Gender Reassignment Amendment Act 2019


Gender Reassignment Amendment Act 2019


1.Short title2


3.Act amended2

4.Section 15 amended2


Gender Reassignment Amendment Act 2019

No. 1 of 2019

An Act to amend the Gender Reassignment Act 2000.

[Assented to 19 February 2019]

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:


1.Short title

This is the Gender Reassignment Amendment Act 2019.


This Act comes into operation as follows —

(a)sections 1 and 2 — on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent;

(b)the rest of the Act — on the 28th day after that day.

3.Act amended

This Act amends the Gender Reassignment Act 2000.

4.Section 15 amended

Delete section 15(3).



By Authority: KEVIN J. McRAE, Government Printer