Water Agencies (Infringements) Regulations 1994


Water Agencies (Infringements) Regulations 1994




3.Prescribed offences1

4.Modified penalty1

5.Prescribed, authorised and designated persons (s. 103)2


7.Offence of unauthorised alteration of infringement notices3



Compilation table9


Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984

Water Agencies (Infringements) Regulations 1994


These regulations may be cited as the Water Agencies (Infringements) Regulations 1994 1.

[Regulation 1 amended in Gazette 29 Dec 1995 p. 6301.]


These regulations come into operation on 1 November 1994.

3.Prescribed offences

The offence under by‑law 4 of the Water Agencies (Water Use) By‑laws 2007 is prescribed as an offence that may be dealt with under section 103 of the Act.

[Regulation 3 inserted in Gazette 29 Sep 1998 p. 5407; amended in Gazette 28 Sep 2007 p. 4934.]

4.Modified penalty

The amount prescribed to apply in respect of each of the offences referred to in regulation 3, if it is dealt with under section 103 of the Act, is $100.

[Regulation 4 amended in Gazette 17 Feb 1998 p. 923; 29 Oct 1999 p. 5403.]

5.Prescribed, authorised and designated persons (s. 103)

(1)For the purposes of section 103 of the Act and this regulation, a prescribed person is a person holding or acting in the office of the Corporation known as —

(a)General Manager, Customer Services Division;

(b)Regional Business Manager, Perth Region;

(c)Regional Business Manager, North West Region;

(d)Regional Business Manager, Mid West Region;

(e)Regional Business Manager, Goldfields Region;

(f)Regional Business Manager, South West Region;

(g)Regional Business Manager, Great Southern Region;

(h)Regional Business Manager, Agricultural Region;

(i)Manager, Customer Centre; or

(j)Manager, Metering Services.

(2)For the purposes of section 103 of the Act, an authorised person is a person authorised by a prescribed person to give an infringement notice in respect of an alleged offence under by‑law 4 of the Water Agencies (Water Use) By‑laws 2007.

(3)For the purposes of section 103 of the Act, a designated person is the person holding or acting in the office of the Corporation known as Manager, Receivables and Business Support.

[Regulation 5 inserted in Gazette 23 Oct 2001 p. 5638‑9; amended in Gazette 24 Feb 2006 p. 889; 28 Sep 2007 p. 4934.]


The forms set out in the Schedule are prescribed for the respective purposes for which forms are required by section 103(2), (6) and (11) of the Act.

7.Offence of unauthorised alteration of infringement notices

A person who, not being an authorised person, makes any alteration to an infringement notice commits an offence.

Penalty: $200.



[Regulation 5]

Form 1



Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984

(section 103(2))No. .............................

Date ......../........./........


Surname** (Block letters)Other names (in full)

Address ..................................................................................................................

Number and street


Town or suburbPostcode

It is alleged that at .......................... hours on ............................... the ..................

day of .............................. 20....... at ......................................................................

you committed the offence of using water supplied by the Corporation in contravention of the stage of restrictions applicable under the Water Agencies (Water Use) By‑laws 2007, contrary to by‑law 4.


Authorised person

**For a body corporate, set out the body’s name and (if known) ACN, ABN or other registration number

You may dispose of this matter either — 

(a)by payment of the modified penalty of …… within 21 days of the date of this notice;


(b)by having it dealt with by a court.

If the modified penalty is not paid within the time specified, court proceedings may be taken against you.

If you are convicted you will be liable to a maximum penalty of $500.

[Payment details to be included with this form]

[Form 1 amended in Gazette 24 Feb 2006 p. 889-90; 28 Sep 2007 p. 4935.]

Form 2



Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984

(section 103(6))No. .............................

Date ......../........./........


Surname** (Block letters)Other names (in full)

Address ..................................................................................................................

Number and street


Town or suburbPostcode

Infringement Notice No. Date ......../........./........

for the alleged offence of using water supplied by the Corporation in contravention of the stage of restrictions applicable under the Water Agencies (Water Use) By‑laws 2007, contrary to by‑law 4, on —

............................... at .............................................................................................

specifying the modified penalty of …… is withdrawn.

*No further action will be taken.

*It is proposed to institute court proceedings for the alleged offence.


* General Manager, Customer Services Division

* Regional Manager, .............................Region

* Manager, ........................................................

*Delete that which is not applicable

**For a body corporate, set out the body’s name and (if known) ACN, ABN or other registration number

[Form 2 amended in Gazette 24 Feb 2006 p. 890; 28 Sep 2007 p. 4935.]

Form 3

Water Corporation

Certificate of Authorised Person

Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984

(section 103(11))


Water Corporation









Employee No.



Certificate of Authorised Person

This is to certify that the person identified on the front of this certificate is authorised, in accordance with section 103 of the Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984, to give infringement notices in respect of alleged offences under by‑law 4 of the Water Agencies (Water Use) By‑laws 2007.


[Form 3 amended in Gazette 28 Sep 2007 p. 4935.]

[Schedule amended in Gazette 29 Dec 1995 p. 6301‑2; 17 Feb 1998 p. 923-4; 29 Sep 1998 p. 5407; 29 Oct 1999 p. 5403; 23 Oct 2001 p. 5639; 28 Sep 2007 p. 4935.]



1This is a compilation of the Water Agencies (Infringements) Regulations 1994 and includes the amendments made by the other written laws referred to in the following table. The table also contains information about any reprint.

Compilation table




Water Authority (Infringements) Regulations 1994 2

28 Oct 1994 p. 5553‑6

1 Nov 1994 (see r. 2)

Water Agencies (Amendment and Repeal) Regulations 1995 Pt. 8

29 Dec 1995 p. 6301‑2

1 Jan 1996 (see r. 2 and Gazette 29 Dec 1995 p. 6291)

Water Agencies (Infringements) Amendment Regulations 1998

17 Feb 1998 p. 922‑4

17 Feb 1998

Water Agencies (Infringements) Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 1998

29 Sep 1998 p. 5406‑7

29 Sep 1998 (see r. 2)

Water Agencies (Infringements) Amendment Regulations 1999

29 Oct 1999 p. 5402‑3

29 Oct 1999 (see r. 2)

Water Agencies (Infringements) Amendment Regulations 2001

23 Oct 2001 p. 5638‑9

23 Oct 2001

Reprint of the Water Authority (Infringements) Regulations 1994 as at 16 Aug 2002
(includes amendments listed above)

Water Agencies (Infringements) Amendment Regulations 2006

24 Feb 2006 p. 889-90

24 Feb 2006

Water Agencies (Infringements) Amendment Regulations 2007

28 Sep 2007 p. 4934‑5

r. 1 and 2: 28 Sep 2007 (see r. 2(a));
Regulations other than r. 1 and 2: 29 Sep 2007 (see r. 2(b))

2Now known as the Water Agencies (Infringements) Regulations 1994; citation changed (see note under r. 1).