Strata Titles Act 1985

Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Regulations 1985

These regulations were repealed by the Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Repeal Regulations 2004 r. 3 as at 1 Jan 2005 (see r. 2 and Gazette 30 Dec 2004 p. 6998)



Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Regulations 1985





4.Referee may remit any part of a fee1

5. Form of inquiry1

Schedule 1

Schedule 2


Compilation table5


Strata Titles Act 1985

Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Regulations 1985


These regulations may be cited as the Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Regulations 1985 1.


These regulations shall come into operation on the day on which the Strata Titles Act 1985 comes into operation 1.


The fees specified in the Schedule 1 shall be paid to the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs 2 in respect of the several matters specified therein.

[Regulation 3 amended in Gazette 2 Sep 1988 p. 3467.]

4.Referee may remit any part of a fee

A Strata Titles Referee may remit the whole or any part of a fee prescribed under these regulations if he is satisfied that by reason of the means of the applicant or appellant the applicant or appellant is unable to pay the fee.

5. Form of inquiry

The prescribed form for the purposes of an inquiry under section 120 of the Act is the form set out in Schedule 2.

[Regulation 5 inserted in Gazette 2 Sep 1988 p. 3467.]


Schedule 1

[Reg. 3]




1.On the lodging of an application for the making of an order by a Strata Titles Referee ......................................



2.On the lodging of a notice of appeal under section 105(1) ................................................................


3.On the lodging of an application for a copy of an order made by a Strata Titles Referee .....................................



4.On making an inquiry to a Strata Titles Referee under section 10 ........................................................................



5.Where a notice or other document is served other than by post the fees for service prescribed under the Local Court Rules 1961 apply.


[Schedule 1 inserted in Gazette 14 Aug 1992 p. 4015‑16.]

Schedule 2

[Reg. 5]


Strata Titles Act 1985

Section 120

To:The Strata Titles Referee




Name of strata company concerned: The owners of ..............................................

......................................................... strata plan .....................................................

Has an application been lodged with you for an order under the Strata Titles Act 1985 which is in any way connected with strata plan ...................................?

If so, please forward to me a copy of the application at ........................................


If an application has been lodged with you, has it been finally determined and an order made granting or refusing to grant the order sought?

If an order has been made, please forward to me a copy of the order and the reasons for your decision.



Signature of Applicant

[Schedule 2 inserted in Gazette 2 Sep 1988 p. 3467‑8.]



1This is a compilation of the Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Regulations 1985 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table.

Compilation table




Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Regulations 1985

21 Jun 1985 p. 2263

30 Jun 1985 (see r. 2 and Gazette 21 Jun 1985 p. 2188)

Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Amendment Regulations 1987

4 Sep 1987 p. 3519

4 Sep 1987

Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Amendment Regulations 1988

2 Sep 1988 p. 3467‑8

2 Sep 1988

Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Amendment Regulations 1989

30 Jun 1989 p. 1971

1 Jul 1989 (see r. 2)

Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Amendment Regulations 1990

1 Aug 1990 p. 3657

1 Aug 1990

Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Amendment Regulations 1991

13 Dec 1991 p. 6173

13 Dec 1991

Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Amendment Regulations 1992

14 Aug 1992 p. 4015‑16

14 Aug 1992

Reprint of the Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Regulations 1985 as at 8 June 2001 (includes amendments listed above)

These regulations were repealed by the Strata Titles (Resolution of Disputes) Repeal Regulations 2004 r. 3 as at 1 Jan 2005 (see r. 2 and Gazette 30 Dec 2004 p. 6998)

2Under the Consumer Affairs Act 1971 s. 4(3), references, however expressed, in any other Act or in any regulation, notice, proclamation, or statutory instrument of any kind made, published or in force under that or any other Act to the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs are, unless the context requires otherwise, read and construed as references to the Commissioner for Fair Trading as defined by the Consumer Affairs Act 1971.