Guildford Cemeteries Act 1936


Guildford Cemeteries Act 1936


1.Short title1

2.Lands revested in His Majesty1

3.Land revested to be reserved as a cemetery2

4.Original owners of lands relieved of responsibility2

5.Preservation of existing burial rights2




Guildford Cemeteries Act 1936

An Act to revest certain Lands in His Majesty and for other purposes relative thereto.


Whereas the lands described in the first and second columns of the Schedule hereto are vested in the religious bodies or trustees set out in the third column of the said Schedule and are held and used as burial grounds but not as a public cemetery under and within the meaning of the Cemeteries Act 1897: And whereas it is deemed desirable and expedient that the said lands should become and be used as a public cemetery under the said Act in conjunction with reserve adjoining the said lands and now a public cemetery under the said Act:

Be it therefore enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: — 

1.Short title

This Act may be cited as the Guildford Cemeteries Act 1936.

2.Lands revested in His Majesty

Subject to section five, and from and after the commencement of this Act, all rights of property which may have at any time been vested by, Statute or otherwise howsoever in the persons or corporations mentioned in the third column of the Schedule to this Act, or in any other person or corporation whatsoever in any part of the lands described in the first and second columns of the said Schedule, shall absolutely cease and determine, and all and singular the said lands and all the right and title thereto, either in law or in equity, shall be and the same are hereby vested in His Majesty, freed and released from all and every trusts or trust affecting the same.

3.Land revested to be reserved as a cemetery

The said lands revested in His Majesty by section two of this Act shall forthwith be reserved as a site for a cemetery, and in conjunction with reserve adjoining the same shall forthwith be proclaimed as a public cemetery, under and in accordance with the provisions of the Cemeteries Act 1897; and, when so reserved and proclaimed as aforesaid, the said lands shall be vested in or placed under the control of trustees appointed under the provisions of the said Cemeteries Act 1897, as the Governor may think fit, for the purposes of a public cemetery.

4.Original owners of lands relieved of responsibility

When the said lands revested in His Majesty by section two of this Act have been reserved and proclaimed as a public cemetery as provided for in section three of this Act, the persons and corporations mentioned in the third column of the Schedule to this Act and all other persons or corporations having prior to the commencement of this Act any duty, obligation, or responsibility in relation to the management, conduct, or control of the said lands or any part thereof as a burial ground, shall be freed and relieved from every such duty, obligation, and responsibility.

5.Preservation of existing burial rights

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in section two of this Act, every person holding at the commencement of this Act by virtue of any instrument of lease, license, or other title then subsisting and in force any right of burial in respect of any area or piece of any of the said lands as specified in such instrument, shall, after the commencement of this Act, continue to hold and enjoy the benefit of such right of burial according to the tenor of the instrument aforesaid by which such right is conferred in respect of the area or piece of land specified in such instrument and forming part of the public cemetery proclaimed as provided for in section three of this Act; and the trustees of such public, cemetery shall be bound by and observe all the provisions and conditions of such instrument in all respects and to the same extent as if such instrument had originally been executed, and the right of burial granted thereby had originally been given to the holder thereof by such trustees.




Instrument of Title


Swan Location 1284

Certificate of Title vol. 34, folio 110

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Perth.

Swan Location 1286

Certificate of Title vol. 33, folio 318

The Diocesan
Trustees of the Church of the Church of England.

Swan Location 1293

Certificate of Title vol. 35, folio 206

James Young Simpson,
superintendent, Wesleyan Minister; George Shenton, merchant; Richard Watson Hardey, gentlemen, all of Perth; John Henry Monger, merchant, of York, and Charles Crowther, merchant, of Geraldton, as Trustees for the Wesleyan Methodist Church.

Swan Location 1368

Certificate of Title vol. 216, folio 94

The Salvation Army (Western Australia) Property Trust.



1.This is a compilation of the Guildford Cemeteries Act 1936 and includes all amendments effected by the other Acts referred to in the following Table.

Table of Acts


Number and Year




Guildford Cemeteries Act 1936

19 of 1936

11 December 1936

11 December 1936