines outside storage installations and used for the transmission of inflammable liquids with a flash point less than 61°C shall be thoroughly cleared of the inflammable liquid by flushing with water and shall be kept full of water.

(23)Notwithstanding the requirements of subregulation (22), the Department may grant exemption from this provision in the case of underwater pipelines used for the transmission of crude oil having a flash point of less than 61°C or any pipeline provided it is patrolled to the satisfaction of the Department.

(23A)Petroleum substance that is heated above the ambient temperature shall not be pumped through a pipeline or flexible hose unless the pipeline or flexible hose is designed and constructed for use at the elevated temperature of the substance to be pumped.

(24)Except with the approval of the Department, on completion of pumping operations pipelines shall be cleared of oil with a flash point of not less than 65°C from the point of loading or discharge to the non‑return valve at the shore end of the wharf.

(25)Subject to the written approval of the Department, liquids derived from petroleum, coal and shale may be pumped to or from a vessel after sunset, provided that the following conditions and such other conditions as may be stipulated by the Department are complied with:

(a)Pipelines, hoses, valves and other appliances shall be coupled up and pumping commenced at least one hour before sunset, and such pipelines and hoses shall not be uncoupled or otherwise interfered with except in daylight unless with special permission of the Department and in the presence of its representative.

(b)Adequate lighting of an approved type shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Department.

(26)Arrangements shall be made by the master of the vessel to ensure that there shall be sufficient staff of officers and men available at all times to ensure the efficient carrying on of the work or to remove the vessel if so required.

[Regulation 67B inserted in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 780; amended in Gazette 20 Dec 1962 p. 4054; 16 Sep 1963 p. 2829; 15 Jun 1973 p. 2237; 6 Feb 1981 p. 555; 24 Aug 2004 p. 3659.]

[67C.Deleted in Gazette 14 Apr 1966 p. 918.]

67D.Penalty for failure to remove or amend pipeline

Where the Minister or chief executive officer requires a person to whom a licence has been granted or assigned under these regulations to remove or amend a pipeline on the expiration of the licence that person if he neglects or fails to comply in all respects with the direction, is guilty of an offence against these regulations.

[Regulation 67D inserted as regulation 67E in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 783; renumbered 67D in Gazette 28 Sep 1960 p. 2988; amended in Gazette 30 Dec 2004 p. 6953.]

67DA.Fuelling vessels at service jetties limited

A person must not fuel a vessel from an alongside berth at a service jetty unless the person does so —

(a)in accordance with a licence issued under the Jetties Act 1926 section 7(1); or

(b)with the prior written approval of the chief executive officer or an Officer appointed by the chief executive officer in writing to give that permission.

Penalty: a fine of $500.

[Regulation 67DA inserted in Gazette 7 Dec 2007 p. 5984; amended in Gazette 25 Jul 2014 p. 2612.]

Part 2 — Regulations applying to jetties within the Port of Perth

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

Division 1 — Application of this Part

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]


This Part applies to all jetties within the Port of Perth .

[Regulation 67E inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

Division 2 — Management and use of jetties

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

68.Control of jetties

All public jetties in the Port of Perth, except the Main Ferry Jetty at Rottnest Island , shall henceforth be under the control of the Department.

[Regulation 68 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495; 27 Jun 2003 p. 2502.]

69.Use of jetties

(a)No person shall land at, use, or enter upon any public jetty except in accordance with these regulations.

(b)No person shall in any way whatsoever make use of any public jetty under construction, or before the same shall have been declared open to the public by notice published in the Government Gazette.

[Regulation 69 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

70.Jetties may be closed

(a)The Department may at any time temporarily or permanently close any public jetty, because of inclemency of weather, or for any other reason whatsoever, by posting a notice on same to that effect, or by otherwise publicly declaring such public jetty to be closed.

(b)The Minister for Transport may at any time temporarily or permanently close any public jetty for repairs, alterations, additions, or any other reason whatsoever, by posting a notice on same to that effect, or otherwise publicly declaring such public jetty to be closed.

[Regulation 70 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

[70A.Deleted in Gazette 27 Jun 2003 p. 2502.]

[70B.Deleted in Gazette 25 Jun 2004 p. 2270.]

Division 3 — Mooring and berthing of vessels

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

71.Permit required to moor etc. alongside jetty or buoy

No person shall moor, fasten, or take any vessel alongside any public jetty or buoy in the port, or cause or permit any vessel to be so moored, fastened, or taken, unless the owner of such vessel shall have first obtained from the Department permission in writing to make use of such public jetty or buoy.

[Regulation 71 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

72.Duration of, and charges for, permits

(1)A permit issued under regulation 71 shall remain in force for one year from the date of issue or such lesser time as is specified on the permit and shall have effect subject to regulation 70 and regulation 75.

(2)Payment for a permit shall be made in advance unless, in respect of a permit to be issued for one year, the General Manager approves of payment quarterly in advance.

(3)Subject to this regulation, permission or a permit shall not be granted under regulation 71 or 73 until the appropriate charge set out in Schedule 2 has been paid to the Department.

(4)A permit may be cancelled and the berth reallocated by the Department where payment is not made in advance.

(5)Where a vessel permanently vacates the berth for which it holds a permit, the Department may cancel the permit.

(6)The provisions of subregulation (3) do not apply to any vessels owned and operated by the Police Department 4 or other Government department or instrumentality exempted in writing by the Department.

(7)A vessel shall not be subject to charges pursuant to this regulation where a charge is paid in respect of that vessel for the berth pursuant to regulation 57 of the Navigable Waters Regulations 1958 5.

[Regulation 72 inserted in Gazette 25 Nov 1983 p. 4669‑70; amended in Gazette 30 Aug 1985 p. 3077; 16 Oct 1987 p. 3893; 29 Jun 1989 p. 1917‑18; 1 Aug 1990 p. 3633; 30 Jun 1992 p. 2893; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2817; 25 Jul 2014 p. 2612.]

73.Permit for exclusive use of berth

(1)Subject to the payment of the charge payable under regulation 72 the Department may grant to the owner of any vessel licensed to carry passengers a permit for the exclusive use of a berth at a public jetty as a berth for such vessel, subject to accommodation for the time being available.

(1A)A permit for the exclusive use of a berth granted under subregulation (1) remains in force for such period as is specified on the permit, which may exceed 1 year from the date of issue.

(2)Where a permit for the exclusive use of a berth is granted under subregulation (1) for a vessel, no other vessel shall use the berth while the permit is current.

(3)Any permit granted under this regulation may specify — 

(a)any other berth or jetty within the Port of Perth at which the vessel may berth to pick up or set down passengers;

(b)the time or times that the vessel may berth or pick up or set down passengers;

(c)other conditions which the Manager considers necessary for good order on or about a public jetty or in the interests of safety of the passengers, vessel or jetty.

(4)Any of the conditions specified in a permit issued under this regulation may be amended or varied by notice in writing served on the person in charge of the vessel subject to the permit or upon the owner of the vessel by letter addressed to his registered office.

(5)A person who, by act or omission, contravenes the conditions of a permit issued under this regulation or under regulation 71 is liable on conviction to a penalty not exceeding $200.

(6)The Minister may cancel any permit issued under regulation 71 or this regulation if he is satisfied that the holder of a permit has failed to observe the conditions of the permit so issued or has failed to observe any regulation relating to the maintenance of good order or safety on or about a public jetty.

[Regulation 73 inserted in Gazette 31 Mar 1978 p. 990; amended in Gazette 25 Nov 1983 p. 4670; 26 May 2017 p. 2623.]

74.Manner of mooring vessels

(a)No vessel shall be moored or made fast to any public jetty or any part thereof, except to such mooring piles, ringbolts, or other fastenings as are or may be provided, and no vessel shall remain alongside any public jetty unless so fastened.

(b)No vessel or any obstruction shall be fastened to or near any public steps or landing place for passengers in such a manner as to impede free access to such public steps or landing places.

[Regulation 74 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

75.Vessels not to remain at jetties longer than necessary

No vessel shall be fastened to or remain alongside any public jetty longer than is necessary, and shall immediately be removed therefrom, on the master or person in charge of such vessel receiving orders to that effect from an officer of the Department.

[Regulation 75 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

76.Mooring of rafts and boathouses

No raft or boathouse shall be moored within 91 m of any public jetty overnight; nor shall any raft or boathouse be moored in the fairway by day or by night, and any raft or boathouse moored overnight shall burn 2 bright lights from sunset to sunrise, one at each end, and fixed at least 2.4 m above water level.

[Regulation 76 amended in Gazette 15 Jun 1973 p. 2238; 19 May 1989 p. 1495; 24 Aug 2004 p. 3659.]

77.Vessels to be in charge of competent person

No vessel (except small rowing boats) shall come alongside or remain fastened to any public jetty unless in charge of a competent person.

[Regulation 77 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

78.Approaching jetties after sunset

No vessel (except small rowing boats) shall approach any jetty after sunset without burning the lights usually used by steamers or sailing vessels when under way.

[Regulation 78 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

Division 4 — Loading or discharging cargo

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

[79.Deleted in Gazette 30 Jun 1992 p. 2893.]

80.Vessels loading or discharging

No vessel loading or discharging cargo shall come alongside any public jetty until the cargo is ready to be loaded or vehicles are ready to receive delivery, in the case of a vessel discharging, and no vessel shall occupy a berth at any public jetty while waiting to load or discharge cargo, but only when actually occupied in loading or discharging, and between sunrise and sunset and on week days, except by written permission of the Department.

[Regulation 80 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

81.Cargo to be removed

(a)When any goods, merchandise, or plant of any description are placed on any public jetty for shipment or ex ship, the removal of the same shall proceed concurrently with the delivery on such public jetty.

(b)All cargo or other material must be removed from any public jetty within 24 hours of the time it is deposited there, or at any time, upon the receipt by the consignor or consignee of such cargo or material, of notice from an officer of the Department.

(c)In the event of the consignor or consignee refusing or neglecting to remove any cargo or other material from any public jetty when required so to do by an officer of the Department, such cargo or material may be ordered to be removed, and the cost of removal shall be borne by the said consignor or consignee, and he shall, in addition to such cost, be liable to the penalty prescribed for breach of these regulations.

[Regulation 81 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

82.Cargo not to remain on jetties overnight

No cargo shall remain on any public jetty overnight, without written permission from the Department, and then the said cargo shall remain at the owner’s risk, and such owner will be held responsible for any damage whatsoever incurred thereby. Under no circumstances shall any dangerous cargo or volatile spirit be allowed to remain on any public jetty overnight.

[Regulation 82 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

83.Explosives not to be handled without permission

No explosives, as defined by section 4 of the Explosives Act 1895 6, shall be landed or discharged on any public jetty without the permission of the Department.

[Regulation 83 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

84.Manner of handling cargo

All cargo carted or conveyed on to any public jetty shall be carefully removed from the vehicles carrying the same into the vessel receiving the same, and shall in no case be tipped from such vessel on to the said public jetty. Provided that this regulation shall not apply to sand, stone, gravel, soil or manure, which is carefully loaded on any such public jetty by special permission, in writing, of the Department.

[Regulation 84 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

Division 5 — Navigation of vessels

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

85.Power vessels approaching jetties

(a)In the case of 2 power vessels approaching the same public jetty at the same time from opposite directions, the power vessel bound down a river shall give way to the power vessel bound up a river.

(b)In the case of 2 power vessels approaching the same public jetty at the same time in the same direction, the power vessel on the outer course shall give way to the power vessel on the inner course.

[Regulation 85 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

Division 6 — Miscellaneous

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

86.Bathing from jetties

Bathing between the hours of 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 p.m. from any public jetty is prohibited.

[Regulation 86 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

87.Damage to jetties

The owner or owners of every vessel shall be personally liable for all damage to any public jetty done or occasioned by any person employed in such vessel, or in loading or discharging thereof; also for any penalties incurred by the master or crew or person employed on or in connection with such vessel, and any repairs rendered necessary may be executed by the Department, and the cost of such repairs shall be paid by the owner or owners liable for such damage, within 7 days after demand, and may be recovered by the Department summarily or otherwise, and any default in payment shall render such owner or owners liable to the penalty provided for breach of these regulations.

[Regulation 87 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

88.Fishing from certain places prohibited

No person shall fish from any portion of the road bridge over the Swan River at Fremantle, or from the Canning bridge, or from the bridge or embankment across the Swan River, at Perth, known as the Perth causeway.

[Regulation 88 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

89.Fishing nets on jetties

No fishing nets shall be hung on or spread about any part of any public jetty.

[Regulation 89 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

90.Gangways to be provided

Steam vessels landing or shipping passengers at any public jetty shall provide suitable gangways of not less than 770 mm in width, having a hand‑rail on both sides, and, after sunset, these gangways shall be sufficiently lighted.

[Regulation 90 amended in Gazette 15 Jun 1973 p. 2239; 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

91.Interference with jetties or approaches

No person shall remove or cause to be removed from any public jetty, or the approaches thereto, any gravel, stone, timber, trees, shrubs, grasses, or other material, without the written permission of the Minister for Transport or his representative.

[Regulation 91 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

92.Lifebuoys on jetties

No person shall remove, damage, or destroy any lifebuoy on any public jetty or use the same for any purpose other than saving life.

[Regulation 92 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

93.Obstruction of jetties or officers

(a)No person shall erect any bench, shear legs, crane, stocks, or other plant whatsoever, or in any way obstruct any public jetty, without first obtaining, in writing, the permission of the Minister for Transport or his representative.

(b)No person or persons shall obstruct any representative of the Minister for Transport in carrying out the construction of, or repairs or additions to, any public jetty.

[Regulation 93 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

94.Rubbish not to be thrown in river etc.

No stones, rubbish, ashes, or any other substance shall be thrown into any part of the river or discharged upon a public jetty, except at such places, if any, as may be defined for such purpose by the Department.

[Regulation 94 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

Part 2A  Mooring and berthing other than in the Port of Perth

[Heading inserted in Gazette 1 Aug 1990 p. 3633‑4.]

94A.Charges for pen rentals and services

The charges payable for pen rentals and services in particular ports and harbours (other than the Port of Perth ) are as set out in Schedule 1.

[Regulation 94A inserted in Gazette 14 Jun 2002 p. 2800; amended in Gazette 24 Jun 2005 p. 2817; 22 Jun 2007 p. 2909; 25 Jul 2014 p. 2612.]

94B.Charges for pile mooring

The charges for pile mooring rental set out in Schedule 1 are payable in respect to a pile mooring rented by any vessel in any boat harbour or fishing boat harbour in the State, according to the size of that vessel.

[Regulation 94B inserted in Gazette 1 Aug 1990 p. 3633‑4; amended in Gazette 25 Jun 1996 p. 2981; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2817; 22 Jun 2007 p. 2909; 25 Jul 2014 p. 2612.]

94C.Dues or charges for berthing or mooring on casual basis

Where no other due or charge is prescribed for berthing or mooring at a wharf or public jetty, the due or charge set out in Schedule 1 is payable for berthing or mooring on a casual basis at a wharf or public jetty, other than those within the Port of Perth.

[Regulation 94C inserted in Gazette 30 Jun 1992 p. 2893; amended in Gazette 24 Jun 2005 p. 2817; 22 Jun 2007 p. 2909; 25 Jul 2014 p. 2613.]

94D.Waiving charges in emergencies

The chief executive officer of the Department may waive a charge payable under this Division for the use of an alongside berth at a service jetty by a vessel in need of emergency repair.

[Regulation 94D inserted in Gazette 22 Jun 2007 p. 2910; amended in Gazette 25 Jul 2014 p. 2613.]

94E.Controlling short term use

Where several vessels have applied for short term access to a service wharf or jetty, an officer of the Department may direct that, in particular circumstances, a particular type of vessel, or a specified type of short term use, has precedence.

[Regulation 94E inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2954.]

Part 3 — Special provisions applying at particular ports

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

Division 1 — Use of slipways

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

95.Management and control of departmental slipways

(1)Part 3 Division 1 applies to slipways under the direct control of the Department.

(2)The officer appointed by the Director General as being in charge of a region in which any slipways under the control of the Department are situated shall have the management and control of those slipways.

[Regulation 95 inserted in Gazette 20 Jun 2000 p. 3044; amended in Gazette 4 Nov 2014 p. 4204.]

95A.Use of slipway

(1)An owner or master of a vessel wanting to use a slipway may apply to the officer in charge of the region in which the slipway is situated to permit that use.

(2)The application must be in the form of Schedule 3 Form 3.

[Regulation 95A inserted in Gazette 4 Nov 2014 p. 4204.]

96.Charges for use of slipway

(a)All vessels shall be charged for services rendered at or in relation to a slip as prescribed in Schedule 1.

(b)The charges shall cover the use of the slip, the haulage of the vessel to the slip and the supply of water and electric power. The owner or master of the vessel must arrange for the proper wedging, blocking, etc., to the satisfaction of the officer in charge of the region in which the slipway is situated. Any damage done to the structure and/or cradle shall be repaired at the expense of the owner or master of the vessel causing the damage.

(c)The owner or master of any vessel using the slip shall be responsible for the payment of all charges which he shall pay before the vessel is removed from the slip.

[Regulation 96 inserted in Gazette 11 Jan 1946 p. 13; amended in Gazette 2 May 1952 p. 1106; 17 Mar 1960 p. 783; 24 Nov 1972 p. 4488; 19 Oct 1973 p. 3818; 19 May 1989 p. 1495; 20 Jun 2000 p. 3044; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2818; 22 Jun 2007 p. 2910; 25 Jul 2014 p. 2613; 4 Nov 2014 p. 4204.]

97.Government vessels may take precedence

Government vessels shall, when considered necessary, take precedence of all other craft, notwithstanding any previous application by private owners for the use of the slip.

[Regulation 97 inserted in Gazette 11 Jan 1946 p. 13; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1495.]

98.Vessels may forfeit their turn

Vessels registered for and not arriving at the slip at the appointed time will be liable to the forfeiture of their turn.

[Regulation 98 inserted in Gazette 11 Jan 1946 p. 13; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1496.]

99.Department will not undertake repairs etc.

The Department will not undertake the repairs of vessels; all parties availing themselves of the use of the slip will be required to make their own arrangements for these and provide all necessary material.

[Regulation 99 inserted in Gazette 11 Jan 1946 p. 13; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1496.]

100.Department not responsible for damage to vessel when in use of slip

The Department will not be responsible for and shall incur no liability in respect of any damage to any vessel while being hauled up, remaining on, or being lowered from the slip, or in any way in connection with the use of the slip.

[Regulation 100 inserted in Gazette 11 Jan 1946 p. 13; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1496.]

101.Duties of owner or master using slipway

(1)The owner or master of a vessel using the slipway shall — 

(a)keep it in a clean and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the officer in charge of the region in which the slipway is situated; and

(b)remove all barnacles and weed from the slipway area on the day that the vessel is hauled from the water.

(2)Where the owner or master fails to comply with subregulation (1) the Department may arrange for the cleaning of the slipway area and may recover the cost thereof from the owner or master of the vessel.

[Regulation 101 inserted in Gazette 19 Oct 1973 p. 3819; amended in Gazette 20 Jun 2000 p. 3044; 4 Nov 2014 p. 4205.]

101A.Slipping of more than one vessel at a time

The officer in charge of a region may by special permission allow more than one vessel to be taken on a slipway at the one time.

[Regulation 101A inserted in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4488; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1496; 20 Jun 2000 p. 3044; 4 Nov 2014 p. 4205.]

101B.Dispute procedure

If any dispute shall arise between the owner or master and the Department, such dispute shall be referred to and be determined by the Minister whose decision shall be final and binding upon the Department and the owner or master of the vessel.

[Regulation 101B inserted in Gazette 11 Jan 1946 p. 13; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1496.]

[102-105.Deleted in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4488.]

Division 2 — Use of mooring springs

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

[105A‑105E.Deleted in Gazette 30 Jun 1995 p. 2700.]

105F.Approaching bollard or jetty to which mooring spring or rope fastened

A person shall not, unless authorised by the officer in charge, approach within 4 m of any bollard, or any other part of such public jetty to which any mooring spring or rope is fastened.

[Regulation 105F inserted in Gazette 3 Jan 1947 p. 7; amended in Gazette 15 Jun 1973 p. 2238.]

[105G, 105H, 105HA, 105HB.Deleted in Gazette 30 Jun 1995 p. 2700.]

[Division 3 (r. 105HC) deleted in Gazette 30 Jun 1995 p. 2700.]

Division 4 — Use of weighbridges at Wyndham

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494; amended in Gazette 20 Jun 2000 p. 3044.]

105I.Weighbridge charges

(1)A person making use of the 50 t weighbridges at Wyndham shall pay the charge set out in Schedule 1.

(2)A person making use of the weighbridge outside of normal working hours shall pay the wages of the operator, in addition to the charges prescribed by subregulation (1).

(3)Where multi‑unit vehicles are weighed, under this regulation, each unit shall be weighed separately and a ticket issued for each unit.

[Regulation 105I inserted in Gazette 11 Aug 1964 p. 2880; amended in Gazette 17 Mar 1966 p. 731; 30 Dec 1968 p. 3949; 24 Nov 1972 p. 4488; 15 Jun 1973 p. 2238; 20 Jun 1980 p. 1835; 26 Jun 1981 p. 2410; 9 Jul 1982 p. 2510; 5 Aug 1983 p. 2835; 8 Aug 1986 p. 2828; 16 Oct 1987 p. 3894; 14 Oct 1988 p. 4164; 30 Jun 1989 p. 1918; 1 Aug 1990 p. 3634; 26 Jul 1991 p. 3920; 30 Jun 1992 p. 2893; 29 Jun 1993 p. 3192; 30 Jun 1995 p. 2700; 20 Jun 2000 p. 3045; 24 Jun 2005 p. 2818; 25 Jul 2014 p. 2614.]

[Division 5 (r. 105J) deleted in Gazette 30 Jun 1992 p. 2893.]

Part 4  Breach of regulations and penalties

[Heading inserted in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1494.]

106.Powers of officer of Department

When the breach of these regulations is attended with any danger or annoyance to the public or any person, any officer of the Department may summarily interfere to obviate or remove such danger or annoyance or the person causing the same, without prejudice to any proceedings against the offender for any penalty to which he may be liable.

[Regulation 106 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1496.]

107.Recovery of expenses incurred by breaches of regulations

Where any person or persons by the foregoing regulations or any of them are required to do or perform any act or thing, and any such act or thing remains undone, the Minister for Transport or the Department may cause the same to be performed, and charge the cost and expenses against such person or persons, and the amount thereof may be recovered as a debt due to the Crown in any court of competent jurisdiction.

[Regulation 107 amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1496.]

107A.Police have authority to enforce regulations

For the purpose of seeing that all or any of these regulations are carried out and to preserve order, Police officers in uniform shall have access to any jetty or premises of the Department at any hour of the day or night, and shall be allowed and authorised to ask any reasonable question of any person thereon, and any information required shall in all cases be furnished.

[Regulation 107A inserted in Gazette 17 Mar 1960 p. 784; amended in Gazette 19 May 1989 p. 1496.]

108.Penalty for offences

Every person who by any act or omission fails in any respect to observe, perform, or comply with any provision or requirement of any of the foregoing regulations shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations, and where no particular penalty is prescribed by these regulations, shall on conviction be liable to a penalty not exceeding $200.

[Regulation 108 amended by Act No. 113 of 1965 s. 8(1); amended in Gazette 17 Sep 1976 p. 3463; 19 May 1989 p. 1496.]


Schedule 1 — Dues and charges generally

[r. 6, 10A, 11, 25, 42A, 53A, 94A, 94B, 94C, 96 and 105I]

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2954.]

Division 1A — Standard rates

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2954.]

1A.Standard rates for this Schedule

In this Schedule, the following rates are standard rates —

Rate 1: a casual daily rate of $7.45 per metre of the vessel’s length

Typically used to calculate the standard daily rate for casual use of a pen or alongside berth (whether or not the alongside berth is on a service wharf or jetty) for a commercial vessel.

Rate 2: a casual daily rate of $52.40

Typically used to calculate the standard daily rate for casual use of a pen or alongside berth (whether or not the alongside berth is on a service wharf or jetty) for a recreational vessel.

Rate 3: an annual rate of $84.00 per metre of the vessel’s length

Typically used to calculate the standard annual rate for short term use of a service wharf or jetty for a vessel (other than service vessels at certain places).

[Clause 1A inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2954‑5; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1173; 26 May 2017 p. 2625; 20 Mar 2018 p. 994.]

1B.Transferability of annual payments

(1)A vessel for which there has been paid an annual amount to the Department for short term use of a service wharf or jetty at one of the specified places in a Schedule, may use the service wharf or jetty for up to an hour in a day at any of the other specified places.

(2)A vessel for which there has been paid an amount to the Department for annual use of a pen, alongside berth or mooring at a specified place in a Schedule, may use the service wharf or jetty for up to an hour in a day at any of the other specified places.

[Clause 1B inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2955; amended in Gazette 20 Mar 2018 p. 994.]

1C.Service wharf or jetty entitlements

A vessel for which there has been paid an amount to the Department for use of a pen, alongside berth or mooring at a specified place in a Schedule may have access to the service wharf or jetty for up to an hour in a day for the duration of that stay at that specified place.

[Clause 1C inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2955.]

1D.Active loading and unloading

A fishing vessel for which there has been paid an amount in accordance with clause 1B or 1C may remain at a service wharf or jetty for longer than the one hour allowed under those clauses, if —

(a)the extra time is required to complete active loading and unloading operations; and

(b)the active loading and unloading operations are continuously in progress; and

(c)the vessel vacates the berth during that extra time to facilitate other requirements or avoid adverse effects on other harbour operations, when directed to do so by an officer.

[Clause 1D inserted in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1022.]

1E.Wyndham excluded

Clauses 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D do not apply to a vessel in the Port of Wyndham.

[Clause 1E inserted in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1022.]

Division 1 — Specified places

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2955.]

1.Albany, Albany Waterfront Marina

(1)This clause applies to the Albany Waterfront Marina at Albany .

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1


•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 1 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2955‑6; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1173-4; 26 May 2017 p. 2625.]

2.Albany, Emu Point Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Emu Point Boat Harbour at Albany .

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 2 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2956‑7; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1174; 26 May 2017 p. 2625.]

3.Augusta Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Augusta Boat Harbour.

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 3 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2957‑8; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1174; 26 May 2017 p. 2625.]

4.Augusta (Ellis Street) Maritime Facility

(1)This clause applies to the Augusta (Ellis Street) Maritime Facility.

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 (Alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of an alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 4 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2958; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1174; 26 May 2017 p. 2625.]

5. Bremer Bay

(1)This clause applies to Bremer Bay .

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 (Alongside berthing)





For the casual daily use of an alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel for which a swing mooring fee has not been paid, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 5 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2959.]

6.Bunbury, Casuarina Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Casuarina Boat Harbour at Bunbury.

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 6 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2959‑60; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1174; 26 May 2017 p. 2625.]

7. Carnarvon Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Carnarvon Boat Harbour .

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 (Pen use, alongside berthing and mooring)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen with a walkway, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen without a walkway, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the use of the T‑jetty, T‑jetty pen and land‑backed wharf by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of the T‑jetty, T‑jetty pen and land‑backed wharf by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of the snapper jetty, attached partly serviced pen and low level landing by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the casual daily use of any pen not described in item 5 or 6 or pile mooring by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of any pen or alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the use of a pile mooring, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of


[Clause 7 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2960‑1; amended in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1023; 15 Apr 2016 p. 1174; 26 May 2017 p. 2625.]


(1)This clause applies to Cervantes.

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1 (Alongside berthing)





For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the casual daily use of an alongside berth by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of an alongside berth by recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2


[Clause 8 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2961‑2; amended in Gazette 23 Dec 2016 p. 5913.]

9.Coral Bay Maritime Facility

(1)This clause applies to the Coral Bay Maritime Facility.

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use by a vessel of an alongside berth —


•for short term use by any vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



•for casual daily use by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of any pen or alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2


[Clause 9 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2962; amended in Gazette 20 Mar 2018 p. 994‑5.]

10.Denham Maritime Facility

(1)This clause applies to the Denham Maritime Facility.

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 10.1.

Table 10.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2


[Clause 10 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2962‑3; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1174; 26 May 2017 p. 2626.]

11.Esperance, Bandy Creek Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Bandy Creek Boat Harbour at Esperance.

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 11.1.

Table 11.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen with a walkway, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen without a walkway, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the use of a jetty or hardstand controlled by the Department to lift a vessel to or from the harbour, an amount per lift of


[Clause 11 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2963‑4; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1174-5; 26 May 2017 p. 2626.]


(1)This clause applies to Exmouth.

(2)In this clause a reference to a service vessel is a reference to any vessel other than a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel.

(3)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 12.1.

Table 12.1 (Pen use, alongside berthing and mooring)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen (not in the Pen B or Pen D system) by a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen (not in the Pen B or Pen D system) by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth (not in the Pen B system) by a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth (not in the Pen B system) by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen (in the Pen B system) no longer than 20 m by a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen (in the Pen B system) no longer than 20 m by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen (in the Pen B or Pen D system) longer than 20 m by a vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of

1 076.00


For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth (in the Pen B system) by a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth (in the Pen B system) by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of


[10, 11.deleted]



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a tourism vessel or fishing vessel (but not a service vessel), an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the short term use of an alongside berth on the service wharf by a vessel (other than a service vessel), an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth other than the service wharf by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the daily rate of



For the use of a service wharf, other than while refuelling, by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the 12‑hourly rate of



For the use of the service wharf hardstand or appurtenant area for storage or maintenance, an amount calculated per m2 at the daily rate of


[Clause 12 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2964‑7; amended in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1023; 15 Apr 2016 p. 1175; 23 Dec 2016 p. 5913; 26 May 2017 p. 2623 and 2626.]

13. Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour .

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 13.1.

Table 13.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)







For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen (not within Jetty 1A, Jetty 2 and Jetty 2A) without a walkway —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth (not within Jetty 1A, Jetty 2 and Jetty 2A) —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen (within Jetty 1A, Jetty 2 and Jetty 2A) by a vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth (within Jetty 1A, Jetty 2 and Jetty 2A) by a vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 13 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2967‑9; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1175-6; 26 May 2017 p. 2623 and 2627; 20 Mar 2018 p. 995.]

14.Geraldton, Batavia Coast Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Batavia Coast Boat Harbour at Geraldton.

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen by a vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth by a vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 14 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2969‑70; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1176; 26 May 2017 p. 2627; 20 Mar 2018 p. 995.]

15.Green Head

(1)This clause applies to Green Head.

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 15.1.

Table 15.1 (Alongside berthing)





For the casual daily use of an alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of the service jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 15 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2970; amended in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1023.]


(1)This clause applies to Hopetoun.

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 16.1.

Table 16.1 (Berthing)





For casual daily use of an alongside berth by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of an alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 16 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2970‑1.]

17.Jurien Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Jurien Boat Harbour .

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 17.1.

Table 17.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 17 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2971‑2; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1176; 26 May 2017 p. 2627.]

18.Kalbarri Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Kalbarri Boat Harbour .

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 18.1.

Table 18.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 18 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2972; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1176; 26 May 2017 p. 2627.]


(1)This clause applies to Lancelin.

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 19.1.

Table 19.1 (Berthing)





For the casual daily use of an alongside berth by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of an alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 19 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2973.]


(1)This clause applies to Leeman.

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 20.1.

Table 20.1 (Berthing)





For the casual daily use of an alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 20 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2973.]

21.Onslow, Beadon Creek Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Beadon Creek Boat Harbour at Onslow.

(2)In this clause a reference to a service vessel is a reference to any vessel other than a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel.

(3)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 21.1.

Table 21.1 (Alongside berthing and mooring)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pile mooring by a recreational vessel, Government vessel, fishing vessel or tourism vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pile mooring by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of an alongside berth or pile mooring, by a Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel (but not a service vessel), an amount calculated using standard Rate 1





For the short term use of a service wharf by a vessel (but not a service vessel), an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the casual daily use of a pile mooring by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the daily rate of



For the casual daily use of an alongside berth or pile mooring by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth by a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the monthly rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth by a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the weekly rate of



For the use of the service wharf by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the 6‑hourly rate of



For the use of the service wharf hardstand or appurtenant area for storage or maintenance, an amount calculated per m2 at the daily rate of


[Clause 21 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2974‑5; amended in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1023; 15 Apr 2016 p. 1176-7; 26 May 2017 p. 2627‑8; 20 Mar 2018 p. 995.]

22.Point Samson, Johns Creek Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Johns Creek Boat Harbour at Point Samson.

(2)In this clause a reference to a service vessel is a reference to any vessel other than a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel.

(3)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations (other than charges under regulation 96) are set out in Table 22.1.

Table 22.1 (Pen use and berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a berth at the service wharf or jetty by a recreational vessel, Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a berth at the service wharf or jetty by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of

1 144.00


For the casual daily use of a berth at the service wharf or jetty by a Government vessel, tourism vessel or fishing vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the casual daily use of the service wharf or jetty by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a berth at the service wharf or jetty by a vessel (but not a service vessel), an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the use of a berth at the service wharf or jetty by a service vessel, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the 6‑hourly rate of



For the use of the service wharf hardstand or appurtenant area for storage or maintenance, an amount calculated per m2 at the daily rate of


(4)The charges to be paid under regulation 96 are set out in Table 22.2.

Table 22.2 (Use of careening pad)





For the use of a careening pad by a vessel, whether or not the annual charge in Table 22.1 has been paid, an amount per day of —



•if the vessel is 15 m or less in length



•if the vessel is over 15 m in length


[Clause 22 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2975‑8; amended in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1024; 15 Apr 2016 p. 1177; 23 Dec 2016 p. 5914; 26 May 2017 p. 2624 and 2628.]

23.Port Denison

(1)This clause applies to Port Denison.

(2)The dues (other than wharfage dues) and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 23.1.

Table 23.1 (Pen use and berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length at the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of an alongside berth by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel for which neither a swing mooring fee nor charge in item 1 has been paid, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2


(3)The wharfage dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 23.2.

Table 23.2 (Wharfage)





Wharfage for general cargo if loaded from or into a vessel, per vessel, for 12 months (excludes fishing product, fishing equipment and bait)


[Clause 23 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2978‑9; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1177; 26 May 2017 p. 2628.]

24.Port Gregory

(1)This clause applies to Port Gregory.

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 24.1.

Table 24.1 (Berthing)





For the casual daily use of an alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 24 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2979‑80.]

25A.Two Rocks Marina

(1)This clause applies to the Two Rocks Marina.

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 25A.1.

Table 25A.1 (Pen use and alongside berthing)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen with a walkway, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen without a walkway, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1






For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of a service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of


[Clause 25A inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2980; amended in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1024; 15 Apr 2016 p. 1177; 23 Dec 2016 p. 5914; 26 May 2017 p. 2624 and 2628.]

25.Port of Wyndham

(1)This clause applies to the Port of Wyndham .

(2)The berthing dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 25.1.

Table 25.1 (Berthing)


Vessel or cargo


Minimum per day ($)


Vessel of 300 gross registered tonnes or over

$1.25 per tonne, per cubic metre, or per kilolitre, at option of officer in charge, on all cargo landed or shipped



Vessel under 300 gross registered tonnes

$6.77 per metre of the vessel’s length, per day



Vessel using berth for purposes other than handling cargo

$6.77 per metre of the vessel’s length, per day



Container, empty

$9.72 per container



Container, loaded

$31.24 per container


(3)The wharfage dues to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 25.2.

Table 25.2 (Wharfage)





Cargo in 20 feet equivalent unit (TEU) containers —



•fertiliser, per TEU



•explosives, per TEU



•products of the soil (not otherwise specified), per TEU



•not otherwise specified in this item, per TEU



Empty TEU containers, per TEU



Cargo, whether in containers (not TEU containers) or otherwise —



•animals, live —



•cattle (bullocks, cows, etc.), per head



•dogs, goats, pigs, sheep, per head



•bulk, by pipeline, per kilolitre



•bulk, by pipeline using road tanker on jetty, per kilolitre



•containers (not TEU containers), empty, per tonne, per cubic metre



•explosives, per tonne, per cubic metre



•fertiliser, per tonne, per cubic metre



•meat, chilled or frozen, per tonne, per cubic metre



•ore, per tonne



•products of the soil (not otherwise specified), per tonne, per cubic metre



•vehicles —



•commercial vehicles on own wheels, per tonne, per cubic metre



•other vehicles on own wheels, per tonne, per cubic metre



•recreational vessel, per metre of the vessel’s length



•not otherwise specified in this item, per tonne, per cubic metre


(4)The dues to be paid under regulation 11 are set out in Table 25.3.

Table 25.3 (Transhipment)





For cargo —



•loaded over the side of a vessel to another vessel

50% of wharfage for the cargo


•landed on jetty

100% of wharfage for the cargo

(5)The charges to be paid under regulation 25 for storage are set out in Table 25.4.

Table 25.4 (Storage)





Goods in transit not removed from a goods shed within 3 days after being received, per tonne, per day



Goods being transhipped —



•for first 2 weeks, per tonne, per cubic metre, per week



•after the first 2 weeks, per tonne, per cubic metre, per day



Goods at container park, Wyndham, per loaded container



(7)The charges to be paid under regulation 105I are set out in Table 25.6.

Table 25.6 (Weighbridge use)





Use of weighbridge —



•for not over 10 t



•for over 10 t but not over 30 t



•for over 30 t


(8)The charge for lighting, per hour or part of an hour, is set out in Table 25.7.

Table 25.7 (Lighting)





For jetty, shed and yard



For jetty only



For reduced lighting


[Clause 25 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2981‑5; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1173 and 1178-80; 26 May 2017 p. 2628‑30.]

Division 2 — State‑wide charges

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2985.]

26A.Wyndham excluded

This Division does not apply to a vessel in the Port of Wyndham.

[Clause 26A inserted in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1024.]

26.Living on a vessel

(1)In this regulation —

enhanced facilities means toilet, shower and laundry facilities.

(2)The charges relating to living on a vessel in a place are set out in Table 26.1.

Table 26.1 (Living on a vessel)





For living on board a vessel —



•without enhanced facilities, an amount calculated at the monthly rate per vessel, of



•with enhanced facilities, an amount calculated at the monthly rate per vessel, of


[Clause 26 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2985; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1180; 26 May 2017 p. 2630.]

27.Electricity supply

The charges for electricity supply to a vessel in a place are set out in Table 27.1.

Table 27.1 (Electricity supply)





For electricity supply that is —



•single phase (metered)



•3‑phase (whether metered or unmetered)


[Clause 27 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2986.]

28.Water supply

The charges for water supply to a vessel in a place are set out in Table 28.1.

Table 28.1 (Water supply)





For water supply (metered)


[Clause 28 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2986.]

29.Rubbish removal (r. 53A)

The charges to be paid under regulation 53A are set out in Table 29.1.

Table 29.1 (Rubbish removal)





For rubbish removal —



•excess quantity, or from a source other than a vessel for which charges for using the harbour have been paid, per half skip supplied and emptied



•waste oil from vessels in excess of 150 L



•waste oil drum or other container not removed by owner, per drum or container



•rubbish not put in supplied bins


[Clause 29 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2986‑7; amended in Gazette 23 Dec 2016 p. 5914.]

30.Passengers and cargo

The charges to be paid for the loading and unloading of passengers and cargo are set out in Table 30.1.

Table 30.1 (Passengers and cargo)





For the use of a pen, berth or service jetty by cruise liner transfer vessel to load or unload passengers —



•an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the daily rate of



•plus a charge per passenger of



For the loading or unloading of general cargo from or to a vessel at the service wharf or service jetty, or an appurtenant area if loaded from or to a vessel, an amount calculated per tonne, per cubic metre, or per kilolitre, at the rate of



If a vessel is lifted at the service wharf or service jetty, or an appurtenant area, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length at the rate of


[Clause 30 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2987; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1180; 26 May 2017 p. 2630; 20 Mar 2018 p. 995.]

31.Slip services (r. 96)

The charges to be paid under regulation 96 for services at a slip controlled and managed by the Department at a place for which no such charges are prescribed in Division 1 are set out in Table 31.1.

Table 31.1 (Slip services)





For the use of a slip —



•from 1 April to 31 August, an amount per day of



•from 1 September to 31 March, an amount per day of



For haulage up and down slip, an amount per haulage of —



For the use of the Department’s land immediately appurtenant or adjacent to a slip for maintenance or storage —



•for the first 30 days, an amount per day of



•after the first 30 days, an amount per day of



For the use of the Department’s land in the harbour appurtenant to but not immediately adjacent to the slip for maintenance or storage —



•for the first 90 days, an amount per day of



•after the first 90 days, an amount per day of


[Clause 31 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2987‑9; amended in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1025; 15 Apr 2016 p. 1180; 23 Dec 2016 p. 5914; 26 May 2017 p. 2630‑1.]

32.Floating dinghy pens

The charges to be paid for the use of floating dinghy pens at a place are $286.00 per vessel per year.

[Clause 32 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2989; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1180; 26 May 2017 p. 2631; 20 Mar 2018 p. 995.]

Schedule 1A  Fuel oil wharfage

[r. 11B(2)]

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2989.]

1.Wharfage for fuel (r. 11B(2))

The rate to be paid for fuel oil under regulation 11B(2) at a place listed in the Table is set out opposite the place.

Table (Wharfage for fuel oil)





Albany, at Albany Waterfront Marina



Albany, at Emu Point Boat Harbour



Augusta (Ellis Street) Maritime Facility



Augusta Boat Harbour



Barrack Street Jetty



Bremer Bay



Bunbury, at Casuarina Boat Harbour


















Fremantle, at Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour



Green Head



Hillarys Boat Harbour


















Onslow, at Beadon Creek Boat Harbour



Point Samson, at Johns Creek Boat Harbour



Port Denison



Port Gregory



Two Rocks Marina





[Clause 1 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2989‑90; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1181; 26 May 2017 p. 2631.]

Schedule 2 — Port of Perth charges

[r. 72]

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2990.]

Division 1A — Application and Standard rates

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2990.]

1A.Application of this Schedule

The charges in this Schedule apply to the specified jetties and harbours in addition to the charges that apply State‑wide under Schedule 1 Division 2.

[Clause 1A inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2990.]

1B.Standard rates for this Schedule

In this Schedule, the following rates are standard rates —

Rate 1: a casual daily rate of $7.45 per metre of the vessel’s length

Typically used to calculate the standard daily rate for casual use of a pen or alongside berth (whether or not the alongside berth is on a service wharf or jetty) for a commercial vessel.

Rate 2: a casual daily rate of $52.40

Typically used to calculate the standard daily rate for casual use of a pen or alongside berth (whether or not the alongside berth is on a service wharf or jetty) for a recreational vessel..

Rate 3: an annual rate of $84.00 per metre of the vessel’s length

Typically used to calculate the standard annual rate for short term use of a service wharf or jetty for a vessel.

[Clause 1B inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2991; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1181; 26 May 2017 p. 2631; 20 Mar 2018 p. 996.]

1C.Transferability of annual payments

(1)A vessel for which there has been paid an annual amount to the Department for short term use of a service wharf or jetty at one of the specified places in a Schedule, may use the service wharf or jetty for up to an hour in a day at any of the other specified places.

(2)A vessel for which there has been paid an amount to the Department for annual use of a pen, alongside berth or mooring at a specified place in a Schedule, may use the service wharf or jetty for up to an hour in a day at any of the other specified places.

[Clause 1C inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2991; amended in Gazette 20 Mar 2018 p. 996.]

1D.Service wharf or jetty entitlements

A vessel for which there has been paid an amount to the Department for use of a pen, alongside berth or mooring at a specified place in a Schedule may have access to the service wharf or jetty for up to an hour in a day for the duration of that stay at that specified place.

[Clause 1D inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2991.]

1E.Active loading and unloading

A fishing vessel for which there has been paid an amount in accordance with clause 1C or 1D may remain at a service wharf or jetty for longer than the one hour allowed under those items, if —

(a)the extra time is required to complete active loading and unloading operations; and

(b)the active loading and unloading operations are continuously in progress; and

(c)the vessel vacates the berth during that extra time to facilitate other requirements or avoid adverse effects on other harbour operations, when directed to do so by an officer.

[Clause 1E inserted in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1025.]

1F.Wyndham excluded

Clauses 1B, 1C, 1D and 1E do not apply to a vessel in the Port of Wyndham.

[Clause 1F inserted in Gazette 5 Apr 2016 p. 1025.]

Division 1 — Specific charges for Port of Perth jetties

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2992.]

1.Barrack Street and Mends Street jetties

(1)This clause applies to jetties at Barrack Street and Mends Street .

(2)The charges to be paid under regulation 72 for a permit to use a jetty are set out in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 (Jetty permits)


Service and charge


For a vessel for 12 months — the higher of $4 540.45 and the result of the following calculation —


•$63.50 per passenger calculated on the vessel’s passenger carrying capacity under its highest class of survey


•plus —


•for a vessel up to 35 m long, the higher of $8 172.00 and $454.00 per metre of the vessel’s length; or


•for a vessel 35 m long or over, $726.50 per metre of the vessel’s length


•minus — $6 356.00


Sullage charge for a vessel for which the item 1 charge has not been paid, per pump out — $90.80

[Clause 1 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2992; amended in Gazette 26 May 2017 p. 2631.]

2.Other jetties in Swan and Canning Rivers

(1)This clause applies to jetties in the Swan and Canning Rivers , other than at Barrack Street or Mends Street .

(2)The charges to be paid under regulation 72 for a permit to use a jetty are set out in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 (Jetty permits)





For short term use by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 2 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2992‑3.]

Division 2 — Charges for boat pens

[Heading inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2993.]

3.Fremantle, Challenger Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Challenger Boat Harbour at Fremantle.

(2)The charges to be paid under regulation 72 for a permit to use a boat pen are set out in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 (Pen permits)





For the use of a pen with a walkway, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use of a pen without a walkway, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or alongside berth by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2


[Clause 3 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2993; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1181; 26 May 2017 p. 2632.]

4. Hillarys Boat Harbour

(1)This clause applies to the Hillarys Boat Harbour .

(2)The charges to be paid under regulation 72 for a permit to use a jetty or boat pen are set out in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 (Jetty and pen permits)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a pen, an amount calculated per metre of the pen’s length using the annual rate of



For the use, other than casual daily use, of an alongside berth, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a pen or an alongside berth —



•by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1



•by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2



For the short term use of the service wharf or jetty by a vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 3


[Clause 4 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2994; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1181; 23 Dec 2016 p. 5914; 26 May 2017 p. 2632.]

5.Jervoise Bay

(1)This clause applies to the Jervoise Bay.

(2)The dues and charges to be paid under these regulations are set out in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 (Mooring use)





For the use, other than casual daily use, of a piled mooring, an amount calculated per metre of the vessel’s length using the annual rate of



For the casual daily use of a piled mooring by a commercial vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 1


For the casual daily use of a piled mooring by a recreational vessel, an amount calculated using standard Rate 2

[Clause 5 inserted in Gazette 22 Jul 2015 p. 2995; amended in Gazette 15 Apr 2016 p. 1181; 26 May 2017 p. 2632.]


Schedule 3  Forms

[Heading inserted in Gazette 24 Jun 2005 p. 2829.]

[Forms 1 and 2 deleted in Gazette 24 Nov 1972 p. 4491.]

Form 3

Western Australia

Department of Marine and Harbours 7

Jetties Act 1926


The Harbour Master or Officer in Charge,

.............................................. Slipway

Application is hereby made for the use of slipway for the purpose of slipping

............................................................................., the particulars of which are: —

Length overall .................................... ........................................... metres

Beam (extreme) ................................. ........................................... metres

Draught — Forward ........................... ........................................... metres

     — Aft ..................................... ........................................... metres

Deadweight ........................................ ........................................... tonnes

Gross tonnage .................................... ............................................... tons

Particulars of keel or any peculiarity in construction to be given here



Date slip required ....................... 20............... Time ............................. a.m./p.m.

Date launching required ............. 20............... Time ............................. a.m./p.m.

State work to be done when vessel is on slip .........................................................





I hereby agree that in the event of the use of the slip being granted, I shall accept and be bound by the conditions and scale of charges prescribed in the Jetties Regulations 1940 8.

Date ......................................................................................................

Master or Owner


The above vessel occupied the slip from ............................................ a.m./p.m.

on ........................ to .......................... a.m./p.m. on ..............................................

The charge payable is $ ......................................... Details are shown on Docket No. ....................................................................


Officer in Charge of Slip

[Form 3 inserted in Gazette 6 Jul 1984 p. 2029; amended in Gazette 25 Jul 2014 p. 2661.]

[Schedule 4 deleted in Gazette 22 Jun 2007 p. 2940.]




1This is a compilation of the Jetties Regulations 1940 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table. The table also contains information about any reprint.

Compilation table




Jetties Act Regulations 1940 9, 10

6 Sep 1940 p. 1622‑40

6 Sep 1940 (see direction preceding regulations in Gazette 6 Sep 1940 p. 1622)

Untitled regulations

1 Aug 1941 p. 1073

1 Aug 1941

Untitled regulations

5 Sep 1941 p. 1244

5 Sep 1941

Untitled regulations

21 Jan 1944 p. 26

21 Jan 1944

Untitled regulations

10 Mar 1944 p. 154

10 Mar 1944

Untitled regulations

20 Oct 1944 p. 893

20 Oct 1944

Untitled regulations

11 Jan 1946 p. 13

11 Jan 1946

Untitled regulations

3 Jan 1947
p. 7

3 Jan 1947

Untitled regulations

31 Jan 1947 p. 182

31 Jan 1947

Untitled regulations

23 May 1947 p. 885

23 May 1947

Untitled regulations

29 Oct 1948 p. 2579

29 Oct 1948

Untitled regulations

31 Dec 1948 p. 3114

31 Dec 1948

Untitled regulations

3 Nov 1950 p. 2461

3 Nov 1950

Untitled regulations

2 Mar 1951 p. 470

2 Mar 1951

Untitled regulations

28 Sep 1951 p. 2575

28 Sep 1951

Untitled regulations

2 Nov 1951 p. 3021

2 Nov 1951

Untitled regulations

2 May 1952 p. 1106

2 May 1952

Untitled regulations

30 May 1952 p. 1335

30 May 1952

Untitled regulations

5 Dec 1952 p. 2867

5 Dec 1952

Untitled regulations

22 May 1953 p. 987

22 May 1953

Untitled regulations

23 Jul 1954 p. 1291

23 Jul 1954

Untitled regulations

19 Jul 1956 p. 1781

19 Jul 1956

Untitled regulations

16 Apr 1957 p. 1127

16 Apr 1957

Untitled regulations

12 Jul 1957 p. 2269-78

12 Jul 1957

Untitled regulations

17 Mar 1960 p. 777-92

17 Mar 1960

Untitled regulations

28 Sep 1960 p. 2987-8

28 Sep 1960

Reprint of the Jetties Act Regulations 1940 authorised 21 Jul 1961 in Gazette 1 Aug 1961 p. 2323-68 (includes amendments listed above)

Untitled regulations

26 Oct 1962 p. 3482-3

26 Oct 1962

Untitled regulations

20 Dec 1962 p. 4054

20 Dec 1962

Untitled regulations

7 Feb 1963 p. 570

7 Feb 1963

Untitled regulations

16 Sep 1963 p. 2828-31

16 Sep 1963

Untitled regulations

23 Jun 1964 p. 2500

23 Jun 1964

Untitled regulations

11 Aug 1964 p. 2880

11 Aug 1964

Untitled regulations

9 Dec 1964 p. 3907

9 Dec 1964

Untitled regulations

8 Feb 1965 p. 467

8 Feb 1965

Untitled regulations

12 May 1965 p. 1464

12 May 1965

Untitled regulations

26 May 1965 p. 1614

26 May 1965

Untitled regulations

10 Jun 1965 p. 1726

10 Jun 1965

Untitled regulations

1 Sep 1965 p. 2590-6

1 Sep 1965

Decimal Currency Act 1965 assented to 21 Dec 1965

Act other than s. 4-9: 21 Dec 1965 (see s. 2(1));
s. 4-9: 14 Feb 1966 (see s. 2(2))

Untitled regulations

17 Mar 1966 p. 731

17 Mar 1966

Untitled regulations

14 Apr 1966 p. 918

14 Apr 1966

Untitled regulations

4 Jun 1968 p. 1684-93

4 Jun 1968

Untitled regulations

30 Dec 1968 p. 3949

30 Dec 1968

Untitled regulations

24 Nov 1972 p. 4486-91

24 Nov 1972

Untitled regulations

15 Jun 1973 p. 2237‑42 (erratum 13 Dec 1974 p. 5544)

1 Jul 1973

Untitled regulations

19 Oct 1973 p. 3818-19

19 Oct 1973

Untitled regulations

9 Nov 1973 p. 4192

9 Nov 1973

Reprint of the Jetties Act Regulations 1940 authorised 29 Nov 1974 in Gazette 10 Dec 1974 p. 5291-318 (includes amendments listed above)

Untitled regulations

22 Aug 1975 p. 3040-3

22 Aug 1975

Untitled regulations

20 Feb 1976 p. 484-7

20 Feb 1976

Untitled regulations

17 Sep 1976 p. 3463

17 Sep 1976

Untitled regulations

13 Jan 1978 p. 149-52

13 Feb 1978

Untitled regulations r. 6 and 7

31 Mar 1978 p. 989‑90

31 Mar 1978

Untitled regulations

1 Dec 1978 p. 4537-41

1 Jan 1979

Untitled regulations

13 Jul 1979 p. 1915-16

13 Aug 1979

Untitled regulations

2 Nov 1979 p. 3467

2 Nov 1979

Untitled regulations

20 Jun 1980 p. 1834-8

1 Jul 1980 (see r. 2)

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations 1980

28 Nov 1980 p. 4050

28 Nov 1980

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations 1981

6 Feb 1981 p. 555

6 Feb 1981

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 1981

26 Jun 1981 p. 2410-11

1 Jul 1981 (see r. 2)

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 1981

26 Jun 1981 p. 2413 (erratum 16 Oct 1981 p. 4337)

1 Jul 1981 (see r. 2)

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations (No. 4) 1981

14 Aug 1981 p. 3340

14 Aug 1981

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations 1982

9 Jul 1982 p. 2509-11

9 Jul 1982

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations 1983

5 Aug 1983 p. 2834-6

5 Aug 1983

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 1983

23 Sep 1983 p. 3817

1 Oct 1983 (see r. 2)

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 1983

25 Nov 1983 p. 4669-70

25 Nov 1983

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations 1984

6 Jul 1984 p. 2028-9

6 Jul 1984

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 1984

7 Sep 1984 p. 2859

7 Sep 1984

Jetties Act Amendment Regulations 1985

30 Aug 1985 p. 3077-9

2 Sep 1985 (see r. 3)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1986

8 Aug 1986 p. 2828-30

8 Aug 1986

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1987

16 Oct 1987 p. 3893-5

16 Oct 1987

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1988

14 Oct 1988 p. 4164-6

14 Oct 1988

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1989

19 May 1989 p. 1493-6

19 May 1989

Jetties Amendment Regulations
(No. 2) 1989

30 Jun 1989 p. 1917-20

1 Jul 1989 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1990

1 Aug 1990 p. 3633-40

1 Aug 1990 (see r. 2)

Reprint of the Jetties Act Regulations 1940 as at 29 Nov 1990 in Gazette 13 Dec 1990 p. 6069-116 (includes amendments listed above)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1991

26 Jul 1991 p. 3920‑4

1 Aug 1991 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1992

30 Jun 1992 p. 2892‑9

1 Jul 1992 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1993

7 May 1993 p. 2361

7 May 1993

Jetties Amendment Regulations
(No. 2) 1993

29 Jun 1993 p. 3191‑7

1 Jul 1993 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1994

14 Jun 1994 p. 2475‑82

1 Jul 1994 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1995

30 Jun 1995 p. 2698‑705

1 Jul 1995 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1996

25 Jun 1996 p. 2981‑91

1 Jul 1996 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1997

13 May 1997 p. 2349

13 May 1997

Jetties Amendment Regulations
(No. 2) 1997

27 Jun 1997 p. 3151‑64

1 Jul 1997 (see r. 2)

Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 1997 r. 2

6 Jan 1998 p. 33

6 Jan 1998

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1998

12 May 1998 p. 2775‑90

1 Jul 1998 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 1999

22 Jun 1999 p. 2678‑89

1 Jul 1999 (see r. 2)

Reprint of the Jetties Act Regulations 1940 as at 10 Dec 1999 (includes amendments listed above)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2000

20 Jun 2000 p. 3043‑60

1 Jul 2000 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2000

18 Aug 2000 p. 4790

18 Aug 2000

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2001

27 Jul 2001 p. 3813‑28

1 Aug 2001 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2002

14 Jun 2002 p. 2299-300

14 Jun 2002

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2002

14 Jun 2002 p. 2301‑18

1 Jul 2002 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2003

27 Jun 2003 p. 2502‑19

1 Jul 2003 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2004

25 Jun 2004 p. 2270‑87

1 Jul 2004 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 3 ) 2004

24 Aug 2004 p. 3658‑9

24 Aug 2004

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2004

30 Dec 2004 p. 6953

1 Jan 2005 (see r. 2 and Gazette 31 Dec 2004 p. 7130)

Reprint 5: The Jetties Regulations 1940 as at 15 Apr 2005 (includes amendments listed above)

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2005

24 Jun 2005 p. 2813-47

1 Jul 2005 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2006

23 Jun 2006 p. 2193‑204

1 Jul 2006 (see r. 2)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2007

22 Jun 2007 p. 2903‑40

r. 1 and 2: 22 Jun 2007 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2007 (see r. 2(b)(ii))

Reprint 6: The Jetties Regulations 1940 as at 9 Nov 2007 (includes amendments listed above)

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2007

7 Dec 2007 p. 5983-4

r. 1 and 2: 7 Dec 2007 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 8 Dec 2007 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2008

8 Feb 2008 p. 314-15

r. 1 and 2: 8 Feb 2008 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 9 Feb 2008 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2008

1 Jul 2008 p. 3140‑53

r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2008 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2008 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 7: The Jetties Regulations 1940 as at 13 Feb 2009 (includes amendments listed above)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2009

23 Jun 2009 p. 2490-1

r. 1 and 2: 23 Jun 2009 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 24 Jun 2009 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2009

31 Jul 2009 p. 3071-97

r. 1 and 2: 31 Jul 2009 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Aug 2009 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2010

16 Jul 2010 p. 3309-54

r. 1 and 2: 16 Jul 2010 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 17 Jul 2010 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2011

21 Jun 2011 p. 2265‑303

r. 1 and 2: 21 Jun 2011 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2011 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2012

13 Jul 2012 p. 3173‑214

r. 1 and 2: 13 Jul 2012 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 14 Jul 2012 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2012

23 Oct 2012 p. 5057

r. 1 and 2: 23 Oct 2012 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 24 Oct 2012 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2013

7 May 2013 p. 1918-23

r. 1 and 2: 7 May 2013 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 8 May 2013 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2013

28 Jun 2013 p. 2831‑85

r. 1 and 2: 28 Jun 2013 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2013 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 8: The Jetties Regulations 1940 as at 11 Oct 2013 (includes amendments listed above)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2014

7 Feb 2014 p. 287‑9

r. 1 and 2: 7 Feb 2014 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 8 Feb 2014 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2014 11

25 Jul 2014 p. 2607-61

r. 1 and 2: 25 Jul 2014 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Aug 2014 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 4) 2014

4 Nov 2014 p. 4204‑5

r. 1 and 2: 4 Nov 2014 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 5 Nov 2014 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2015

22 Jul 2015 p. 2951‑95

r. 1 and 2: 22 Jul 2015 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Aug 2015 (see r. 2(b))

Reprint 9: The Jetties Regulations 1940 as at 5 Feb 2016 (includes amendments listed above)

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2016

5 Apr 2016 p. 1022‑5

r. 1 and 2: 5 Apr 2016 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 6 Apr 2016 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2016

15 Apr 2016 p. 1172‑81

r. 1 and 2: 15 Apr 2016 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2:1 Jul 2016 (see r. 2(b))

Transport Regulations Amendment (Fees and Charges) Regulations (No. 3) 2016 Pt. 2

23 Dec 2016 p. 5913‑15

24 Dec 2016 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2017

26 May 2017 p. 2623‑32

r. 1 and 2: 26 May 2017 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 1 Jul 2017 (see r. 2(b))

Jetties Amendment Regulations 2018

20 Mar 2018 p. 994‑6

r. 1 and 2: 20 Mar 2018 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 21 Mar 2018 (see r. 2(b))

2The Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Code was repealed by the Credit (Commonwealth Powers) (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2010 Pt. 3 Div. 1.

3The Standards Association of Australia has changed its corporate status and its name. It is now Standards Australia International Limited (ACN 087 326 690). It also trades as Standards Australia.

4Under the Alteration of Statutory Designations Order (No. 2) 1997 a reference in any law to the department in the Public Service designated as “Police Department” is to be read and construed as a reference to the department designated as “Police Service”.

5Formerly referred to the Navigable Waters Regulations the citation of which was changed to the Navigable Waters Regulations 1958 by the Navigable Waters Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2005 r. 3. The reference was changed under the Reprints Act 1984 s. 7(3)(gb).

6Repealed by the Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act 1961, which was repealed by the Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004.

7Under the Marine and Harbours Act 1981 s. 20 a reference in a written law to the former Department of Marine and Harbours is, unless the contrary intention appears, to be read and construed as a reference to the department principally assisting the Minister in the administration of that Act. As at the date this compilation was prepared the department principally assisting the Minister in the administration of the Marine and Harbours Act 1981 is the Department of Transport.

8Formerly referred to the Jetties Act Regulations 1940 the citation of which was changed to the Jetties Regulations 1940 by the Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2004 r. 3. Reference changed under the Reprints Act 1984 s. 7(3)(gb).

9Now known as the Jetties Regulations 1940; citation changed (see note under r. 1).

10Regulation 10 disallowed on 19 Oct 1940.

11The Jetties Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2014 r. 17 is not included because of an error in the reference to the provision to be amended. It reads as follows:


17.Regulation 95A amended

In regulation 95A(1) delete “schedule of charges.” and insert:


the requirement to pay any applicable dues or charges prescribed in Schedule 1.




Defined terms


[This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.]

Defined termProvision(s)

berthing due6(1)

catamaran pen6(1)

commercial vessel3(1)



enhanced facilitiesSch. 1 cl. 26(1)

fishing vessel3(1)






public jetty3(1)

recreational vessel3(1)

service vesselSch. 1 cl. 12(2), 21(2) and 22(2)

short term3(2)

swing mooring fee3(1)

tourism vessel3(1)


