The Government of Western Australia

Acts in force

Current and historical consolidated versions of all Acts in force in Western Australia.
Consolidated versions incorporate all amendments to the Acts.
Provisions not yet in force: see below.

This collection:
  • Acts currently in force in Western Australia
  • Imperial enactments that are part of the law of Western Australia because the enactment, or the Act under which the enactment is made, is adopted by a Western Australian Act

(includes previous versions (where available)).

Does not contain
  • Acts enacted by other Parliaments (such as federal legislation) that may be applicable in Western Australia
  • Treasury Acts, i.e. Appropriation Acts, Loan Acts, Supply Acts, Treasurer's Advance Authorisation Acts
  • Reserves Acts, Road Closure Acts and some Railway Acts
  • Imperial enactments that are part of the law of Western Australia but that have not been adopted by a Western Australian Act. See WA Law Reform Commission Report 75.

Changes to this collection are consolidated within 2 working days of commencement of the amending provision/s.

Provisions not yet in force

Principal legislation with uncommenced provisions

In the case of principal legislation, an “Uncommenced provisions table” is included that lists the uncommenced provisions and where they can be viewed.

Principal legislation with uncommenced amendments

In the case of principal legislation where amendments have yet to commence, an “Uncommenced provisions table” is included that lists the uncommenced amendments.